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Unit 6 Mainly revision


Step I.Introduction:Show some pictures about pollution.

StepII.Fast reading:

A. Search for answers:(Now, I’ll give you 2 minutes to find out the answers:

  1.what international organization has been mentioned in the text?

  2.In China, what is becoming a serious problem?

B. Read again and answerT or F:

  1. If waste is poured into rivers or seas without being treated,what will happen?

  2. How is dangerous waste uauslly dealt with?

  3.  What problems does throwing away rubbish cause in western countries?

  4.  What is the situation like in China?

  5.  What has been done for environmental protection?

Step III.Fill in blanks.

Dealing with waste

  1.Waste must be__treated___ so that it doesnot become a danger to life.(paragraph1)

  2.When this river finally reaches the sea, it pollutes the ocean. (paragraph1)

  3.Human waste is piped directly into the sea without being treated. (paragraph2)

  4.It is now against the law to throw anything into the sea within 5 kilomnetres of land. (paragraph3)

  5.They seek to reduce waste, protect the earth,  the oceans and all forms of life in them. (paragraph5)

The throw-away society

  1.This causes many problems.  (paragraph1)

  2.This is a particular problem for large cities. (paragraph1)

  3.InChina,rubbish,such as used plastic bags and boxes known as “whitepollution”. (paragraph1)

Step IV.Group work .(Divide the class into several groups and provide them with some topics of the text ,such as :

  1)How do people pollute the Ocean?(based on the text,the Ss can add something.)

  2)How do people protect the sea and stop the pollution? (based on the text,the Ss can add something.)

  3)What are the problems in China? (based on the text,the Ss can add something.)

(Give them some minutes to prepare and say their opinions)

Step V. Languag points:

  1.break down与 break up

  break down:“分解”,可指物理变化或化学变化,如:

  After many years,rocks broke down into dirt.(经过多年以后,岩石就分解成尘埃。)

  Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.(水可以分解成氢和氧)

  当表示“拆散”意思时,break down 与 break up 通用。如:

  The old cars were broken down \up for their parts.(旧汽车被拆散以取得其零部件。)

  break up:“撞毁,解体”如:

  The ship was breaking up on the rock.(船在礁石上撞毁。)

  2.depend on :“取决于…““靠…决定”如:

  The price depends on quality.(价格取决于质量。)

  3.without doing:通常在句中作方式状语。这里的动词-ing形式,可以是一般式,完成式,复合结构和被动语态等,表示“(某人)未做,未曾做,未经…,未被…”等意思。如:

  He was lucky ; he escaped from the burning house without being injured.

  Do you think we’ll get a seat without having to queue?

  They went back to the hotel without speaking.

Step VI.Home work:

  Search for more information by themselves about the enviormental problems in Beijing,China,the world and how to deal with them and what should we do in daily life.The Ss will deliver their speech at the beginning of next class.




StepI.Let the students deliver their speeches.

StepII.Fast reading and discuss:  Discuss these questions in groups of four.

  1  Is any pollution caused by waste in China?

  2  Is too much waste thrown away in China?

  3  What materials are recycled in China?

  4  How many different things are reused in China?

  5  Can you tell how paper is made and recycled after being used? You may

use the pictures as a guide

StepIII.Fill in blanks.

  1.European countries are now making an active effort to reuse materials more than they used to .(paragraph1)

  2.Materials are collected, sorted,treated and used again. (paragraph1)

  3.In many cities in Europe rubbish is collected separately. (paragraph1)

  4.However, no single country can save the environment alone. (the last paragraph)



  P 35: Exs3,4,5&P34:Exs2.

StepI.Listening:Listen for three times and finish filling the blanks.

Waste watch

  A newspaper reporter is interviewing someone from “waste watch” in New York.

(J=Journalist      P=Person)

  J: What exactly is your job?

  P: Our job is to make sure that the laws about pollution and waste are not broken. There are over thirty different pollution laws in the state of New York.

  J: when was the “Waste Watch”section started?

  P:In 1981.There had been a lot of reports of pollution. So the government told the police force to start up a special section.
J:How bad was the situation?

  P: It was pretty bad. Some firms were pouring waste straight from their factories into the rivers. Some were pouring liquid waste onto dry land inside the factory. Others were paying truck companies to take the waste out o town.

  J:So what do you do now?

  P: We look out for companies driving waste out of town. They need permission to do this. And we check on companies whenever we get reports.

  J: Can you give an example?

  P: Yes. We had an idea one company was breaking the law. Once a week a truck used to call at the company’s factory. It never delivered anything, but we thought it was taking away waste. .So we followed the truck..We used an ordinary car,not a police car, of course. At four o’clock the next morning, the truck drove to the port and started to pump the liquid into the sea. We stopped the driver, turned off the pump and took him to the police st

《Unit 6 Mainly revision》

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