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damaged houses被破坏的房屋。 injured people受伤的人;

注意:fallen trees与falling trees的区别:


Lesson 43

1. But it will be more than 100 years before the country begins once again to look as it did before. 但是要过100多年以后,这个国家才能恢复到以前的样子。

分析:1)这是一个主从复合句。主句是it will be more than 100 years, 其中it指代“时间”。before the country ... to look ...是时间状语从句,这个before是连词。as it did before是一个方式状语从句,其中as是连词,作“同……一样”解。这个it指代the country,谓语动词did代替looked,以避免重复,这个从句中的before是副词,作“以前”解。

2)before 作连词用时,多译作“在……之前”。

Please remove your shoes before you enter the laboratory.进实验之前请先脱鞋。


He finished writing his composition before he went to play football. 他写完了作文才去踢足球。

3)once again/more作“再一次”、“重新”解。

Try it once again. 再试一次。

2. Surprisingly, the weather report on the evening before the storm said there would be strong winds, but not a hurricane. 令人惊奇的是,风暴发生之前的那个晚上,天气预报说,将有强风,而没有飓风。

分析:1)这是一个复合句。主句是the weather report ... said ..., 后跟宾语从句there would be strong winds …。but not a hurricane 是but there would not be a hurricane 的省略。

2)表示“在晚上”用in the evening。表示在某个特定的晚上时,要用介词on,如:

on Monday evening(在星期一的晚上),on the evening of December 12 (在12月12日的晚上),on the evening before the storm (在风暴发生前一天的那个晚上)。


  过去分词作宾语补足语的用法,它主要用在“主语+have / get / find/ …+宾语+过去分词”的句型中。现在分别说明三种不同的含义。

1.  have sth. done结构



I had my tap repaired. 我请人修好了水龙头。


She had her house damaged in the storm. 她的房屋在风暴中遭到了破坏。


She told me she had had her house repaired. 她告诉我,她的房屋修好了。(“她”可能参加了修建工作,也可能没参加。)

注意:不要把have sth. done同have done sth. 混淆起来。后者现在完成时的结构,have 是助动词,本身无词义;而前者中的have是使役动词,本身有词义。试比较:

He had his watch repaired. 他请人把手表修好了。(别人修)

Ha has repaired his watch. 他已经修好了手表。(自己修)

下面一些例句,可让学生领会have sth. done的含义:

  a. She's so ill. You ought to have her examined.

  b. Her father had a new house built.

  c. When did you have the rooms painted?

  d. He had his face and hands burned in the fire.

  e. The king had his head cut off.

  f. I thought you had had everything well prepared.

2.get sth. done结构


We got our water heater repaired last week. 上周我们(请人)把热水器修理了一下。

3.find sth. done结构


  I found all the windows broken. 我发现窗户都(被打)破了。


1.he was disappointed to find his suggestions________.

  A. been turned down  B. turned down

  C. to be turned down  D. to turn down

2.---Good morning. Can I help you?

 ---I’d like to have this package ______, Madam.

  A. be weighed  B. to be weighed  C. to weigh  D. weighed

3.The murderer was brought in with his hands ______behind his back.

  A. being tied  B. having tied  C. to be tied  D. tied

4.It is wise to have some money ______for old age.

  A. put away  B. keep up

  C. given away  D. laid up

Answers: BDDALesson 41教学设计方案

Teaching Aims

  Practise the dialogue and study the language points.


  1. Check the homework exercises.

  2. Revise expressions about the weather. Ask the students for as many expressions as possible,

For example: It's windy. It is cloudy. It is terribly cold. It is minus 10 degrees.


Look at Page 61. Talk about the picture.

What is happening? What are they talking about? And who are they?

Step Ⅲ Listening

1. Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue.

2. Practise the dialogue by asking four students come to the front of the classroom. One is mother, one is father, one is Jane and the one is Pippa.

3.Fill in the blanks

  One day Jane and Pippa were enjoying themselves walking in the hills. They couldn't ______across a river because the bridge had been ______away by the floods. ______they had to find another way_____. When they were to climb over some rocks, it suddenly started to ______and the wind _____80 hard. Luckily, they could see______ they were going. It took them along time to climb _____ the rocks. Then they across some very wet ground, and got ______ , with their clothes wet and ___. Their parents had been waiting for them. They wondered what was to their daughters. When they heard a_____ on the radio that a hurricane was ______to come, they were feeling very ______. Fortunately, the two girls managed to get home and their ______ finally felt relaxed (放松的) .


go / get   washed   So back rain   blew   where   over   walked   home   dirty happening   warning   likely   worried   parents                     

Step Ⅳ Reading

  Let the students read the dialogue quickly and try to know the general idea by answering questions.

  1. Why were Jane and Pipa late?

  2. Why were Jane and Pipa’s parents wearied?

Answers:1.Because the bridge had been washed away by the floods.

  2.Because it was late, and a hurricane was likely to come.

Step Ⅴ Language Points

1. There you are!


  • 上一篇范文: 英语教案-No smoking, please!Lesson 8
  • 下一篇范文: Charlie Chaplin

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