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Planting trees

tance of planting trees.

Language Focus:

   keep … from doing something, stop … from doing something, the more, the better.

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Showing the teaching aims

 II. Revision

  1. Check the students’ homework. Ask some students to tell how to plant a tree.

  2. Let the students use “should” and “must” to make sentences.

 III. Leading in

  Ask the students to look at the pictures and tell the students that it’s about the Great Wall, There are many trees - forest just like a wall to protect something. Ask: Do you know why the Great Green Wall was built? Give the students a few minutes to discuss. Then collect their information. Then say : Your opinions are very good. Some are right, but they are not enough or exact. Shall we find the answer from the text?

  Get the students to read it quickly, and see who can find the answer first.

 IV. Reading

  Open the wordbook, Look at Exercise I and ask the students to remember the questions in their mind. Then read the passage again, but more carefully. Do Exercise I individually first, then work in pairs, at last check the answers with the whole class.

 V. Practice

  Listen to the tape, pay attention to the stress and intonation. Listen again and read the passage after the tape sentence by sentence, then let the students practise reading by themselves. While they are reading, the teacher may ask some questions.

 VI. Teaching Language Focus

  Let the students grasp the following phrases and notes.

  1. stop… from doing something

  She stopped me from telling the secret to her parents.

  We must stop him from doing such a thing.

  2. among the young tree

  “Among” is used for more than two; “Between” is used for two .

  3. The more, the better

  4. Point to, Point at

 VII. Background Knowledge

  T: Sanbei shelter- forest(三北防护林) is known as China’s “Great Green Wall”. It is a “Great Green Wall” of trees, millions of trees. China has a built a new Great Green Wall across the northern part, including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin. The Great Green Wall also covers some of the Northwest (Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Shanxi) and the western part of the Northwest (Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang). It includes altogether 13 provinces, cities and autonomous regions(自治区) . Its total area is 4 069 000. Wall will take 73 years ( 1978 - 2050) . The Great Green Wall has already saved a lot of land by stopping the wind from blowing the earth away and the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. But more “Great Green Walls” are still needed and not only in China. They must be built all over the world.

 VIII. Workbook

  Do Exercise 2 in class. “The answers are: 1. prevent 2. desert 3. towards 4. farmland 5. among 6. direct 7. flood

  Do Exercise 3 in class. The answers are: built, across, long, wide, from, sand, towards, farmland.

 IX. Consolidation

  Get the students to ask and answer questions according to the text. Let them really

  understand the passage, then ask them to retell it.

 X. Summary

Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks with the right form.

  1. China has built a new Great Green Wall across the ___________ part of the country. ( north)

  2. It’ a “Great Green Wall of trees”,__________( thousand) of trees.

  3. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from___________(blow) the south .

  4. The more, the___________(better) .

  5. We grow our own food, too. ___________to the Great Green Wall. ( thank)

 XI. Homework

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.
Lesson 43

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

Teaching aims:

  1. Measurement.

  2. The Passive Voice

  3. With modal auxiliaries ( can, may, must. . . . )

Language Focus:

  Learn how to use measurement and the Passive Voice with modal auxiliaries

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Showing the teaching aims

 II. Revision

  Check the students’ retelling.

 III. Leading in

  Let the students look at the following sentences. Pay more attention to the underlined words.

  1. Peter is one metre seventy tall.

  2. The room is ten metres long.

  3. The window is 3 metres wide.

  4. The hill is 50 metres high.

  5. The well is 4 metres deep.

  Ask the students to tell the structure. Point out the position of the adjective at the end of the sentence again.

 IV. Practice

  Do Exercise 1 in the students' books. Read through the phrases in the boxes, and

《Planting trees(第6页)》

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  • 下一篇范文: 上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision

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