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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

A . can B . should C . might D . need
句意为“ — 我什么时候来取像片呢?我可是明天下午需要这些像片。”“ — 像片想必会在 ( 明日中午 ) 十二点以前洗出的。”正确选项为 B。情态动词表示推测,语气由强到弱的是:must ( 一定会 ) →ought to / should ( 想必会 ) →can / could ( 可能 ) →may / might ( 也许,或许 ) 。
2 . could 后接完成式常表示“ ( 过去 ) 可能……”,但也可用来表示责备语气,意为 “过去 ) 本来能够……, 而实际上却未…… ”。如:
— We could have walked to the station ; it was so near .
— Yes . A taxi _____ at all necessary . ( NMET92 )
A . wasn\'t B . hadn\'t been C . wouldn\'t be D . won\'t be
该题虽是一道考查动词时态的考题,但从“We could have walked to the station”可知,实际不是步行去火车站的。结合下句可知是坐了出租车去的,时间是过去,故正确答案是 A。
Look 短语动词归纳
1 . look after 照看,照顾,负责处理。
I can look after myself .
She\'s been looking after the luggage .
2 . look at 看 ( 问题 ) ,看待。
That\'s the way I look at it .
He looks at a question from all sides .
3 . look back ( on ) 回顾,回想 ( 过去 ) 。
I like to look back on my high - school days .
If we look back , we realize the changes the war has made .
4 . look down on/upon 看不起,蔑视。
I wish you wouldn\'t look down on this kind of work .
In her days women were looked down upon .
5 . look for 找寻,自找 ( 麻烦等。 )
I’ve been looking for you .
They\'re just looking for trouble .
6 . look forward to ( 跟名词/动名词 ) 盼望,希望。
They looked forward to seeing him again .
The children are looking forward to the New Year .
7 . look in 作短语时间的访问/参观, ( 顺路 ) 到某处去一下。
I\'ll look in this evening to see how he is .
I\'ll look in at the shop on my way home .
8 . look into 调查,了解,研究。
We\'ll look into this matter together .
The police are looking into the records of the thieves .
9 . look on 旁观,在旁边看。
Two men are fighting We\'re looking on .
You work and we\'ll look on .
10 . look on … as … 把……看作……。
He looks on her as a child .
I don\'t look on him as a good doctor .
11 . look out 当心,注意,查出,找出。
If you don\'t on him as a good doctor .
11 . look out 当心,注意,查出,找出。
If you don\'t look out you\'ll hurt yourself .
Look out ! There\'s a car coming .
I\'ll look our a few foreign stamps for you .
12 . look out for 当心,提防;留心找 ( 某物/某人 ) 。
Look out for snakes .
I\'m looking out for the mistakes .
13 . look over 翻阅,复习,查看,检查,看一看。
She looking over her notes before the exam .
I\'m going to look over a house that I\'m thinking of buying .
14 . look round 回头看,审视,到处看看。
Don\'t look round now but there\'s a police car following us .
We went to look round the town .
15 . look through 翻阅 ( 查看 ) ,读 ( 看 ) 一遍。
The teacher looked through the student\'s work .
He looked through the book and decided that he wouldn\'t like it .
16 . look up 查出,了解。
Look up the word in the dictionary .
I must look up the time of your train .
1. demand要求;需要
The workers demanded more money .
〖点拨〗(1) demand to do sth要求干…… 。不用demand sb to do 。但是,可以说:require / order / ask sb to do
(2) demand that + (should) 。
(3) sth + be required to do (不能用demanded )
(4) sth require / want / need + doing = sth require / want / need + ing
(5) make a demand for要求…… 。 in great demand大量需求。
They demanded that the equal rights (should) be given to everyone .
He demanded to be told everything that had happened .
2. forbid ( forbade / forbad , forbidden) 禁止;不许
Their teacher forbids them to watch TV .
Smoking is forbidden in public .
〖点拨〗(1) forbid sb to do禁止某人干……
(2) forbid + ing禁止干 …… 。I forbid your entering the room .
(3) forbid that sb (should) do …。I forbid that you (should) leave the room .
3. unfair不公平的,不公正的,不合理的
He is always saying that I’m unfair .
〖点拨〗注意unfair在句中时,后边的反意疑问句仍用否定式。如:She is unfair , isn’t she ?
4. admit承认
He admitted that he had been on the march . 他承认他参加了游行。
(2) admit + ing承认干了 ……
Will you admit having broken the window ? = Will you admit that you have broken the window ?
(3) sb be admitted as … 某人被接纳为……。sb be admitted to / into接纳到……。
Children under 18 are not admitted to the film .
How many students have been admitted to the school this year ?
5. usual , common , ordinary 的用法
usual 意为“通常的,寻常的,通例的”,用于修饰经常、固定或有一定的时间间隔重复发生的事,即有一定的规律性。
Thunder is the usual sign of an approaching storm .
The following Thursday she went out at her usual time .
common 含有“平常,普通,常见,不足为奇”等意思,侧重于缺少显著或异常的特征,特别说明某物因司空见惯而普通。如:
Colds are common in winter .
A dog is one of the commonest pets .
This flower is common in spring .
ordinary 意为“正常的,通常的,平常的,普通的”,指由于与常规、习惯、一般标准或品质相同而普通,无特别惊人的性质。如:
He is an ordinary - looking man .
It was an early morning in summ

《高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter(第2页)》

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