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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

er . In the streets , sleepy - eyed people were moving quickly , heading towards their jobs . This was the beginning of another ordinary day in New York City . 一大早睡眼惺惺的人们匆匆赶路,前去上班,没有任何异常的迹象,这又是纽约城一个平常的日子的开始。
6. while
while 可以用作连词,也可以用作名词。
1) while 作为从属连词,意为 “ 当……时候 ” 时,相当于 when 引导一个时间状语从句。从句中的谓语动词通常是持续性动词。例如:
He can still breathe while his head is under water .
While ( we were ) walking along the river , we saw fish swimming about
in the water .
2) while 作为等立连词,连接两个并列分句时,这两个分句在意义上形成鲜明的正
反对比。这时 while 的意义近似于 but 。例如:
Jim is lazy while his sister is diligent .
We were busy here and there , while he had nothing to do .
Some products sell well , while others don\'t . 有些产品很畅销,而其它产品却卖不出去。
3) while 作为从属连词,引导让步状语从句,这时 while 的意义相当于 though 。
While (=Though ) she respected the manager , she didn\'t like him .
While the operation on him was successful , he couldn\'t get back to the former state of health . 4) while 作为名词,可以表示 ( 一段 ) 时间。例如:
Please wait a while . ( a while = a moment; a minute ) 请等一会。
The test will be carried out in a little while . ( a little while = a short time )
I haven\'t seen you for a long while . ( for a long while = for a long time )
1. on the march在行军中,在进行,在游行
What happened on the march then ?
A new market economy is on the march .
2. be treated as = be regarded as , be considered as
3. join in参加(比赛,活动等)
Will you join us in a walk ?
She joined me in thanking you for your gift .
4. and then然后,接着
He went to Shanghai , and then HangZhou .
5. over and over again = over and over , again and again一再,反复
I’ve warned you , over and over again , not to do that .
6. put … in prison把 …… 投入监狱
The man was put in prison for stealing a car .
He had been in prison for 20 years .
There is a prison in the city and there are about three thousands prisoners in the prison .
7. be in bad condition条件很差,情况不好
His health is in bad condition .
8. have (much) success取得(许多)成就
They have had great / much success in their research .
9. set / give an example to sb给某人树立榜样
Lei Feng set a good example to all of us .
set an example in doing在……树立榜样
10. have no rights to do没有权利干某事
You have no right to read my letter .
11. at this time此刻,此时,就在这时。this time这一次。
12. on the east coast of在……的东海岸
A beautiful city lies on the coast of the sea .
13. force sb to do强迫某人干……
14. from then on = from that time on从那时起。from now on = from today on从今以后
15. make an enemy of使……成为敌人,引起 …… 的敌视
If you say that , you will make an enemy of her .
16. work as从当,从事
He works as a bus driver .
17. send round派人送某物;分发;使传阅
Please send the invitations round .
18. give in屈服、让步、投降、交上
She refused to give in before the enemy .
19. for some time有一段时间。暂时,一会儿
20. separate … from把……和……分开
For us , love of our country cannot separated from love of our hometown .
21. set … free = give …freedom释放
22. make a speech演讲;讲话
23. judge… by / from …根据……判断
Judged by his words , he got angry .
24. far from远离,远非
He is far from well . 他一点也不健康。
25. side by side with = close together with并肩地;紧挨地
26. by now = by this time到这时,到现在,迄今
He has worked there a long time by now .
27. stop … from + ing = prevent sb from +ing阻止干……
28. huge numbers of = numbers of为数不少的,很多的
Huge numbers of people came from all over the country .
1. The money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of that spent on each white child . 用于每个黑人儿童的教育经费,只有每个白人儿童的四分之一。
〖明晰〗(1)spent on educating a black child和spent on each white child都是过去分词短语作定语,相当于两个定语从句,分别修饰先行词money和that 。
(2) 句中的that是代词,代替前面提到的the money 。代词that可用来代替前面提到的事物(单数名词或者不可数名词),以避免重复这个名词,但必须是这一名词在第二次出现时有后置定语。如:
Their cotton output (产量) of 1999 was double that of 1998 .
The sweater he wears today is different from that he wore yesterday .
The study of idiom is as important as that of grammar .
(3) 如果前面提到的是复数名词,后面就用those来代替。如:
The recorders we made this year are better than those we made last year .
(4) 替代词that和one都可以代替前面出现过的名词,但that用于特指,相当于“the + 名词”。one用于泛指,相当于“a / an + 名词”。one的复数形式是ones 。that只能代替事物,不能代替人。one可以代替人或者事物。that不能有前置修饰语,但可有后置修饰语;one一般可有前置修饰语,也可以有后置修饰语。请同学们仔细观察下列各句:
Mary’s handwriting is far better than that of Peter .
The book is more difficult than those we have before .
I’m looking for a house . I’d really like one with a garden .
The blue car looks nicer than the red one .
2. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character .
──Martin Luther Jr. 马丁•路德•金

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners, will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

《高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter(第3页)》

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