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unit1 Madame Curie教学目标

  pay off与pay for,pay,pay...for...的区别:
  pay off + debt指"还清"债款
  pay for sth.指"对(某物)的款"
  pay sb.some money意为."付给某人(多少)钱"。
  pay sb./money for sth.意为"付给(某人款/钱买某物)"。 e.g.
  ①She tried to leave the shop without paying for the dress.她企图买衣服不付款就离开商店。
  ②He paid the servant 5 dollars to wash his car.他付给佣人五元钱叫他洗车。
  ③He paid her for the work.他付给她工钱。
  ④I paid £200 for the painting.这幅画我花了二百英镑。
  ⑤Did you pay him l00 dollars for that old bike你付给他那辆旧自行车了吗?

  1) 限定性定语从句:限定性定语从句对所修饰的先行词起限定作用。 限定性定语从句中关系词的使用列表如下:
  主语 关系代词:who/that(指人) which/that(指物 关系代词不能省略
  宾语 who/whom/that(指人)
  which/that(指物) 关系代词在非正式
  定语 whose 名词前表所有关系
  介词+关系代词 whom(指人) which(指物) 关系代词不能用who或that
  whose(定语) 名词前表所有关系
  状语 关系副词:when(时间) where(地点)why(原因) 先行词为表时间、

  ①Anna was an American writer who/that interviewed Mao Ze dong in Ya'an.(指人作主语)
  ②The friends whom/who/that we met in the park were from Egypt.(指人作宾语)
  ③A taxi is a car (that/which)you can hire.(指物作宾语) 出租车是你可以租用的小汽车。
  ④Many forests where the animals lived were destroyed.(作状语)
  ⑤We ought to help those families whose men are in the army.(作定语)
  ⑥He looked at the box from which the voice came.(介词+关系代词)

  例:They visited the city of Hangzhou,which is famous for its beautiful scene.他们参观了杭州城,它以风景秀丽而闻名。
  ①Big floods hit some parts of China in the summer of 1998,which caused a great damage to the country.1998年夏中国部分地区遭受特大洪灾,给国家带来了巨大损失。(指代整个句子)
  ②They got married on July 1,1997,when Hong Kong returned to our motherland.他们于1997年7月1日喜结良缘,香港在这一天回归祖国。(指代时间作状语)
  ①a:I'll never forget the days which/that I spent in the country.(which作spent的宾语)
  b:I'll never forget the days when I worked in the country.(when代替in the days作状语)
  ②a:They came to the small village,which was hundreds of miles from the city.(which在从句中作主语)
  b:They came to the small village,where not more than l00 villagers lived.(where代替in the village作状语)他们来到这个小村庄,那里的村民不超过一百人。
  2)the time,the way等为先行词时关系词的使用。
  例:By the time (when/that) they arrived,the house had been destroyed completely.等他们到达时,房子已完全烧毁了。
  (2)the way用作先行词,关系代词作介词in的宾语时,通常介词与关系代词可以同时省略;如不使用"in",则不能用关系代词。
  例:He hated the ways(which/that)she talked (in).他不喜欢她说话的方式。
  (1) 关系代词前有形容词的最高级修饰时。
  This is the funniest drama that I have seen.这是我看过的最滑稽的剧。
  例:①Everything that was taught in class seemed easy for him. 对他来说课堂上教的一切似乎很容易。
  例:①It was the only textbook that could be found.这是能够找到的仅有的一本课本。
  ②This is the very dictionary that I want to get.这正是我想得到的词典。
  例:It was the maths book that the boy was in search of.这是这个男孩正在寻找的数学书。
  5)whose与of which/whom
  (2)of which/whom还可表示"其中的……"(整体的部分)
  例:He told us many stories about Long March,of which this is a good example.他给我们讲了许多关于长征的故事,这是其中一个很好的例子。
1.The result of the experiment was very good, ____ we hadn't expected.     (NMET2000,10)
2.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,____,of course,made the others unhappy.
  A.when B.which C.this D.what
3.Carol said the work would be done by October,____ personally I doubt   very much.(NMET99,19)
  A.it B.that C.then D.which
4.The weather turned out to be very good,____ was more than we could expect. (NMET94,39)
  A.what B.which C.that D.it
  As we all know,he never smokes. The foolish boy made the mistake again,as could be expected. ____ is mentioned above,the number of students in senior high school is increasing.('99上海,4)
  A.Which B.As C.That D.It
  He is a farmer as/which is clear from his manners.(在从句中作主语)
  This elephant is like a snake,as/which anybody can see.(在从句中作宾语)
  2. which引导的非限制性定语从句一般放在句末,而as引导的非限制性定语从句可放在句末,也可放在句中、句首。置于句首时,不能用which替换。如:
  Crusoe lost his dog, which made him very sad.
  Taiwan is part of China, as/which is known to all.
  As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.
  Cyprus, as you all know, is in the Mediterranean.大家都知道,塞浦路斯在地中海。
  Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light。竹子是空的,所以很轻。
  He married her,as was natural.
  She refused to take the medicine,which made her mother angry.
  It rained hard yesterday,which prevented her from going to Shenyang.
  但若从句谓语是usually, happen,be often the case等时,仍用关系代词as,不用which。如:
  He is absent,as is often the case.
1.误:We visited a factory where makes toys for children.
  正:We visited a factory which that makes toys for children.
  析:此句错误的原因是把先行词a factory当作从句中的状 语,实际上先行词a    factory在从句中充当动词makes的主语。故关系词应使用which或that。
2.误:After living in Paris for 50years,he returned to the small town that   he grew up as a child。
  正:After living in Paris for 50years, he returned to the small town   wher

《unit1 Madame Curie教学目标(第3页)》

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