A man who never gave up
提示: 一天,爱迪生的母亲病了,她需要立刻手术。但是,房间里的灯光太弱了……
1. one day, Edison’s mother, ill, need an operation,
2. put, all the lights, on a long table, and a big mirror, behind
3. now, there be, enough, doctor, can , operate,
4. at last, be saved,
One day Edison’s mother was ill and she needed an operation at once. Because it was very dark in the room, he put all the lights on the table and a big mirror behind. Now there was enough light and the doctor could operate. At last his mother was saved.
Inventors and Inventions Theme Page
This “Theme Page”has links to two types of resources related to the study of inventors and inventions. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) that will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.
《A man who never gave up(第6页)》