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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit19.1.doc
标题 A Freedom Fighter
章节 第十九单元
关键词 高二英语第十九单元
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:march , demand , join in , over and over again , dream , side by side , citizen , forbid , put … in prison , set an example , peaceful , bill , murder , unfair , speech , make a speech , clerk , chairman , admit , feeling
三会单词和词组:housing , minister , separation , marriage , revolution , liberate , liberation , equally , explode , content ( n .) , tour , textbook , tennis , educate , achieve , bomb , childhood , give in , passport , minority
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Asking the time and dates ( 问时间和日期 )
Some useful expressions :
1 . What day is ( it ) today ?
2. What\'s the date today ?
3. Excuse me , what time is it by your watch ?
4 It\'s Monday/Tuesday… It\'s January 10th .
( 1 )
A : It\'s getting dark .
B : Yes . What time is it ( by your watch ) ? There\'s something wrong with my watch .
A : It\'s a quarter to five .
B : Perhaps your watch is slow .
A : Oh , it has stopped . I must have forgotten to wind it last night . ( 我一定是昨晚忘记上弦了。 )
B : Well , let\'s ask Hellen over there .
A : Good idea .
B : Hellen , have you got the time ?
A : Yes , it\'s half past six .
B : Is your watch right ? ( Does your watch keep good time ? )
C : Yes , it\'s half past six .
( 2 )
A : Hello , Wang Lin , I wonder if you\'d be free next week .
B : I think so .
A : That\'s wonderful . I\'ll be 20 years old next week . I\'d love you to come to my birthday party .
B : I\'d like to . What date is that ?
A : It\'s May , 4th .
B : What day is that ?
A : It\'s Tuesday .
B : Then what time will the party begin ?
A : At six sharp ( 六点整 ) in the evening . Will that be all right ?
B : Yes , it\'s very good . I\'ll looking forward to it . And I wish you the best of luck .
A : Thanks . Oh , It\'s ten minutes to two . There\'s little time left . I\'ll go to work . See you later .
B : See you later .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
1 . 表示可能性的 can\'t 与 may not 的区别。
can\'t 常常表示“不可能”、“一定不”,may not 表示“可能不、或许不”。很明显,can\'t 比 may not 语气强,把握性大。如:
The man standing over there _____ be Jack . He\'s gone to Hong Kong .
A . mustn\'t B . can\'t C . won\'t D . may not
说话者既然知道“He\'s gone to Hong Kong”,那么对“The man 不是 Jack”一定满有把握,故正确选项为 B。
2 . 表示“能够”意义的 can 与 be able to 的区别。
凡表示“经过努力、设法做成某事”时不用 can,须用 be able to。如:
The fire spread through the hotel very quickly , but everyone _____ get out . ( NMET97 )
A . had to B . would C . could D . was able to
3 . 表示“不能”意义的 can\'t 与 mustn\'t 的区别。
can\'t 表示“不能”,是指无能力;mustn\'t 表示“不能”则指的是“禁止,不允许”。在口语里,can\'t 也可表示“禁止,不允许”,但语气不如 mustn\'t 强。如:
( 1 ) 他年纪小,不能上学。
【 正 】He is so young that he can\'t go to school .
( 2 ) 里边正在开会,不能吵闹。
【 正 】There\'s meeting inside . You mustn\'t make any noise .
【 误 】There is a meeting inside . You can\'t make any noise .
1 . 表示推测时,can 不能用在肯定句中 ( 但 could 能 ) ;may 和 might 不能用在疑问句中。如:
( 1 ) Peter _____ come with us tonight , but he isn\'t very sure yet . ( MET93 )
A . must B . may C . can D . will
句意为:Peter 有可能同我们一块儿来,但还不肯定。正确选项为 B。
( 2 ) _____ it be a sunny day tomorrow?
A . Can B . May C . Shall D . Should
句意为:明天可能是睛天吗?正确选项是 A。
2 . 作为情态动词,need 和 dare 不能用在肯定句中 ( 条件状语从句除外 ) 。肯定句中,须把它们用作实义动词,后接带 to 的不定式。如:
【 误 】We need hold a meeting to discuss the matter .
【 正 】We need to hold a meeting to discuss the matter .
【 正 】If you need hold a meeting to discuss the matter , I\'ll give you a help .
3 . 在回答由 could 和 might 引起的表示请示的一般疑问句时,不能用 could 和 might ( 应分别用 can 和 may ) 回答。如:
— Could I borrow your dictionary?
— Yes , of course you _____ . ( MET92 )
A . might B . will C . can D . could
正确选项为 C。
1 . 过去式 could 或 might 后接动词原形可以表示对现在或将来 ( 不是对过去 ) 的推测。如:
I\'m afraid it _____ snow tonight .
A . can B . should C . might D . must
2 . may ( not ) 和 can\'t 后接动词的完成式,表示对过去 ( 不是对现在或将来 ) 的推测。如:
— There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well .
— It _____ a comfortable journey .
A . can\'t have been B . couldn\'t be C . mustn\'t have been D . shouldn\'t be
1 . should 和 ought to 后接动词原形,常表示“应该……”;但也可用来表示推测,意为“想必会……”。如:
( 1 ) It\'s nearly seven o\'clock . Jack _____ be here ar any moment . ( NMET95 )
A . must B . need C . should D . can
句意为:“快七点钟了,想必杰克随时会到的”。正确选项为 C。
( 2 ) — When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon .
— They _____ be ready by 12∶00 . ( NMET98 )

《高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter》

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