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addition to除……之外、turn to翻到,求助于、look forward to盼望、set five to放心、devote…to …献于……
  1. (MET’88)Mother us stories when we were young .
  A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling 
  sb . be used to doing习惯于、sb . used to do过去常干、sth . be used to do被用来干……故选C。
  2. (MET’90上海题)We’re looking forward to your country .
  A. visiting B. visit C. be visiting D. being visiting
  3. (MET’95上海题)She looks forward every spring to the flower lined garden .
  A. visit B. paying C. walk in D. walking in
  只要掌握look forward to中的to为介词,那么2选A,3选D。至于短语动词中的夹杂状语起修饰性并不喧宾夺主。如:
  She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to the holiday at home .
  They looked forward very much to seeing him again .
  so as to以便做、It’s worth while + ing (to do )值得做、in order to目的是做、ought to应该做、be willing to乐意做、It takes sb . time to do花时间做、be anxious to急于做、happen to碰巧做、be eager to渴望做、It costs sb + money to do花钱做、be afraid to怕做、chance to恰巧做、be ready to准备做,乐意做、be so + adj + as to do如此……以致于……、be about to正准备做,将做、make up one’t mind to决心做、pretend to假装做、be + adj + enough to do足以做、intend do打算做、used to过去常做、be too …to do太……以致于、would / should love to很想做、plan to计划做、expect to期待做、prefer to do…rather than do宁愿做……而不愿做……
  4. (NMET’94) Rather than on a crowded bus , he always prefers a bicycle .
  A. ride , ride B. riding , ride C. ride , to ride D. to ride , riding
  5. (NMET’90) Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job .
  A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to
  6. (MET’93上海题) Children at the beginning of this century a lot and themselves greatly even without television .
  A. used to read …enjoying
  B. used to read …enjoyed
  C. were used to reading…enjoy
  D. were used to read …enjoying
  答案:4.C 5.B 6.B
  to tell (you) the truth说真的、Truth to tell实不相瞒、to begin / start with首先、to be more exact确切地讲、to make a long story short长话短说,简而言之、to be fair公平地说,凭心而论、to be sure肯定地,毫无疑问地……
  -Would you like to come to dinner tonight ? (NMET’94)
  -I’d like to , but I’m too busy .
  -Tom , do you plan to go skating ?
  -Yes , we plan to .
  To see is to believe . = Seeing is believing .
  It’s better to laugh than to cry .
  a monument to the heroes、a bridge to knowledge、a visitor to the city、answer to this problem、keys to the exercises、the entrance to / of a valley、the key to the door、the key to success、a traitor to one’s country、the passage to the room、the notes to the text…
  to one’s (great) surprise / satisfaction / joy / disappointment / regret…
  I guessed from the hurrying to and fro〈来来回回〉in the house that something unusual was about to happen .
  1.agree to同意
  I don’t agree to his proposal . (to是介词)
  He agreed to help me two days later .(to是不定式符号)
  2.come to来;谈论
  He has a lot of money coming to him . (to是介词)
  He came to realize that he was wrong .(to是不定式符号)
  3.get to到达;逐步
  When did you get to the station . (to是介词)
  You’ll get to like the work . (to是不定式符号)
  4.on the / one’s way to在……途中;即将……
  I lost my pen on the way to school . (to是介词)
  She is on the way to see a film . (to是不定式符号)
  5.happen to发生;碰巧
  What happened to you ? (to是介词)
  He happened to pass by the station . (to是不定式符号)
  go to college上大学 go to school去上学 face to face面对面 put to use利用 get to know知道…… go to bed上床睡觉 go to cinema看电影 sentence sb. to death处死…… come to a stop停止
  To-infinitive , Infinitive Without To or Just To
  1.Don’t ask him to do that if he doesn’t want . (to do , do , to)
  2.They could do nothing but . (to wait , wait)
  3.We wondered whether (to go , go) forward or turn ,to turn) back .
  4.Do what the teacher has told us . (to , to do , do)
  5.Hearing this Tom didn’t know whether to laugh or . (to cry , cry)
  6.-Would you like to go to the concert with me ?
   -Yes , I’d like . (to go , to , go)
  7.She doesn’t have to get up so early as she used .(to , to get up)
  8. I would rather (to walk , walk) home than (take , to take) a bus .
  9.The little child had no choice but . (to cry , cry)
  10.Hadn’t you better (to hurry , hurry) if you want to catch the first bus ?
  11.-She has to make a special trip to the store to get some salt .
    -Does she have ? (to make , to , ×)
  12.The policeman let those boys (to go , go), hoping they would learn from their mistake and (to obey , obey) the rules in the future .
  13.That’s too good a chance (to let , let) .(pass , to pass)
  14.I don’t think he need (tell , to tell) me .
  15.I’ll try to help you it . (to do , to )
  16.He went to America pennilessly , (return , to return) home forty years as a millionaire .
  17.My brother has made a radio (listen , to listen ) to music .
  18.They did all they could (help , to help) her .
  19.-Ought I to go ?
    -Yes , I think you ought . (to , ×)


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