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or less
49. It takes hours to go by train from Beijing to Nanjing than to Tianjin .
A. much more B. many more C. a few D. Both B and C
50. Anyone who has spent time with children knows the difference in the way boys and girls respond to situation.
A. similar B. alike C. same D. likely
答案:1 — 5 BABDB 6 — 10 BBCBA 11 — 15 BCBDC 16 — 20 ABBAC 21 — 25 DADBD 26 — 30 CADAD 31 — 35 CBBBB 36 — 40 BCADC 41 — 45 CBCDB 46 — 50 BCDBA
There was ice on the road and the doctor car 1 . ____
hit a tree and turned over three times . In his 2 . ____
surprise , he was not hurt . He got out the car and 3 . ____
walked to the nearest house . He wanted telephone 4 . ____
the garage for the help . The door was opened by 5 . ____
one of his patient . “Oh , Doctor , ”she said , I\'ve 6 . ____
only just telephoned you . You must have a very quick 7 . ____
car . You\'ve got here very quickly . There have been a 8 . ____
very bad accident outside . I saw it through the 9 . ____
window . I\'m sure a driver will need your help . 10 . ____


1 . doctor → doctor\'s。此处须用名词所有格形式表示“医生的汽车”。2 . In → To . in surprise 意为“惊奇地”,指人的内在心理;to one\'s surprise 意为“使某人吃惊的是,出乎意料地”,指外界的事变导致人的心理感觉。3 . 在 out 后加 of。out of 表示“从……出来”,get out of the car 意为“从汽车上下来”。(这是一习惯用法,比较:get off the bus / train . ) 。4 . wanted 后加 to。句中 telephone 后有宾语,是动词,故want 后须接带 to 的不定式作宾语。5 . 去掉 help 前的 the。句中 help 是抽象名词,通常情况下其前不加冠词。6 . patient → patients。“one of…”表示“很多人(或物)中的一个”,所以 of 后面须接可数名词复数。7 . quick → fast。quick 和 fast 均为形容词,都有“快,迅速”之意,但 quick 侧重动作的短促、迅速,即一瞬间的动作(有时也指人的思维敏捷,反应灵敏);fast 侧重一段时间内不间断的快速运动,指人或物本身具有速度快的特点。8 . have → has。句中主语是 a very bad accident,是单数,故句中谓语动词须用单数与其保持一致。9 . √ . 10 . a → the。此处所提到的 driver 并非泛指,而是特指文中出了车祸的“那位司机”,故其前应用定冠词。
Unit 14
1. When the police arrived , the crowd left in all d .
2. This room is twice the l of the other, but much narrower .
3. A red light is usually a s of danger .
4. The artist held an e of his work last week .
5. The moon is a s of the earth .
6. P , I’d like to see the film , not the football match .
7. Satellites have s equipment for making electricity from sunshine .
8. The bridge is 200 metres in l .
9. Will you please take your c to take some photos , class ?
10. I’d like to buy three d pencils .
11. The banana has large (宽) leaves .
12. The other day the police q her about the murder .
13. The little boy enjoyed making m ships and planes .
14. To escape the pull of the earth , r must reach a speed of 28,440km/h .
15. The weather report is being b at seven o’clock in China , as is known to all .
16. There are many objects in space which c the earth .
1. Oh . Tom you give us !
A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surprise
C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant surprise
2. are against that decision.
A. The publics B. The public C. The riches D. Many a student
3. Electricity like other forms of , has greatly increased in price .
A. pressure B. strength C. force D. energy
4. She is young for the job ,but on the other she is well trained .
A. way B. situation C. chance D. hand
5. splendid design it is !
A. How a B. How C. What a D. What
6. Beyond stars , astronaut saw nothing but space .
A. the …x B. x…the C. x…x D. the …the
7. He was once thrown into prison for nothing.
A. a B. an C. the D. x
8. Henry was made captain of the team.
A. x B. the C. a D. an
9. When winter comes ,the of most trees begin to fall .
A. leafs B. leafes C. leave D. leaves
10. There are on the plate .
A. some tomatos B. some beefs and porks C. some tomatoes D. some potatos
11. She had failed once. Then she tried time .
A. two B. the second C. a second D. once
12. There are five in our factory.
A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. woman doctor D. women doctor
13. Miss smith is a friend of .
A. Mary’s mother’s B. Mary’s mother C. Mary mother’s D. mothers of Mary
14. Yesterday he told us news .
A. a good B. such a good C. an D. a piece of good
15. Help yourself to some , please .
A. fish B. fishes C. fishs D. fish meat
16. He has drunk four of beer .
A. grasses B. glasses C. glass D. glassful
17. They went to the teacher for on how to do work .
A. some advices B. an advice C. advice D. more advices
18. Chairs and desks are made of .
A. wood B. some wood C. wooden D. the woods
19. My mother bought me trousers .
A. another B. a p


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