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高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)

ale , on fire , out of sight , in sight , under discussion , in the charge of , in the possession of , without help , without permission , under arrest , under repair , under consideration , under development 等。
◆ 有些以-able ,-ible 结尾的形容词 ( visible 可见的, invisible 无形的,breakable 的, drinkable 可饮用的 readable 可读的, acceptable 可接受的,respectable可尊敬的,countable 可数的,sensible可觉察的,等) 如:
The water in this well is drinkable(=fit to drink) . (19) Many things are invisible to us .
◆ 由过去分词转化而来的形容词 (pleased , interested , satisfied , frightened , worried, dressed , surprised , wounded , broken) 仍含有被动意义。如:
The girls are always dressed well .
The boy cried , with a glass broken .
◆ 使役动词 have/get+宾语+过去分词 ,表示该分词的动作由别人来完成。如:
-Good morning. Can I help you ?
-I\'d like to have this package ____ , Madame . (MET89)
A. be weighed B. to be weighed
C. to weigh D. weighed [答案:D]
I\'ll get my hair cut on Sunday .
◆ 有些名词以 -ee 结尾含被动意义 (以-er , -or 结尾却含主动意义) 。如:
trainee受训者(trainer训练员),employe(e)雇员(employor雇主),addressee收件人 (addresser, addressor发件人) ,rejectee被弃者 (rejecter抛弃者) 等。
◆ 当不定式在作表语(或宾补)的形容词(heavy , light , interesting , pleasant , simple, comfortable, dangerous , strong , big , small , sweet , smooth , nice , fit , important , impossible , necessary , good , easy, hard , difficult 等) 后面作状语, 且不定式与句中主语 (或宾语)在逻辑上有动宾关系时,常用主动形式表被动含义。如:
The chair looks rather hard , but in fact, it is very comfortable to _____ . (MET88)
A. sit B. sit on
C. be sat D. be sat on [答案:B]
They found the article hard to understand .
(注意:当不定式中的动词为不及物动词时需补上适当的介词。又如:This river is dangerous to swim in)
◆ 动词happen , last持续 ,let出租 ,blame责备 ,seek寻求 , 等用主动形式表达被动意义。如:
It is I who am to blame .
This house is to let . 此房出租。
◆ 有些动词 (look , bake , burn , print…)的进行时态表被动意义。如:
Bread is baking .
The fish is cooking .
■ 单元重点新词透视
1. run ( ran , run ) 作不及物动词意思是\"颜色退色\"。褪
Will the colours run if the dress is washed ? 这衣服洗起来会不会掉颜色 ?
The red on his face ran . 他脸上的红润不见了。
Some colours run quickly in the sun . 有些颜色在阳光下很快就褪色了。
run forward 向前跑去。run first 跑了第一。run a temperature 发烧。run a factory 办工厂。run into 跑进,偶然遇到。sth + run out = become used up (主语常是时间、食物、金钱) 用完了 。sb + run out of + sth 用完了。例如:
His money soon ran out . 他的钱很快就用完了。
He is always running out of money before payday . 他老是发工资的日子还没有到就把钱给花完了。
Last Sunday he ran into his old friend in the street . 上星期天他在街上遇到他的老朋友。
2. foolish 愚蠢的,傻的,卤莽的,可笑的,荒谬的
It\'s foolish of me to do so . 我这样做真蠢。
That\'s a foolish action . 那是各愚蠢的行为。
You look foolish in that dress .
It was foolish of her to act that way . = How foolish of her to act that way . 她那样做该有多笨啊 !
辨析 foolish (愚蠢), stupid (笨), silly(傻)
foolish 强调缺乏智力、智慧或者判断力,像愚人似的做出不合常理的事来。
I think it\'s foolish of her to let pass such a fine opportunity to go abroad . 我认为她放弃这样一个出国的好机会是十分愚蠢的。
stupid 常用于生气和责骂时,用于人的性格时指智力或反应迟钝。
What a stupid boy he is ! 他是个多么笨的孩子啊 !
You are not stupid , just lazy ! 你不笨,就是懒 !
He is stupid in learning maths . 他学数学很笨。
silly 指智力低能,所做所为太无见识,因而常招致讥笑,含\"聪明一世,糊涂一时\"。
I felt silly because I didn\'t know what to say . 我觉得很傻,因为我不知道说什么好。
Don\'t ask such silly questions ! 别再问这样傻的问题了。
3. insist vt.& vi. 坚持;坚决认为;坚决要求
He insisted that I was wrong . 他坚持认为我错了。
(1) insist on + doing 坚持做
She insisted on going to Beijing herself . 她坚持自己去北京。
Mother insisted on our going to Dalian by train . 母亲坚持要我们乘火车去大连。
(2) insist 后不接不定式,接宾语从句。表示坚持认为应该作某事时用可以省略 should 的虚拟语气;表示坚持说明自己的看法时不用虚拟语气。
He insisted that he wasn\'t a thief .
He insisted that I (should) finish this job alone .
He insists that he has done right . 他坚信自己做对了。
(3) insist on 主要是\"坚持\"意见、看法、主张。stick to 常指\"坚持\"原则、计划、决定,含有继续干或者接着干之意。
He insisted on this point . 他坚持这一点。
He insisted on knowing the fact . 他坚决要知道事实的真相。
But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research .
We must stick to our plan .
Lao Chen always sticks to his promise .
4. depend 依赖,依靠,信赖,相信
(1) depend on / upon 依靠 ,信赖(不用被动语态,但在否定句中常用不定式的被动式)
He is a man to depend on .
He isn\'t a man to be depended on .
China doesn\'t depend on foreign countries .
Whether we will hold the sports meet depends on the weather .
You can depend on this newspaper .
You may depend on it that he will want to come .
Whether we can go for a picnic depends on our money .
(2) depend on sb for sth ; depend on sb to do sth
He depends on his neighbour for help .
All living things depend on the sun for their growth . 万物生长靠太阳。
(3) depend on / upon it 毫无疑问,没错
Depend on it , we will win this match .
(4) It (all) depends (on) + 从句\"要看……而定\"
It depends on whether you want to do it or not .
It depends what you think of it .
5. choice 选择,抉择
When you make friends , make a careful choice .
have no choice but / except to do 只有干……
He had no choic

《高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)(第2页)》

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