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  may/might (just) as well,意为“不妨;还是……的好”。如:

  You may just as well tell me the truth.你还是对我说实话的好。

  I might as well go.我最好还是去。





  但是表语是no use, no good, useless, better, a waste of time, nice, fun等时,应将动名词放至句尾,用it作形式主语。如:

  It is no good wasting money. It’s no use working day and night.



  finish, enjoy, suggest, avoid, mind, consider, practise, miss, dislike, risk, delay, escape, imagine, appreciate, can’t help, keep on, put off, give up, look forward to, get down to等。

  如:He suggested practicing speaking English every day. Would you mind me not closing the door?


  like, love, hate, begin, start, prefer, plan, continue等。

  如:I love reading. I love to read this novel this evening.



教学设计方案Lesson 14

(一)Teaching Aims
  1. Through the study of Lesson 14 students should have a clear comprehension of how a newspaper is produced.

  2. Know the different work done by the chief editor, journalists, photographers, editors in producing a newspaper.

  3. Learn how to write an exposition.

Step I Warm - up

  1. T takes a piece of China Daily and introduce to the Ss .For example:

  We read newspapers every day. They provide us with both various domestic and overseas news. But do you know how a newspaper is produced?

  OK. Lets look at the picture of Lesson 14 and talk about it.

  (1)    What are those people doing in the picture?

  (2)    Who are they?

  2.Write the following words on the Bb, Give the dictation to Ss about these words or some other more (in vocabulary list)

  report, journalist , event, face- to- face interview , photographer , cover the events

StepⅡ. Listening and Reading

  1. Listen and read aloud the text after the tape. Pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. Ask Ss to try to remember the topic sentences.

  2. Check the Ss the reading ability.  

  1) What does the chief editor do every morning ?

  2) What does the phrase “cover the events mean”?

  3) What do the reporters usually do ?

  4) What’s the meaning of “doing one’s homework”?

  5) What kind of people should the journalist be?

  6) What do photographers and picture editors do?

  7) Whats the chief editors work? what do the other editors do?

  8) Why is writing headlines in English more difficult than in Chinese?

Step Ⅲ Discussion (Group work)

  1. Let the Ss have a discussion:

  1) Which newspapers and magazines do you read ?

  2) Which part of the newspaper do you find most interesting ?

Step Ⅳ Language points

  1.Teacher writes the following sentences on the Bb, and ask the Ss to identify the subject of the first sentence and the object of the second sentence. Then explain how to use them.

  (1)Learning new words is very useful to me. (subject)

  (2)I enjoy learning about new things. (object)

  2.Deal with some difficult points, the T helps the Ss to instruct and explain. For examples:

  cover, get down to , late, fix, a face-to face interview, work at, work on, edition, so on

Step Ⅴ Practise

  1. Get Ss to do Ex 2 P89. Tell them to fill in the blanks without looking back at the text.

  2. Ask one more Ss to retell the text with the help of the diagram on P 21 SB.

Step Ⅵ Homework

  1. Written work WB P89. Ex 3. Complete the table first and then write a short passage about producing a newspaper.

  2. Pre - reading of Lesson 15, pay attention to - ing from in the text and underline the sentences.



  1.Suppose you are a reporter, Make a telephone call to somebody to fix a time for a face to-face interview.
  2.了解如何将整个报纸印制的过程,同时这些工作是由the chief editor,   journalists, photographers, editors in producing a newspaper.来完成,而且主要印制的经过有四部分如:
  First discuss and then cover the main events of the day. Second, type the stories into the computer and made necessary changes. Third print the newspaper. Newspapers can be divided into Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Evening paper etc. 因此教师布置学生们了解印制书的过程或其它的加工行业,教师可让学生们到工厂去进行采访,了解印刷的技术过程,教师可提供一些单词或是其它信息。



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