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高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)

show sb in 领某人进来。。show sb around + place 领某人参观。show sb into 领某人进入。
要特别注意 show sb to the door 把某人送到门口。show sb the door 把某人赶出门去,下逐客令。
He wouldn\'t listen to my apology . He showed me the door . 他对我的道歉听也不听就把我赶出了门。
Lesson 39 & 40
1. do some research about = make some research about / on 对……进行调查研究
They have done some research about free markets in this city for some time .
They have done a great deal of research on that subject .
research 虽然可以用复数,但其前不用 two , three , many , several , 但可以加 some 。可以用:do two pieces / items of research 做两项研究工作。
research 后可以接介词 on , about , into 。如:
He has made scientific researches on atom for ton years . 他从事原子科学研究已十年了。
2. offer the best advice and service 提供最好的建议和服务
3. do up 扎好,扣好,包好,整好,打扮。
You\'ve done up your buttons the wrong way . 你把钮扣扣错了。
She went to the mirror to do up her hair .
They did up all the old newspapers and put then in a separate room .
Mary has done herself up for the palace ball .
4. be suitable for + ing / sth 适合于,宜于
These story-books are suitable for children to read .
This kind of food is unsuitable for the patients .
Is he suitable / fit for this job ?
5. understand about … 懂得有关……
对比:Do you understand the meaning ? 你明白/ 理解那个意思吗?
Do you understand about space ? 你了解有关太空的情况吗 ?
6. take sb seriously 对某人认真接待,重视某人
It is foolish of you not to take this boss seriously .
7. (and) what is worse = to make matters worse 更糟糕的是
What was worse , this wine was not at all suitable for drinking with a meal .
He felt very hungry . What\'s worse , he had no money on him .
It got dark , and what was worse , we lost our way in the forest .
8. give sb the right / wrong change 给某人对/错钱
9. keep back 扣下,止住,隐瞒,留在后面
The boss kept back $30 from her pay without any reason . 老板无缘无故地从她的工资中扣掉30美元。
On hearing the news , the woman couldn\'t keep back her tears .
There\'s no need to keep it back from you .
10. enjoy equal rights 享有平等的权利
In China women enjoy equal rights with men .
11. fight sb to the end 同某人血战到底
No matter how powerful the enemy seems , we must fight them to the end .
12. know little about 对……知之甚少
13. in the world = on earth = completely 完全地,究竟,到底
14. get caught in 遇到,挂住
Her dress got caught on a nail .
They got caught in the rain the day before yesterday .
15. come off 脱离,掉下来
The branches have come off the trees .
16. in the same order 以相同的顺序
17. as usual 和往常一样,照例
As usual , he got up very early .
Only a week after the fire in the store , it was doing business as usual .
■ 单元语法学习目标
●对 as if 用法的探微
本单元的语法学习是掌握 as if 的用法。as if 是连词词组,相当于 as though , 意为\"好像,好似\",引导表语从句和状语从句。学习中应注意如下四点:
1 . as if 引导表语从句。
as if 引导表语从句时,可以和 as though 互换,其句型为:\"It looks / seem as if …\",其中 it 本身无词义,是无人称代词,looks / seems 是连系动词,as if 引导表语从句。例如:
It looks / seems as if you have got no experience . 看来你似乎并没有经验。
2 . as if 引导方式状语从句。
as if 引导的方式状语从句中,从句中的动词一般要用虚拟语气。若表示与现在事实相反的主观设想,动词用过去式 (be 用 were ,适用于各种人称);若表示与过去事实相反的主观设想,动词用\"had + 过去分词\"形式。例如:
He acted as if he were smoking . 他那举动好像他抽烟似的。
They talked as if they had been friends for years . 他们说话很亲热,就像多年的老朋友似的。
3 . 如果主句的谓语动词是过去式,从句中的动词往往可以用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气。例如:
I heard a noise as if she was crying . 我听到一种声音,好象她在哭泣似的。
He walked past me as if I didn\'t exist . 他从我身旁经过时,好象我不存在似的。
4 . as if 引起从句不用虚拟语气,用陈述语气的情况有:
如果句子的谓语动词是连系动词 look , feel , seem , taste , smell 等时,从句往往用陈述语气。
It looks as if we shall have to walk home . 看来我们得步得回家了。
He looks as if he is going to smile . 他看起来象要微笑似的。
The astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor . 宇航员们感到他们好象是被压在船舱上了。
He walks as if he were drunk . (没有醉酒)
He is walking this way and that as if he is drunk . (醉酒的可能性很大)
● No matter + 疑问词及其它
本单元的另一个语法学习项目是 no matter + 疑问词。一般说来,No matter + 疑问词(what , when , etc . )表示\"不管(无论)什么,何时\"等等。这种结构在句中主要作用是来引导让步状语从句。
No matter what happened , he wouldn\'t say a word . 无论发生什么事,他都守口如瓶。
No matter what difficulties she met , she was going to be a singer . 不管会遇到什么困难,她决意要当歌唱家。
No matter how busy he was , he always came to see me . 无论他多么忙还总是来看我。
在引导让步状语从句时,与上述结构有相同意思和用法的结构是:疑问句 + ever。
Whatever happened , he would not say a word .
不过,在使用疑问句 + ever 时,有以下几点用法需要注意。
★ 引导主语从句或宾语从句时,只能用\"疑问词 + ever \",而不能用\"no matter + 疑问词\"。
Whoever smokes here will be punished . 无论谁在这抽烟都要受到惩罚。
Beggars will eat whatever they are given . 饥不择食。
★\"疑问词 + ever\"可以用作修饰名词的关系形容词。
Take whatever books you like best . 拿你最喜欢的书吧。
★\"疑问词 + ever \"搭配连用时,可用来加强语气,用在特殊问句中,表示\"到底、究竟(= at all)的意思。
What ever do you want ? 你到底要些什么 ?
How ever did I forget it ? 我怎么竟然把它忘了 ?
★\"no matter\"可以单独用在句中或用作表语,意思是 it doesn\'t matter (不要紧),never mind (没关系)。
It makes no matter whether he likes it or not . 他喜欢不喜欢都没有关系。
It is no matter whether you get there early or late . = It doesn\'t matter whether y

《高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)(第4页)》

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