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英语教案-In the library

>  2.简要叙述课文内容。
Step 5 Homework
  1.Retell the story: the lost book.
  2. Do Workbook Lesson 2, Ex 2、3


Activity about books
Teacher asks students to look for some famous books in the library, such as: Oliver Twist, the
Red and the Black, the Tales of Two City and so on. Finish these items:
First, teacher asks the students to give a talk about how to find the book and some
information about the book he looked for.
Second, ask the students to write a borrowers card about the book.

Make an investigation report
Ask students to interview one of your school librarians. Fill in the form on page 4 in
students book. Then make a report with the help of the form.

或以Book is my friend(必须谈谈书对你学习的帮助。)为题写一篇短文。

教师可以让学生仿照课文The Lost Book写一个剧本,让四个学生来表演,分别扮演:Miss Yang, a boy, Han Meimei, Lucy。参考对话如下:
(Miss Yang is working at her desk in the library. A boy comes into the library.)
Boy: Excuse me, have you got any books about the moon and the stars?
Miss Yang: Yes, they’re on that shelf over there.
(Now Han Meimei comes in)
Han Meimei: Excuse me, Miss Yang, I’m very sorry. I borrowed a book from the library two weeks ago. But I can’t find it. I think I’ve lost it.
Miss Yang: Are you sure you’ve lost it?
Han Meimei: Yes, I’ve looked for it everywhere. I’ve looked round the whole school. I can’t find it anywhere.
Miss Yang: What was the name of the book?
Han Meimei: Red Star over China.
Miss Yang: What a pity! I’m afraid that if you’ve lost it, you must pay for it.
(At the moment Lucy comes into the library)
Lucy: Excuse me, Miss Yang. I’ve just found this library book.
Han Meimei: that’s mine!
Miss Yang: No, it isn’t yours! It’s the library’s. Please be more careful from now on!
Han Meimei: Yes, Miss Yang. I’m very sorry. Usually I’m very careful. I have never lost a book before. It won’t happen again.
Miss Yang: OK! Let’s forget the whole thing.
Han Meimei: Thank you


  1.学习现在完成时态的构成以及与现在的关系和对时间状语的要求,以及现在完成时 的陈述句形式和疑问句形式及其简略答语是本单元的教学重点。要求学生能初步运用现在完 成时态谈论一些过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,掌握过去分词的构成。
  2.能够熟练运用本单元有关“借物、寻物”的交际用语,正确运用Have you got…? 和Do you have…?及其简略答语。
  3.掌握本单元的单词和短语,特别是used to,pay for,think of等用法。
  4.利用阅读课文来培养学生的阅读理解能力和根据上下文判断生词词义的能力,并逐 步提高对学生阅读速度的要求。



  本单元主要教学现在完成时态,围绕“The lost book”开展教学活动。学习了有关“借物和寻物”的交际用语以及到图书馆借阅图书及相关事项,着重使用了“Have you got…”这种句式,通过对话,教学了现在完成时态的用法和构成,重点分析过去某个动作对现在造成的影响或结果。学习了过去分词的构成和动词加一ed后的读音,if引导的从句中时态的使用,同时还学习了一些同义词、近义词的用法与区别。

ago 与before                                                          

  ago与before 是两个表示“以前”的概念的单词。在用法上,它们的区别是较大的。


  Your friend was here a week ago, wasnt he? Of course he was.



  I never met him before. Hes new to me.

  下面以three years ago和three years before为例来进行比较。three years ago用于过去时态,

表示从今天算起的“三年以前”;而three year before用于过去完成时态,表示从三年以前算


  A. I met him three years ago. Weve been friends for 3 years.

  B. I had met him three years before. I met you in 1992.


  2) 另外before与ago单纯在形式上的区别是before可以单独使用,ago必须与别的表示时间的词连用。例如:

  I have read it before. It is a very good novel.

  I read it 3 years ago. But I cant remember everything about it.

例  Have you found the book? Yes, I _____it five minutes_______.

  A. have found, before      B. found, before

  C. has found, ago          D. found, ago

  解析 ago表示从现在算起的多少时间以前,用于一般过去式的句子中,before则表示从过去看的某时间以前或泛指以前,常见于完成时态。从本句的答语“我5分钟前找到的”中,可以判断是从现在算起的五分钟前,故选D。


  (1)fill v.把……填满,常与with连用。如:

  Please fill the bags with rice. Weve got to take them to the poor family in the village.

  fill也可以表示状态。相当与 be filled with。如:

   Smoke filled the room. = The room was filled with smoke.房间里浓烟弥漫。

  (2)fill in填入、填写、塞满,如:

  –Please fill in your telephone number and your name.

  –OK, But may I borrow your pen?

  –What shall I

《英语教案-In the library(第5页)》

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