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关于沈星的诗歌(中英文):有位英雄名叫沈星  There is a hero named Shen Xing

有位军人的名字叫沈星,               There is a soldier named Shen Xing.

他的光辉与日月同行。                 His glorious image is shinning with the sun and the moon.

他谱写了一首青春之歌,               He wrote a song of youth.

完成的代价是用他年轻的生命。         it was finished with his young life.

青州城艳阳高照,                     The golden sun is high in the sky in Qingzhou city,

可全城泪雨不停。                     but continually people’ tears are running.

青州城那条南阳河犹在,               Nanyang river is still there in Qingzhou,

却永远看不到了这位军人的身影。       but people never see the figure of this soldier.


有位英雄的名字叫沈星,               There is a hero named Shen Xing.

他的义举感动着青州百姓。             His act has moved Qingzhou people.

他用双手从水中托出了一条鲜活的生命, He saved a fresh life out of the water with his hands

但他却用自己诠释了生命的意义。       but he explained the meaning of life by himself.

二炮失去了一个好士兵,               It lost a good soldier in his army.

沈星的妈妈失去了一个好儿子。         His mother lost a good son.

五月的天飘飞着雪花,                 It is snowing in the sky in May.

青州城的人民在为这位英雄送行。       Qingzhou people are seeing this hero off.


灵车载着英雄缓缓的地行驶,           The hearse is driving slowly carrying the hero.

党旗下的沈星已经永远目冥。           Shen Xing sleeps forever under the party flag.

妈妈,妻子,战友,还有全城百姓,     his mother,wife,comrade-in-arms and people in Qingzhou

他们呼唤着英雄的名字——沈星。       are calling the hero’s name.



  • 上一篇范文: 学习沈星心得体会
  • 下一篇范文: 关于沈星英雄救人的事迹

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