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Lesson 100 教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives:

  Grasp the Past Continuous Tense, the adverbial clause of time and new words and expressions.

  Language focus:

  1.The adverbial clause

  When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking.

  My father was reading the newspaper while my mother was cooking the dinner.

  As I was crossing the road, I saw he ran towards me.

  2. New words and phrases

  on the way( back) to somewhere, be alone, be worried about, diver, turn the steering wheel, on land, swim over to, pull. . .out of, come to oneself, knock on

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Ask the students What were you doing when I came into the classroom?

  2. Revise while: ask What were you doing while you were waiting for me? Help the students to use while + Past Continuous Tense.

  3. Revise the difference between when + Simple Past Tense and while + Past Continuous Tense.

    Explain when=at that time, at that point in time, while =during that time.

  Step 2 Listening

  Play the tape through once. Give the students a few moments to write down their answers. Then play the tape again. Students check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class.


  Step 3 Practice

  Play the video: Lesson 100 Practice

  Then ask the students two questions as an example.

  What happened while you were talking?

  What were you doing when the teacher came in?

  Get them to make up their own examples.

  First they do it with the sentences given in pairs, then they ask and answer in a chain with new sentences. The chain goes like this: A asks B,B askes C,C askes  D, . . . ,etc.

  Step 4 Reading

  Say We've talked about many car accidents and what causes traffic accident. Today we are going to learn another article about a traffic accident.

  Let the students look at the pictures and guess what the story is about.

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Answer How did Mr. Jackson get Mrs. Beet out of the car? (through an open window)

  First get the students to guess the meaning of at once, dive, steering wheel, breathe, mouth-to-mouth, come to oneself.(学生可以查字典)Then explain some of them.

  Play the tape again (or play the video: Mr. Jackson saves Mrs. Beet). Do Ex.2 of workbook. Then check the answers with the whole class.

  Step 5 Writing

  In small groups have the students discuss the pictures. Then ask them to write down their story.

  Step 6 Discussion

  Students talk about the cause of this traffic accident, list what people should do on the road and what they should do on the road. They write down the list in pairs, then read it to the whole class for agreement.

  Step 7 Exercises in class

  Read the article about a traffic accident and choose the best words.

  John did not stop his car at some traffic lights when they were red, and he _l__ an other car. John jumped out and went to it. There was___2__old man in the car. He was very frightened and___3_John, “What are you doing? You nearly killed me!”

  “Yes,” John answered. “I’m very__4__.” He took a bottle out of his car and said, “___5__some of this. Then you’ll feel better.” He gave the man some beer, and the man drank it, but then he shouted again, “You nearly killed me!”

  John gave him the__6__again, and the old man drank___7__the beer. Then he smiled and said to John, Thank you. I feel much___8__now. But why aren’t you drinking.

  “Oh well,” John answered, “I don't want___9__beer now. I'm going to sit here and__10__the police.”

  ( )l. A. knock   B. touch   C. hit    D. put

  ( )2.A.the    B. a     C. an    D. ×

  ( )3.A.said    B. said to   C. says   D. says to

  ( )4. A. sorry   B. glad    C. happy   D. pleased

  ( )5.A.Eat     B. Drink   C. To eat   D. To drink

  ( )6.A.box     B. glass   C. cup   D. bottle

  ( )7. A. many    B. many of  C. a lot   D. a lot of

  ( )8 .A. good   B. well    C. better   D. the best

  ( )9 .A. any    B. some   C. anything  D. something

  ( ) 10. A. wait for  B. waiting  C. look for  D. looking

  Keys: l.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A

  Step 8 Homework

  1. To write about what happened to Tim yesterday morning according to the pictures.

  Start like this: Yesterday morning, Tom rode his bike to school as usual. He was riding very fast.

  2. Finish off the workbook exercises on page 124 ~ 126.

  Writing on blackboard

Mr. Jackson Saves Mrs. Beet

 1. Make sentences      3. Answer the following questions.

 2. Language points      (1) How did it happen?

 (1) on one's way (back) to. . .  (2) Who helped her after the accident?

 (2) be worried about     (3) Who should be responsible for the accident?

 (3)be alone

 (4)steering wheel

 (5)pull.. .out of

 (6) come to oneself

《Lesson 100 教学设计方案》

  • 上一篇范文: Unit 25 The accident
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 86 教学设计方案

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