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高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)

ou get there early or late . 你早晚到那儿都没关系。
No matte , madam . 不要紧,夫人。
★ No matter 与 who , what , where , when…. 连用时,从句的时态用一般现在时表示将来。
No matter where you go , she\'ll love you . 无论你走到哪里,她都会爱你的。
★\"no matter + 疑问词\"放在句末时,往往不需要动词跟在后面。
I\'ll always believe you , no matter what . (不用 happen)不论发生什么,我都会相信你的。
用\"no matter + 疑问词\"或\"疑问词 + ever\"填空
1 . ______ you go , you\'ll find your friends .
2 . I\'ll eat _______ you gave me .
3 . _______ he says , I\'ll do it .
4 . _______ he is in trouble , I\'ll be ready to help him .
5 . _______ she says should be considered .
6 . The teacher will give a medal to _______ studies hardest .
7 . You may take ______ gifts you want .
8 . _______ made you so angry ?
9 . _______ promise to buy you a car ?
10 . ______ have you made so great progress ?
11. baggage it is , it will be kept until the owner returns .
答案:1 . Wherever / No matter where 2 . whatever 3 . Whatever / No matter what 4 . Whenever / No matter when 5 . Whatever 6 . whoever 7 . whatever 8 . What ever / Who ever 9 . Who ever 10 . How ever 11. No matter whose
● 哪些词能引导让步状语从句
◇ 用连词 though 和 although,译成汉语为\"虽然……但是……\"。后者的语气稍正式些。要注意的是:英语中用了 though (although),在主句中不要再加 but 。但他们可以与副词 still 和 yet 等连用,加强语气。
Although it was quite late , we were still working in the fields . 虽然时间很晚了,但我们还在田里工作着。
◇ 用 if 或 even if , 译成汉语为\"即使……\"。
If we failed in this English examination , at least we did our best . 即使我们在这次英语考试中失败我们至少尽了最大努力。
I\'ll go even if it rain . 即使天下雨,我也要去。
◇ 用 whether ,译成汉语为\"不论\"。
Whether it may rain or not , I\'ll do morning exercises . 不论天下雨不下雨,我都做早操。
◇ 用 even when ,译成汉语为\"纵然……\"等含义。
Even when it was raining heavily , he refused to take an umbrella . 纵然天在下大雨,他也拒绝带雨伞。
◇ 用 while , 它和 if , when 所引出的让步状语从句是通过连词在句中表达的内容与主句的内容在意义上相反。
While I appreciated (重视) the honour , I could not accept the position . 尽管我 重视荣誉,但是我不能接受那个职位。
◇ 用 as ,但语序要倒装。
Poor as he is ( = Though he is poor) , he is honest . 虽然他贫穷,但他诚实。
◇ 用连接代词(副词) whatever , whichever , whoever , wherever , whenever 和 however 等来引导让步状语从句。
Whatever happens , (=No matter what) , we\'ll carry on the experiment . 不管怎么样,我们要继续试验。
He will never succeed , however hard he tries . 无论他如何努力尝试,他都不会成功。
● 条件在哪里 ?
1 . Without electricity human life would be quite different today .
2 . Given more attention , the trees could have grown better .
以上两句都是虚似条件句,但在这些句子却看不到 if 引导的条件状语从句,那么,它们的条件在哪里呢 ?
1 . 在 without 等引导的介词短语里,without 是最常见的用来表示条件的介词,意思是\"若没有\"等。
Plants couldn\'t grow without air . 没有空气植物就不能生活。(without air = if there weren\'t air)
Without your advice , he couldn\'t have succeeded . 若不是你的忠告,他不可能成功。(without your advice = if it hadn\'t been for your advice)
另外 under 也常用来表示条件。
We could have done better under more favorable conditions . 在更有利的条件下,我们能干得更好。
2 . 在but for 或 except for 引导的短语里,but for 与 except for 意义接近,可译作\"要不是……\",等于 if it hadn\'t been for 。
But for the rain , we should have had a pleasant journey . 要不是下雨, 我们旅途愉快的。
But for your coming , I should have been very lonely . 要不是你来,我会感到寂寞的。
Except for you , I should be dead by now . . 要不是因为你,我活不到现在。
She would have left her husband except for the children . 若不是为了孩子,她早就离开她丈夫了。
3 . 用分词表示。
Invited , I would have come with you . (=If I had been invited , I would … )要是受到邀请,我会跟你一块去的。
I\'d come and see you in Austria , given the chance . (= … if I were given the chance . )有机会的话,我会到奥地利去看你。
4 . 隐含在 but 引导的并列句中。
We would have given you a ride this morning , / but the car was full . ( = … this morning if the car hadn\'t been full . )今天上午我们本可以让你搭我们的车的,但车上人满了。
He could have passed the driving test , but he was too nervous . 他原本能够通过驾驶考试的,不过他太紧张了。
5 . 隐含在副词 otherwise (否则,不然的话,等于 if not)。
It snowed heavily , Otherwise , I could have arrived earlier . 天下了大雪,不然的话,我会早到的。(此处,otherwise = if it hadn\'t snowed heavily)
6 . 隐含在 but that 引导的从句里。这里 but 为介词,but that 的意思是\"若不是……\"。
I\'d have come with you but that I was so busy . (= I\'d have come with you if I hadn\'t been so busy . )我要是不忙,会跟你一块儿去的。
He would have helped us but that he was short of money . (= He would have helped us if he hadn\'t been short of money . )要不是那时他缺钱,他会帮助我们的。
7 . 隐含在上下文的语境中。
- We could have walked to the station . It was so near . 我们本可以步行去车站,它这么近。
- Yes . A taxi wasn\'t necessary . 对,当时乘出租车是不必要的。 (MET\'92)
I would have acted as he did . 我不会象他那样干的。(隐含的条件是:\"如果我要干的活if I had done it。\")
Before liberation , years like these would have meant certain death for many people . Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children .
A Bullet in Mr Hand\'s Back
Mr Hand was very strong when he studied in a middle school . He liked (1) and his favourite game was running . So he won several (2) at the sports meetings . He had hoped to go to college before the (3) broke out . He was told to join the army and he (4) the front . He w

《高二英语第十单元At the Tailor\s Shop (在裁店缝)(第5页)》

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