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unin5 Advertise lession17-18

ompany   (Key: D)
2. In Paragraph 1, which word does the writer use to express his idea that advertising is common?
  A. Developed.  B. Popular.
  C. Proved. D. Increase.   (Key: B)
 3. According to the text, advertisements may be used in ________
  A. everything    B election
  C. scientific research D. education  (Key: B)
4. How many means of advertising are mentioned in the text?
  A. 7.   B. 9. 11.   C. 13.  (Key: C)
5. Which paragraph talks about the purpose of advertising?
  A. Paragraph 1.    B. Paragraph 2.
  C. Paragraph 3.     D. Paragraphs 4 and 5.  (Key: A)
6. When an advertising company makes advertisements, which happens first?
  A. Having a meeting.  B. Collecting information.
  C. Writing a text.   D. Designing the advertisements. (Key: B)
7. What does “interview” mean in the last paragraph?
  A. See.  B. Select.  C. Visit.  D. Ask questions.
 (Key: D)
8. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
  A. Only a few things can be advertised.
  B. It is difficult to use printed things for advertisements.
  C. Political advertisements can only be seen in USA.
  D. Advertisements are everywhere for so many things. (Key: D)
9. How many steps are there in making an advertisement?
  A. 4.   B. 5.   C. 6.   D. 7. (Key: D)
10. When the advertisement is ready, it is shown only to a part of the country as a (an)
  A. review   B. test   C. performance   D. interview  (Key: B)

II.. Group work
   Divide the class into six groups. One of them is responsible for the structure of the text and each of the others is responsible for one of the five paragraphs. (Although the passage is not a long one, the language is plain enough for most of the students to deal with it easily. So just leave the students the tasks like analyzing the structure of the text, finding out the main ideas of the text and each paragraph, pick out the grammar items and useful expressions, so on and so forth. And this is a very good chance for the students to practice the reading skills they have learnt to deal with reading materials.) The teacher just goes around the class and gives any necessary help to the students.
Notes: 1. The title of the text and the first sentence of each paragraph( Paragraph 4 and 5 talk about the same thing.) are the subject word and subject sentences. The students are supposed to be aware of that and point it out. If they can’t, the teacher is sure to remind them of that.
  2. There are several places where –ing and –ed words are used. The students may not pay enough attention to them so the teacher should point them out and encourage the students to think about their usage. For example:
  a. advertisement --- advertising (n.),
  b. …… repeated advertising increases……
  c. ……, using pictures of photographs ……
  3. When a student is talking about a paragraph, the teacher should not interrupt but listen. No matter in which language the student is speaking, the teacher just gives him or her encouragement. If one student cannot express herself or himself, another one can give some supplement

Step4. Fill in blanks:

  1. Adevertising is a highly developed twentieth-centry industry.

  2.Is it a waste of money? It has been proved again and again that repeated advertsing increases product sales.

  3.USA political leaders often use recorded TV advertisements to persuade people to vote for them .

  4.A sign outside or inside a shop is a form of advertising.Baloons and light aeroplanes can be used to pull huge signs as they fly slowly over a city.

  5.Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement, and a person who will buy space in newspapers or time on TV.

  6.They may try it out in a small part of the country to see the result.

  7.If the advertising fails , having no effect on sales, the whole programme will be reviewed.

Step 5.language points:

  1.The development of radio,television,cinema,magazines and newspapers has gone hand in hand with development of advertising.无线电、电视、电影、杂志和报纸的发展同广告业的发展是齐头并进的。
  句中的 go hand in hand with表示“与……密切相关”,相当于go together with,其中 go with表示“相配,随……而来”之意。hand in hand为副词短语,表示“手牵着手,密切联系,和……一道”之意,后面常加介词with,再加名词。e.g.
  ①Money doesn’t always go hand in hand with happiness.金钱并不总是同幸福密切相关。
  ②Ignorance and poverty often go hand in hand.愚昧和贫穷总是紧密地联结在一起。
  ③I have no tapes to go with the book.我没有这本书配套的磁带。
  ④Hand in hand with reading,he has developing the habit of making notes.在阅读的同时,他养成了做笔记的习惯。
  2.There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years.
在过去的 60年中,广告业有了一些重大的发展。
  时间状语in the past sixty years与完成时连用,in the past=during the last。例如:
In the past three days,they have had six examinations.三天来.他们进行了六次考试。
No one has been(come)here in the past week.一个星期以来,没人来过这里。
  3. Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers is another way of advertising.公司给顾客寄去的邮件或礼品又是一种广告方式。
  4.express后可用oneself 作宾语,表示“表达自己的意思(思想)感情等”。e.g.

   He is still unable to express himself.他还是不能表达清楚自己的意思。

  ①This is an express train.这是快车。
  ②She flew to London for the express purpose of seeing her son她为了探望儿子而特地飞往伦敦。
  ③This is an express letter for you.你的快信。

  ④He has never given express orders.他从未下过明确的命令。

  5.Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement,

  A person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement will also be present…
  因本句中的主语 a person后有定语从句修饰,使主谓之间的间隔太长,因而倒装,表语提至句首避免头重脚轻。
  ①A very honorable man he is.他是个非常可敬的人。
  ②Standing against the wall are the umbrellas that have just been made.靠墙放着的是刚刚制出的雨伞。
  2)句中的think u

《unin5 Advertise lession17-18(第2页)》

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