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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

The sun is hot . 太阳很热。
The sun shines hot . 太阳火辣辣地照着大地。
句中的 is 是连系动词,不是实义动词;句中的 shines 则为特殊连系动词,本身具有实义,只是在译成汉语时,它的词义不一定直译出来。
They are our friends .
They stand our friends .
句中的 are 是连系动词;stand 是 “ 特殊连系动词 ” ,有 “ 竖持不动摇,仍然是 ” 之意。
可见, “ 特殊连系动词 ” 具有双重性能,即连系动词性能和实义动词性能。
常见的 “ 特殊连系动词 ” 可分为三类:
1. 表示 “ 变成某种状态 ” 意义的系动词:become , come , fall , get , go , grow , make , prove , run , shine , turn , turn out , wear , work。例如:
Our country is becoming stronger and stronger .
This great prediction has come true .
One after another , the three of them fell asleep .
Please don\'t get angry .
Xiang Lin\'s wife finally went mad .
You have grown so tall .
The instrument has proved most useful .
Their money was running short .
After the heated discussion many facts shone clear .
When she saw this , her face turned red .
He used to be a teacher till he turned writer .
The day turned out fine .
The cloth is wearing thin .
The button worked loose . 钮扣松了。
2. 表示 “ 保持某种状态 ” 意义的系动词:continue , die , go , hold , keep , lie , live , remain , rest , return , sit , stand , stay。例如:
I hope the weather will continue fine .
He went a child but returned a veteran worker .
The nation\'s unemployment rate held steady at 9 . 8 percent in August .
Why do you keep silent ?
The thought lies heavy on his mind .
Liu Hulan lived a communist , and died a communist .
Little inconsequential items often loom large to invalids .
We must always remain modest and prudent .
We shouldn\'t rest satisfied with what we have achieved .
All the time she sat silent in the corner .
He stood 4 feet 9 inches . 他身高4英尺9英寸。
I still stand your friend .
The shop stays open till eight o\'clock .
3. 表示 “ 自己感觉或令人感觉 ” 意义的系动词:appear , feel , look . seem , smell , sound , taste。例如:
He didn\'t want to appear a fool .
This appears an exception to the rule mentioned above .
Silk feels smooth .
He feels uneasy .
He looks quiet strong .
He seems quite happy .
The dish tastes delicious .
The explanation sounds all right .
The meat tastes good .
请同学们仔细观察下面每个句子,然后删除多余的词 (上)
1 . When they came to a forest , they suddenly heard of someone calling for help .
2 . A cat can quickly get itself out of the trouble .
3 . My daughter is only four years old . She can\'t dress for herself .
4 . I didn\'t know the teacher was in here , otherwise I would have come earlier .
5 . Everyone shared in making the picnic be a success .
6 . You may talk to Dr Jack , who is in the charge of that operation .
7 .—We visited at the History Museum yesterday .
—How long did you stay there ?
8 . What films are they showing on in the cinema this week ?
9 . I hope you won\'t forget that I have told you to buy ?
10 . Such a clever child as he can work out this maths problem .
11 . He said there would be a football match on next Sunday .
12 . He is so simple he will believe in anything you tell him .
13 . After he explaining us the difficult words in this lesson , the teacher asked us to read the text .
14 . By the last year , our hometown had been liberated for about 30 years .
15 . The girl was made to sing the song , but she made her sister to sing it for her .
16 . We listened , but no sound reached to us .
17 . They didn\'t set him free not until he was old and sick .
18 . Another a new school is now being built in mp city .
19 . Her pride , however , would not let her to do that .
20 . Man\'s knowledge of space has been developed rapidly .
21 . The old man looked at healthy , but he felt sick .
22 . What a freezing weather it is !
23 . John had been saving money for years and at the last he was able to buy a car of his own .
24 .—Could you tell me the way to the post office ?
—Sorry , I\'m a stranger for myself .
—Thank you , all the same .
25 . Go and get your coat . It\'s there where you left it .
答案与解析:1 . heard 后面去掉 of , 表示直接“听到” 2 . out of the trouble 中去掉 the 3 . dress 后去掉 for , 直接加宾语 4 . in here 去掉 in 5 . 去掉 be 6 . in the charge of 去掉 the 7 . visited 为及物动词,去掉 at 8 . 去掉 showing 后面的 on 9 . 去掉 what 前面的 that 10 . he is can 中的 is 多余 11 . next Sunday 前面不必加 on 12 . believe“相信某人的话”,去掉 in 13 . he 在 explaining 前多余 14 . By the last year 去掉 the 15 . 在 made her sister to sing 中去掉 to 16 . reached 为及物动词,去掉 to 17 . 去掉 until 前面的 not 18 . 去掉 Another 后面的 a 19 . let her to do 中的 to 多余 20 . 去掉 been , has developed 不用被动 21 . look healthy 为系表结构,去掉 at 22 . weather 为不可数名词,去掉 a 23 . at the last 中的 the 多余 24 . 去掉 myself 前面的 for 25 . 去掉 there , where 引导表语从句
1. Twelve nurses make up this medical team .
This medical team are twelve nurses .
2. If our city is seen from the top of the mountain , it looks more beautiful .

《高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter(第5页)》

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