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高二英语第十五单元A famous detective(著名侦探)

The cottage is just as it was in Shakespeare\'s time.这幢小屋恰好和莎士比亚时期的一样。 正确答案为B。
3. The hungry farmer came down to eat the dishes ____ , not even wearing his shoes .
A. after a short while B. in a hurry C. in that case D. in the way
〖解析〗先看看四个介词短语的意义,after a short while “过了一会儿”, in a hurry“匆忙地,赶忙地”;in that case“若是那样”;in this way“用这种方法”。再根据句中所提供的“the hungry farmer”,“not even wearing his shoes”。 正确答案为B。又如:She came down to breakfast in a hurry , not having brushed her teeth .
4. To my ____ , the workers set up a carved figure in front of the building .
A. pleasing B. pleasure C. please D. pleasant
〖解析〗表示“使某人……的是”用“to one\'s+情感的抽象名词”,如to one\'s joy/surprise使某人高兴/惊奇的是,故正确答案为B。
5. Before ____ the medicine, ____ ought to study the instructions or follow a doctor\'s ____ .
A. you take, you, advise B. you take, one, advice
C. taking, one, advice D. taking, you, advise
〖解析〗从第三空前的doctor\'s可知第三空应用名词,不是动词,故先排除A、D。 若选B,那么从句与主句主语不一致。正确答案为C。
6. It\'s the third time that Kate has been ill, ____ ?
A. isn\'t it B. hasn\'t she C. isn\'t she D. hasn\'t it
〖解析〗陈述部分是主从复合句,变成附加疑问句时,一般应与主句的主语和谓语一致。that Kate has been ill是定语从句。it\'s是it is的缩写。故正确答案为A。不过,要提醒同学们注意的是:当陈述部分的主句是I think, I believe, I guess等结构时时, 附加疑问句要与后面的从句主谓一致。此时, 还要特别注意否定转移现象。 如:I don\'t think he is right, is he ?
7. —What ____ it be ?
— It ____ be a mail box, for it is moving . It ____ be a car .
A. can, can\'t, must B. can, can, must
C. can, mustn\'t must D. must, mustn\'t can
〖解析〗考查情态动词can, must的用法。must在表示“推测”时,只能用于肯定句中, 不能用于否定句中。can表推测时,可用于否定句和疑问句中,故先排除C、D,从for it is moving,可知第二空应填can\'t(不可能),否则与第三空会自相矛盾。正确答案为A。
8. The fire ____ at 11 last night, but after the firefighters came, it ____ .
A. was broken out, was died out B. was broken out, died out
C. broke out, was died out D. broke out, died out
〖解析〗英语中有些动词或短语动词是不及物的,不能用于被动语态,同学们要一一牢记。常见的有:happen, last(持续),appear, take place(发生),break out (爆发),die out(熄灭),belong to(属于)。正确答案为D。
9. Whether or not it ____ tomorrow, we\'ll set out on time .
A. rains B. rained C. will rain D. should rain
〖解析〗whether or not 意为“是否,无论是不是,不管”,在此引导让步状语从句,从句谓语应用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如:Whether or not it rains, I will give a party tomorrow.不管下雨不下雨,明天我都要举行宴会。正确答案为A。
10. My friend John ____ while he ____ his bicycle and hurt himself .
A. had fallen, rode B. had fallen, was riding
C. fell, was riding D. fell, were riding
〖解析〗分析句子结构不难发现,第一空是和and hurt himself并列的,hurt在此时过去式,故第一空填fell。ride在while 引导的从句中表示进行性动作, John 就是在“was riding”中fell的。故正确答案为C。
11. I ____ her if I thought she would understand .
A. would tell B. will tell
C. would have told D. tell
〖解析〗这是考查与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。 条件从句用动词的过去式, 主句用would+动词原形。该句相当于:Because I don\'t think she will understand, I will not tell her .故选A。
12. The reason why she couldn\'t come to the meeting was ____ .
A. because she had not been invited B. which she had not been invited
C. that she had not been invited D. because of her not having been invited
〖解析〗主句是reason时,其表语从句通常不用because引导,而用that引导。先排除A、D。连接代词which引导表语从句时,要在从句中担任成分,因此选项B也不对, 正确答案非C莫属了。
13. ____ others say, the professor is sure that his theory is correct .
A. No matter B. It doesn\'t matter C. Whatever D. What
〖解析〗Whatever=no matter what 无论什么,whenever=no matter when 无论什么时候;however=no matter how无论怎样,它们都可引导让步状语从句。如:Whatever (= No matter what) you do, don\'t keep him waiting !无论你做什么,都不要让他久等!故选C。
1. 不但学生们而且老师也都喜欢运动。
Not only the students but also the teacher is fond of sport .
The teacher____ ____ ____the students is fond of sport .
2. 除了物理之外,孩子们还学习数学。
The children study maths besides physics .
The children study____ ____physics ____maths .
3. 格林一家人总是对音乐感兴趣。
The Greens are always interested in music .
Music always____the Greens .
4. 五位医生和两位护士组成一个医疗队。
Five doctors and two nurses make up a medical team .
The medical team____ ____ ____ ____five doctors and two nurses .
5. 布朗先生拥有一幢新楼房。
Mr Brown owns(拥有) a new building .
The new building ____ Mr Brown .
6. 去年某个时候艾利斯嫁给了约翰。
Alice married John sometime last year .
John ____ ____ ____Alice sometime last year .
7. 他花了二十元买了一件夹克衫。
He bought a jacket for twenty yuan .
He ____twenty yuan____a jacket .
8. 她的叔你管理这所医院。
Her uncle is in charge of the hospital .
The hospital is in____ ____ ____her uncle .
9. 汤姆的父亲精通法语。
Tom\'s father is familiar with French .
French is ____ ____ Tom\'s father .
10. 上周他的朋友收到那封信。
The letter reached his friend last week .
His friend____ the letter last week .
答案:1. as well as 2. not only , but 3. interests 4. is made up of 5. belongs to 6. got married to 7. paid , for 8. in the charge of 9. familiar to 10. got / received

《高二英语第十五单元A famous detective(著名侦探)(第4页)》

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