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paper into these beautiful flowers . = We can make these beautiful flowers from paper . = These beautiful flowers can be made from paper by us .
9. fold up 折叠
Sun panels are folded up inside the satellite .
Please fold up the table to make room for the piano .
10. at a speed of 以……的速度
Signals travel at the speed of light .
It is said that jet plane can fly at a speed of more than 2000 miles per hour .
11. be likely to do 很可能
A fire is likely to break out in such places .
She is likely to give you a ring at supper .
12. the next day or two 未来的一两天
Is it possible for us to say what the weather is like in the next day or two ?
注意:在表示时间的“下一个”时,next 前常不用 the ;在表示“第二……,以后……时”next 前多加 the 。试对比:
She will bring you the magazine next week .
She brought you the magazine the next week .
13. keep out of 不使进入;不去惹事
This notice will keep those who have nothing to do with the meeting out of the building .
I hope you’ll keep your brother out of trouble while I’m away .
14. bring back 带回;归还;使回想起
You must bring these library books back to me next week .
The film brought back my happy childhood .
15. dozens of 几十个
She talked with dozens of scientists at the meeting .
16. put into把……安放进去
Today dozens of satellites have been put into space .
注意:put into 相当于 send up into ,课文中作者把space看成一个大容器,用put into 更显得生动传神。另外,put into 还表示“把……译成;投入”。
17. with the help of sb = with one’s help 在某人的帮助下
18. tell the difference between A and B = tell A from B 说出A 和B的区别
She can’t tell the difference between right and wrong .
19. be diseased 有病了,害了病的
These trees are diseased . You must cut away the diseased branches as soon as possible .
20. look into 调查;研究;往里面看
The government will look into the living conditions of the teachers .
I looked into the room but no one was there .
21. get a clear picture (of) 获得(……)的清晰图象
With the help of space satellites we can get a clear picture of space .
In the film you can get a beautiful picture of my hometown .
22. collect information about 收集关于……的信息
People are using satellites more and more to collect information about space .
23. carry out 开展;贯彻;执行
The “Reemployment Project”has been carried out in China since 1995 .
They still have some difficulty carrying out the experiment .
24. make a call to sb 给某人打电话
I made a long-distance telephone call to my mother once a week .
注意:打电话还可以用 phone sb , call sb up , ring sb up , give sb a call , give sb a ring 等。
25. be connected with把……和……连接起来;和……有联系
The wires with which the machines were connected were very old .
He has been connected with our company for years .
26. circle around = circle round = circle about环行;围绕……旋转
The earth circles around the sun .
The town around which we had to circle in our plane looked very beautiful .
27. on show 展出;陈列出来
The museum has an exhibition with rocks from the moon on show .
The cameras on show here are made in Japan .
28. put away 储存;放好;收起来
We don’t use these plates now . Please put them away .
It’s better to put away some money every month .
1. So far as I know , it’s free . 就我所知,那是免费的
〖明晰〗so far as = as far as 引导比较状语从句,在句中作插入语,常用逗号与主句隔开。
So far as I know , not all of them passed the quiz .
2.The + 比较级 ,the + 比较级
First , it must be very light , the lighter the better . 首先,它必须很轻,越轻越好。
〖明晰〗the lighter the better 省略了不少的成分,补充完整是:the lighter it is , the better it will be . 这种句型表示前者与后者在程度上同样增加或者同样减少,汉语是“越……,越……”,前面是从句,后面是主句。又如:
The more we get together , the happier we will be .
The more , the better . 多多益善。
另外注意本单元出现的“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越……”。如:
Satellites are used more and more to take photos of the earth and to produce maps .
3.First , …… Second , ……
First , it must be very light , …… Second , it usually contains very expensive cameras .
〖明晰〗叙述事物的先后顺序时常用:First…, second …, third …, lastly …。也可以用:First…, secondly…, thirdly …, lastly … 。另外,高一曾学习过“first … later / then …” 以及“For one thing … ; for another …”句型表达顺序。如:
First , I wish you good health ; second , I wish you success in your work ; and third , I wish you good luck in everything .
4. Once + 时间状语从句
Once the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth , the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine . 一旦卫星进入地球轨道,帆板就打开来吸收阳光。
〖明晰〗由 once 引导的时间状语从句表示“刚……就……”,“一旦……就……”。用以说明主句动作紧跟在从句动作之后发生。从句中用现在时代表将来时。从句还可以使用省略结构。如:
Once you step into our village , you’ll see how greatly it has changed .
Once seen , the film will never be forgotten .
5. 介词 + 关系代词型定语从句
There is a rocket motor on the satellite by which the direction of the satellite can be changed if necessary . 卫星上有一个火箭马达,必要时可以用它来改变卫星的方向。
〖明晰〗定语从句的先行词是 a rocket motor , by which 引导一个定语从句。定语从句中介词的选择受上下文的制约,或者与前面的先行词有搭配关系,或者与后面的动词有搭配关系。这里的 by 表“通过、用”。又如:
There are many research stations on the earth in which outer space is studied . (in 与 先行词 research stations 的搭配)
Who is the comrade with whom you just shook hands ?(with 与动词词组shake hands 的搭配)
另外,在定语从句中还有一个省略式的状语的 if necessary ,if 后省略了 it is 。又如:Put in an article where necessary . 在有必要的地方填上一个冠词。
How easy it all was for police and emergency (紧急) service . A si


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