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、 which 皆可省去。如:
Do you know the boy to whom I spoke just now ? = Do you know the boy (whom / who / that ) I spoke to just now ?
The pen with which I\'m writing is not mine . = The pen (which / that) I\'m writing with is not mine .
This is the house in which I once lived . = This is the house (which / that) I once lived in .
★ 当先行词是表示时间、地点、原因的名词,而且“介词 + which ”在定语从句中分别是作时间状语、地点状语、原因状语,“介词 + which ”可分别被关系副词 when 、 where 、why 替代。如:
I still remember the day on which ( = when ) I met Professor Smith .
This is the house in which ( = where ) I once lived .
I don\'t know the reason for which ( = why ) he went abroad .
但下面一句中的“ to which ”不能换成“ where ”,因为,它不是作地点状语的。
This is the house to which we paid a visit last month .
2. 介词的选择。
定语从句由“介词 + 关系代词”引导时,介词的选择受上下文的制约。在结合语意的基础上,可以从下面几个角度判断该用什么介词。
★ 看先行词与哪一个介词是习惯“介 + 名 ” 搭配的。如:
This is the factory in which he works . ( in the factory 在工厂)
This is the farm on which he works .( on the farm 在农场)
★ 看定语从句中的动词是与哪一个介词形成习惯“动 + 介 ”搭配。如:
The car on which he spent 40,000 yuan is made in N anjing . (spend money on sth .)
The car for which he paid 40,000 yuan is made in Nanjing . (pay money for sth .)
★ 既要看定语从句中的动词,又要看先行词有何习惯“动 + 介 + 名”搭配。如:
I don\'t know the student with whom Mary quarreled yesterday . (quarrel with sb .)
I don\'t know the thing about which they quarreled yesterday . (quarrel about sth . )
3. “介词 + 关系代词”的复杂化
★ 复合介词 + 关系代词
Tom studies in a new school , at the back of which there is a big river .
She gave a friendly smile to the worker , in front of whom sat a little cat .
★ 名词(〈不定〉代词、数词、形容词最高级)+ of + 关系代词
例如: I live in an old house , whose door is made of bamboo .
注意:“ whose +名词”常可换成“名词 + of + 关系代词( whom / which )”上句可改成:
I live in an old house , whose door is made of bamboo .
She has two sons , neither of whom is tall .
In our class there are fifty students , most of whom are good at English .
I talked with an old worker , one of whose daughters is a scientist .
China has thousands of rivers , the longest of which is the Changjiang River .
二、whose 引导的定语从句
whose 是英语中唯一能够在定语从句中充当定语的一个关系代词,意为“……的”。它既可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句。与that , whom , which 又有着截然不同的用法。同学们须认真掌握,其主要用法如下:
1. 指人。
Do you know the boy whose brother is a postman ?
This is the student whose handwriting is the best in our school .
2. 指物。
The lives in a small room , whose windows face the north .
I want to buy the coat whose colour is the lightest .
注意:(1) whose 指人时,一般可以和 of whom 互换。
Do you know the boy , the brother of whom is a postman ?
This is the student , the handwriting of whom is the best in our school .
(2) whose 指物时,一般可以和 of which 互换。
He lives in a room , the windows of which face the north .
I want to buy the coat , the colour of which is the lightest .
3. whose 引导的定语从句作主语的定语时,一般不用 of which / whom来替换。
Mr Li , whose car was stolen last week , got very angry .
The factory , whose boss hurt in the accident , produces a lot of useful things every year .
4. 如果主句是由who , which等引导的疑问句,从句中最好不用 whose , 以免意义混乱。
Who is that girl , the mother of whom died last month ?
Whose is the house , the windows of which are all broken ?
1. What he said just now sounded , I think .
A. quite perfectly B. nice and interesting C. nice or polite D. nice and friendly
2. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often or better than an acted performance.
A. as good as B. as good C. good D. good as
3. Last night we met with rain at the station .
A. a quite heavy B. too heavy a C. such heavy a D. a so heavy
4. After having gone far , George did not want to turn back .
A. enough B. much C. such D. that
5. Which is book , the mew one or the old one ?
A. better B. the better C. best D. the best
6. The old gentleman has , been to the Great wall before , has he ?
A. always B. already C. ever D. not
7. They have produced they did last year .
A. twice more grain as B. twice as much grain as
C. twice as many grain as D. as twice many grain as
8. It’s said that the film is seeing .
A. very worth B. quite worthy of C. well worth D. rather worthy of
9. Miss Zhang wears the skirt as you but from Miss Xiao’s .
A. similar , differently B. same , different C. different , same D. same , differently
10. There are books in our library than in your library .
A. many more B. more many C. much more D. more much
11. The lecture was so_____ that all the people in the hall were .
A. moving , exciting B. moving , exited C. exited , moving D. moved , exciting
12. Smoking is so bad for his health that he doesn’t smoke .
A. no longer B. no more C. any longer D. any more
13.The teacher wondered why many students had made careless mistakes .
A. so , so B. so , such C. such , so D. such , such
14. It is that his English is perfect .


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