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[1] 凯恩斯.就业、利息和货币通论[M].北京:商务印书馆,1998.
[2] 凯恩斯.货币论[M].北京:商务印书馆1996.
[3] Blanchard,Olivier(1993):"Movements in the Equity Premium."Brooking Papers on Economic Activity,2.
[4] Borio,Claudio,etc.(1994):"Exploring Aggregate Asset Price Fluctuations Across Countries."BIS Economic
Paper,No.40,Bank for International settlements,Basel.
[5] De Long,etc.(1990 b):"Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational
Speculation."Journal of Finance,45.
[6] Friedman,Benjamin(1996):"Economic Implications of Changing Share Ownership."Journal of Portfolio
[7] Friedman,Benjamin and Kenneth Kuttner(1992):"Money,Income,Prices,and Interest Rates."American Economic Review,82.
[8] Mayer,Colin(1994):"The Assessment:Money and Banking:theory and Evidence".Oxford Review of
Economic Policy,10.
[9] Morris,Charles and Gordon Sellon(1995):"Bank Lending and Monetary Policy:Evidence on a&n
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Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review,Second Quarter.
[10] Schinasi,Garry and Monica Hargraves(1993):"Boom and Bust in Asset Markets in the 1980s:Causes and Consequences".
Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook,World Economic and Financial Survey,
IMF,Washington D.C.
[11] Tobin,James(1984):"On the Efficiency of the Financial System."Lloyds Bank Review,153.