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小学三年级英语《Unit 2 . Nice to meet you!》教学设计

Unit 2 . Nice to meet you
                  The first period :A Learn to say
                  TEACHING CONTENTS:
                  1. Vocabulary : Miss Li ,Mr Gree, Wang Bing ,Helen .
                  2. Pattern : This is … Good morning .
                  Good afternoon , Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too .
                  TEACHING AIMS :
                  1. Enable the students can understand and say the communion
                  parlances : This is …Good morning .Good afternoon . Nice to
                  meet you .Nice to meet you ,too .
                  2. To know four persons :Miss Li, Mr Green , WangBing ,Helen .

                  3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English .
                  TEACHING AIDS :
                  Cassette ,recorder ,masks (Miss Li ,Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen
                  .)model:( a clock )
                  TEACHING PROCEDURES :
                  Step 1:Free talk
                  1. The teacher wears the masks of animals :ask :Hi/Hello ,I'm
                  a bird/(a dog, a tiger),
                  What's your name?
                  The student answers: Hi/Hello ,I'm…
                  2. Students wear the masks of animals
                  ① Practise in pairs ( 同桌练习 )
                  ② Group work ( 小组练习 )
                  Step 2 Presentation and pratice .
                  1. Learn to say :Nice to meet you ./Nice to meet you ,too .
                  a. The teacher wears the mask of a monkey .
                  Say :Hello ,I'm a monkey .Nice to meet you .
                  ( 教师走到几个学生面边握手边说 Nice to meet you )
                  b. Read the sentence after me .
                  c. T says :Hello ,I'm a monkey ,Nice to meet you ,S says :Nice
                  to meet you ,too.
                  d. Practice .
                  T&S S&S Group work ( 连锁操练,每完成一段对话,双方击掌三次,以增强练习的趣味性。 )
                  Work in pairs
                  2. Learn to say :This is … Miss Li, Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen
                  a. The students wears the mask (Mike ),The Teacher says:This
                  is Mike .
                  b. 同上 Four student wear the masks (Miss Li ,Mr Green ,Wang
                  Bing ,Helen )
                  T says :This is Miss Li /Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen .
                  S says:Nice to meet you,Miss Li/….
                  Miss Li/ Mr Gree… says : Nice to meet you ,too.
                  3. Learn to say :Good morning, Good afternoon .
                  a. T draws two clocks in the blackboard ,T says: 从早上起床到 12
                  点,见面打招呼时说: Good morning, 从中午 12 点以后到傍晚 6 点说: Good afternoon .
                  b. Read after me :Good morning /Good afternoon ,Wang Bing(……)
                  c. Practice
                  T&S S&S
                  4. Group work ( 游戏:抛球 )

                  游戏目的:  1 )鼓励学生大胆使用英语。 2 )培养学生意识。 3 )增强学习的趣味性。
                  Work in pairs
                  5.Sing a song :Good morning to you
                  Step 5 consolidation :
                  1. The students wear the masks (Miss Li ,David ,Liu Tao)
                  e.g Liu Tao says :Good morning, Miss Li ,this is David .
                  Miss Li says : Nice to meet you ,David .
                  David says: Nice to meet you ,too .
                  2. Listen to the tape and read .
                  Step 6 Homework: Listen to the tape and read aloud.
                  Say :“ Good –bye ” .
                  Design :
                  Unit 2 Nice to meet you
                  Good morning
                  Good afternoon
                  This is 人物 图片
                  Nice to meet you .
                  Nice to meet you ,too .
                  The second period :B Look and learn
                  TEACHING CONTENTS :
                  Vocabulary: black ,white ,red ,yellow ,blue ,green ,brown
                  ,orange .
                  TEACHIING AIMS :
                  1. To understand and say the words :black ,white ,red ,yollow
                  ,blue ,green ,brown ,
                  2. To encourage the Ss to learn English .
                  TEACHING PROCEDURES:
                  Step 1. Warm-up
                  1. Greetings :
                  Good morning /afternoon ,everyone!Nice to meet you .
                  2. Introduce and compliment .
                  请一生向老师介绍同桌:( T:Please introduce your deskmate to me )
                  S a: Good morning ,Miss Zhang ,This is Gao Shan .
                  T : Nice to meet you ,Gao Shan .
                  Gao Shan: Nice to meet you ,too .
                  (Practice in groups )
                  3. Check
                  Step 2. Presentation and practice .
                  1. Learn to say the new word :black .
                  a. Show a black dog .
                  T:Hi, boys and girls ,What colour is it ?
                  It's black ,please say a black dog .
                  Ss:black .
                  b. T show black things ,Ss say :black .It's black .
                  c. Ss try to find something else is black and say :black .
                  2. Look and say the other words :white , yellow , red .
                  The same method .
                  3. 听音判断。全班分成四组,分别命名 black ,white ,yellow ,red . 师发出命令: Red 则
                  red 组全体成立,并高呼 red .
                  4. Guess .
                  师准备几只不同颜色的气球,放在身后,让生猜猜 what colour? 引入新颜色单词: orange ,brown
                  ,green ,blue . (猜对者可以得到一只气球。)
                  5. Check
                  Look at the picture and say : a yellow cat ,a red monkey ,a
                  black panda , a blue bird ,a white elephant ,a green bird ,an
                  orange tiger ,a black and white zebra .
                  Step3. Relax :Listen to the song “Hi,Nancy!”
                  Step4. Consolidation
                  1. Listen to the tape and repeat .
                  2. Play a game :Magic eyes .(Teacher's book Page 11)
                  3. Workbook :B Listen and colour
                  Step5 . Home work
                  Listen to the tape and repeat 3.
                  Step6 .ENDING.
                  Unit2 Nice to meet you
                  图 1 black 图 5 blue
                  图 2 white 图 6 green
                  图 3 red 图 7 brown
                  图 4 yellow 图 8 orange
                  POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbol
                  Miss [mis] Mr [ ˊ mist E ] red [red] black[bl A k]
                  white[w a it] yellow[ 5 jel [ u] blue[blu:] green [gri:n]
                  brown[br a un] orange[ 5 R rind V ] this[ T is] is[iz]
                  good[gud] morning[ 5 m C : ni N ] afternoon[ 7 a : f t [ 5 n u
                  : n ]nice[n a i s ]
                  to [ t u : ]meet[ m I : t ] you[ j u : ] too[tu : ]
                  The third period :C Look and say
                  TEACHING CONTENTS:
                  1.C.Look and say:Good morning/afternoon…This is…Nice to meet
                  you ,…Nice to meet you ,too.
                  2.Workbook. A Listen and number.
                  TEACHING AIMS:
                  1. The Ss can introduce others and compliment each other.
                  2. The Ss can talk in English, They like to speak in English.
                  3. The Ss can sing a song “ Hi, Nancy! ”
                  TEACHING AIDS:
                  Recorder cassette teaching pictures masks
                  TEACHING PROCEDURES:
                  Step1. Warm-up
                  1. Greetings.
                  2. Free talk (T&S S&S) compliment
                  3. Sing: “ Good morning to you ”
                  step2. Presentation
                  1. Show the masks (people:Miss Li,Mr Green,Helen,Wang
                  Bing)please say : “ Good morning/afternoon ,… Nice to meet you
                  T says:Nice to meet you ,too.
                  2. Work in group.
                  3. Check .
                  4. Show the teaching pictures.(c.Look and say )
                  Look at the pictures.
                  Q: 1 How many people are there in the pictures?(five)
                  2 Who are they ?(Helen,Liu Tao , Yang Ling ,Wang Bing,Bobby).
                  3 What are they talking about?
                  5. Discuss.
                  6. Practice (By using masks)
                  Pictures1. Helen:Hi/Hello/Good morning, Liu Tao.
                  Liu Tao:Hi/Hello/Good morning,Helen.
                  Pictures2. Liu Tao :Hi/Hello /Good morning, Yang Ling, This is
                  Yang Ling: Nice to meet you ,Helen.
                  Helen: Nice to meet you ,too.
                  Pictures3.4( 略 )
                  Step3. Learn to sing “Hi, Nancy”
                  1. Listen to the song.
                  2. Read after the T
                  3. Learn to sing(sing and dance)
                  Step4 Do the workbook Page 4
                  Unit 2 A Listen and number.
                  Listen to the tape and look at the pictures,write the number
                  in the 0 .
                  a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 4
                  Step4 Consolidation
                  1. Listen to the tape (Part A, partB)
                  2. Read after the tape.
                  3. sing a song “ Hi, Nancy”
                  step5 ENDING.
                  Unit 2 Nice to meet you
                  Nice to meet you ,…
                  Good morning,…
                  This is …
                  Nice to meet you ,too.
                  The fourth period : D. Fun house
                  TEACHING CONTENTS:
                  1. Listen and colour.
                  2. Draw and guess
                  3. Sing a song.
                  TEACHING AIMS:
                  1. Go on learning the new words and the new sentences.
                  2. To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .
                  TEACHING PROCEDURES:
                  Step1. Warm-up
                  1. Sing two songs: 《 Hello !》
                  《 Hi,Nancy! 》
                  2 . Greetings.
                  T: This is …(Sz)
                  Sa:Nice to meet you .
                  Sz:Nice to meet you ,too .
                  3.Free talk . (学生可以离开自己的座位,与小伙伴用英语互致问候)
                  4.Do what I do
                  Singing crying drinking watching TV walking writing…
                  1. Show the cards (colours)
                  T:What colour is it ? S:red ,…
                  2. Read the words.
                  3. Play a game:Bingo.
                  4. Whisper(Using a toy,its name is Peter)
                  5. Listen and colour .
                  e.g When you heard “ colour it black ”, please take out your
                  black pencil and colour .
                  6. Draw and guess.
                  The students are back-to –back, One student conceal a word
                  (red ,white …)the other guess : “ blue?” or “black?” The first
                  student answer : “ yes ” or “no”…
                  7. Do the workbook :B.Listen and colour , C Listen and draw.
                  B:1. a green bird 2.a black cat 3.a brown monkey 4. a yellow
                  Step3. Good-bye.
                  相比较来讲,本单元的句型比较难讲,特别是“ This is …. ”的发音。后来为了让学 生更容易发这个音,就让学生连读“
                  This is” 这个句型。同学们大都掌握了“ This is …”
                  八个颜色类单词,通过各种形式的操练。如 Bingo 、 whisper 、 pass 、 guess
                  等,学生经常说、练,反馈效果稍好一些,但仍对于“ brown ,white ”两词,有些生疏,不容易记住。

《小学三年级英语《Unit 2 . Nice to meet you!》教学设计》

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