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  The modem agriculture and industry are going ahead rapidly. 现代工农业正在迅猛发展。

2.They’re said to be very good.据说他们都很不错。

  不定式“to be very good作主语补足语,说明主语的情况。全句相当于It is said that they are very good 或 People say (that) they are very good。


  (1) It is said that he is translating the book into English. = He is said to be translating the book into English.

  (2) It is said that he has translated the book into English. = He is said to have translated the book into English.

3.Cover the events 采访这些事件。

  cove vt.1)对……进行新闻采访

  All the reporters want to cover the important events as soon as possible.所有的记者都想尽快地对这些重大事件进行采访。


  You can put out the fire by covering it with a wet quilt.用一条湿棉被把火盖住,就可以把火扑灭。


  By sunset, we had covered thirty miles. 日落的时候,我已走了三十英里。

4.…fix a time for a face- to- face interview with them. 约定时间同他们进行面对面的采访。

  1)fix v.

  A. agree on; arrange 约定;安排;商定

  We’ve fixed the date for the meeting.我们以约定了会议的日期。


  She is fixing a shelf to the wall.她正把一个架子固定在墙上。

  fix ones eyes on:用(眼睛等)盯住

  fix one’s attention on 把(注意力)集中在……

  He stood there, his attention fixed on the notice on the wall.他站在那儿,集中注意力在看墙上的布告。



    face-to-face argument面对面的争论  类似的短语:

    heart-to-heart;交心的   hand-to-hand短兵相接的


    face to face with sth. /sb.面对面看……(作状语);类似的短语:

    shoulder to shoulder;heart to heart;hand in hand; arm in arm

5.They go to the newspapers own library to look up any information that they need.他们到报社自己的图书馆去查阅他们需要的资料。

  (1)that they  need定语从句,修饰先行词information。关系代词只用that而不用which,因为当先行词之前有不定代词all,any,every,no,some等修饰时或先行词本身就是不定代词(如anything,something,nothing,all等)时,其后的定语从句常用关系代词引导。如果that在定语从句中作宾语,that可以省略。

  Have you got any book that interests you much? 你有没有使你感兴趣的书?

  2)look up


  If there are words you dont understand, look them up in the dictionary.如果有不认识的词,就查字典。

注意:“查字典”应为look sth up in the dictionary而不能说look up the dictionary.


  Dont forget to look me up when you come to Beijing.到了北京别忘了来看我。

6.work at, work on的区别

   work on sth.中sth.是work的具体对象,work at sth.中sth.只说明所从事工作的性质(即时间、精力用在某一方面的事情上),而不在于说明正在做什么。如:

   When the boy saw the soldiers, he stopped working on the branch, stood up, and took off his cap. 小男孩看到了这些士兵,便停止了削树枝,站了起来,取下帽子。(树枝是具体的对象)

   work on还表示“继续工作”“努力影响或努力说服”。

   Can you work on him to make him change his mind? 你能努力说服他改变主意吗?

7.Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one. 记者不得不放下手头正在写的报道,立即着手写新发生的重要事件。

  1)      stop working停止工作;stop doing sth. 停止干; stop to do sth.停下手头的事去干别的事

  A. Now, stop talking. Class begins.不要讲话了,开始上课。

  B. Its time for class. Please stop to listen to the teacher.上课了,请停止讲话,听老师讲课。

  2)start working开始工作



  The ice began/started to melt.冰开始化了。


  Im beginning/starting to cook the dinner.我正要做饭。

  C.其后的动词是情感动词或是与智力相关的动词如understand; realize; wonder; forget, remember; know; like; love等时也应用不定式形式。如:

  I’m began to understand what he had done that for.我开始明白了他原来为什么做那件事。

  After two years of practice, she started to realize that she had much to learn.通过两年的实践,她开始认识到她还有许多东西要学。

8.People want to buy the latest newspaper.人们要买最新的报纸。

  l)句中的the latest意为“最新的,最近的”应和the连用,不可理解为late的最高级。如:

  the latest news最新消息    the latest model最新型号

  Have you read the latest novel?It is much better than his last one.你有没有看过他最新出版的小说,比他上一本好多了。


  her late husband她已故的丈夫  the late president 已故的总统  the late government 上一届政府


  Ive not been feeling very well lately.我最近身体欠佳。

  Where have you been lately? 你最近去过哪里?

9.It clears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week.它每周星期一到星期六出版,星期天出商业周刊。


  a Sunday edition星期天版   a popular edition 普及版      

  an airmail edition 航空版   an overseas edition 海外版


  daily日报    monthly 月刊,月报   bimonthly 双月刊  quarterly 季刊  yearly 年刊weekly;monthly;daily;bimonthly;quarterly;yearly等,也可用作形容词和副词。a weekly TV talk 每周的电视讲话

  Are you paid weekly or monthly? 你是拿月薪还是拿周薪?

10.I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.我还能观察到日常生活中使用的英语。

l)在everyday life中everyday为形容词,意为“日常的”。又如:

  everyday work日常工作   everyday English 日常英语

  every day的分开写为名词性短语,可作状语用。如:

  We should be in touch with English every day.我们应该天天接触英语。

2)as well, also, too


  I can see how English is used in everyday life.或在原句中将as well改成too

  I can see how English is used in everyday life, too.

  B.as well作also,too解时,常常放在句末。(和一样)而常放在句子中间。又如:

  I’m going to London and my sister’s coming as well.

  I’m going to London and my sister’s coming, too.

  I’m going to London and my sister is also coming.


  C.as well有时和may/ might(just)连用时,构成:


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