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A man who never gave up


 — Don’t you think they speak too quickly?

 — Yes, I do.

 — 难道你不认为她们讲得太快了吗?

 — 是够快的。

 13. Let’s ask him to turn it down.


  turn down意思为“把音量关小“,反义词是turn up把音量开大,类似的短语还有:turn on “打开”,turn off “关掉”,其中on, off ,down, up都为副词,因此代词作宾语,必须位于动词之后,副词之前。如:

  The TV is too noisy. Please turn it down.


  Please turn off the lights when you leave home, and turn up the radio. Then nobody dare break in.





 1)  用作宾语

  I’ve begun to learn English.


  The old man always forgets what to do.


  Liu Mei wanted to ask the teacher a question.


  句中to learn English, what to do, to ask the teacher a question分别作谓语动词begun, forgets, wanted的宾语。

  动词不定式作及物动词的宾语,常用的及物动词有begin, want, hope, forget, remember, like, love, need, try, ask, learn, wish, agree, choose, start:等。

 2)  用作宾语补足语

  Tell the child not to play on the road.


  My father told me to turn the radio down.


  I often help my mother (to) do housework at home.


  句中not to play on the road, to turn the radio down, (to) do housework at home分别作tell, told, help的宾语补足语。

 注意:1.作动词ask, like, tell, want等的宾补时,动词不定式要带to。如:

    2.表示感官和使欲的动词,如:let, make, feel, hear, see, watch等,作这些动词的宾补时,动词不定式不带to。如:

  My parents don’t let me swim in the river.


  Did you watch the old man get into the bus?


 3.       作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式可带to,也可不带to。如:

  Could you help me (to) do the cooking this afternoon?


  He can’t help me (to) mend my bike.


[例]  根据句子意思,用所给动词的适当形式填空。

 1.       Can you ask Tom _____________ (speak) more slowly?

 2.       I hope _______________ (find) a good job in Shanghai.

 3.       I wanted _____________ (have)) a cup of tea.

 4.       The teacher told us _______________ (do) Exercises 1 and 2.

 5.       I’ll go ___________________ (see) my grandma tomorrow.


 1.to speak (动词短语ask sb. to do sth..动词不定式作宾补)

 2. to find (动词不定式作hope的宾语)

 3. to have(动词不定式作wanted的宾语)

 4. to do (动词不定式作told的宾补)

 5. to see(动词不定式作状语)


Lesson 25

Period: The first period

Content: Lesson 25

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Objectives: Get the students to master some useful expressions. Get the students to know something about inventions learn the Infinitive.

Language Focus:1. Useful expressions

         2. The Infinitive

Teaching Procedures:

 Ⅰ. Organizing the class.

  Greeting and make a duty report

 Ⅱ. Revision

  1.Check the homework.

  2.Revise some words of the inventions.

 Ⅲ. Presentation

  Make a suppose: If you can’t write quickly.

  What do you want most?

 Ⅳ. Read and say

  Ask the students to close their books and then listen to the tape twice.

  Then ask the questions:

  What does David want to do?

  At last, check the answer and play the tape again for the students.

 Ⅴ. Practice

  1. Read the dialogue in groups.

  (1-3 groups for Tina; 4-6 groups for David) then exchange.

  2. Practice in pairs and then exchange.

  3. Have some pairs read the dialogue for the class.

 Ⅵ. Ask and answer.

  1. Show a picture of a te

《A man who never gave up(第5页)》

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