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Have a good time


 9.That sounds really cool! 这听起来确实很酷!
  sound是系动词后跟形容词作表语。类似用法的动词还有:get, turn, smell, taste, feel, look等。例如:
  (1)It looks more beautiful in the sun. 在阳光下,它看起来更漂亮。
  (2)The dish smells delicious.菜闻起来很香。
  (3)I often feel tired.我常感到疲倦。
  (4)It tastes better than it looks.它看起来不怎么样,味道还不错。
  (5)Her name sounds beautiful.她的名字听起来很好听。

  在宾语从句这一个语法项目中,疑问词引导的宾语从句是比较难于理解的。本单元教学由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。所谓连接代词和副词,实际上就是我们以前学过的疑问代词和副词,如who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how以及由how构成的词组。但必须注意两点,一是它们在构成疑问句时叫疑问词,引导宾语从句时称作引导词。一是它们和that不一样,在从句中有含义,担任相关的句子成分,所以不能省略,另外,它们须放在宾语从句之首,宾语从句必须是陈述句结构。学习宾语从句,主要应当注意以下三个方面的内容:引导词,从句语序以及主从句的时态的一致性。现在以连接词的三种不同情况来进行宾语从句的总结。

 1 连接代词引导的宾语从句。
  Can you tell me who will give us a talk?
  Show me what you have bought for me? (what 是连接代词,原来的语序是What have you bought for me?)
  Please guess which subject I like best?
  猜一猜,我喜欢哪一门功课?(which是连接代词,原语序为Which subject do I like best?)

  Can you tell me where we show our tickets? (where 为连接副词,其语序应当为:Where do we show our tickets?)
  Can you tell me how I can get the information? (how 为连接副词,其正常语序为:How can I get the information?)
  Do you know why he is often late for school? (why为连接副词,该句语序为:Why is he often late for school?)
  注意:常用于宾语从句中的连接副词主要有: why, how, where, when. 英语中连接副词与疑问代词是相同的。由连接副词引导的宾语从句为:主句+连接副词+主语+谓语+其他成分。

 3.以连词if或whether 引导的宾语从句。
  I want to know if/whether you have already finished your work..
  I'm not sure if/whether you will come to the party tomorrow.
  I want to know if/whether you are a teacher.
  whether/if 的意思是"是否",在宾语从句中是不能省略的,他们引导的原句都是一般疑问句。也就是说,当你判断该宾语从句的原句本该为一般疑问句,则在改为宾语从句时就应当用whether/if。

  由于第四单元中学生刚刚学过由that 引导的宾语从句。宾语从句对于学生而言已经不是一个陌生的语法项目,但是宾语从句的难点却出现在这一部分。根据教学实践经验来看,学生在学习宾语从句时,最难掌握的是有关宾语从句语序问题。也就是说,学生在初学时会感到不适应。

  而本单元则侧重讲述由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。首先,教师要给学生讲清这两种连接词的定义。英语中连接代词有:who/whom, what, whose, which。然后利用第20课复习要点中的举例予以说明。
  Please tell me who/whom we have to see.
  Do you know what should they do next?
  The boy asked whose coat it was?
  Could you tell me which teacher is the most popular among your students?

  What does he want to buy?→I don't know what he wants to buy.
  (不能说:I don't know what does he want to buy.)
  Who are we going to meet?→Can you tell me who we are going to meet?
  (不能说:Can you tell me who are we going to meet?)

  由连接副词引导的宾语从句的教学方法与疑问代词引导的宾语从句的教学方法相同。在英语中,连接副词有:when, where, why 和how。

  He doesn't know why his friends like English so much.
  The teacher had to find out why the boy was often late for school.
  He couldn't remember where he put his book.
  Could you tell us where we'll have the meeting.
  Her husband didn't tell her when he would be back.
  The girl doesn't know when she must finish her homework.

  Could you tell us how often you go abroad for holiday?
  Could you tell us how long the meeting will last?
  Do you know how far it is to the cinema?
  Do you know how many students there are in your school?
  Please tell us how much your new blouse cost.
  Please tell us how soon you will be back.
  Can you tell us how old his brother is ?

  1. A: Please tell me why you were late for school this morning.
    B: I got up too late and didn't catch the first bus. So I was late.
  2. A: We don't know what we shall buy for my mother for her birthday.
    B: What about a new scarf.
  3. A: Can you tell me where I should change planes?
    B: Look at your air ticket and you'll find the answer.
  4. A: Do you know what I have to take with me for the trip?
    B: Your camera, of course.
  5. A: Could you tell me how I can find No. 3 Middle School, Madam?
    B: Sorry! I don't know. Please ask the policeman over there.


一、 阅读训练

  在阅读过程中,时刻牢记五个"W"和一个"H"。在任何一个故事,一则新闻或一篇文章中,作者总是要向读者说明何人何时何地为什么怎么干了何事。用英语表示就是who, when, what, where, why 以及how。这就是我们说的五个"W"和一"H"。



《Have a good time(第5页)》

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