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  1.bring on 引起;使...前进;把...端上来(如饭菜等)
  1) I'll bring on the beef in a minute.我一会就端上来牛排。
  2) The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. 好天气使农作物长得很好。(使发展或进步 )
  3) He was caught in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.(引起;导致)他被雨淋了,导致了一场重感冒。
bring on  使发生;
bring in  引来;引进;吸收
bring out 取出;说出;阐明;出版
1) The first dish that was brought on was bean-soup.
2) The sudden cold weather brought on his cold again.
3) His new business brings in 1,000 dollars a month.
4) We also brought in some words from English, such as tank and so on.
5) Bring out the meaning more clearly.
6) They have brought out a set of children's books.
  2.You can see as far as the coast.
as far as 远到;到...为止;常用来在句中加重语气
Every day, the old man walks as far as the Summer Palace. 他一直走到颐和园 as/so far as (连词) 就...而言
As far as I know, what you said can't possibly happen.就我所知你所说的事情是不可能发生的。
so far 到目前为止,常用在完成时态中
I haven't got the invitation so far.到目前为止,我还没有得到邀请。
  3.One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father's
used to do sth.
1) My friend used to write to me, but now she prefers sending e-mails.
be used to do sth. 被用来做
1)The house was used to keep books two years ago.
2)Elephants are used to carry things.
be/get used to doing/sth.
1) I have been used to living in this area.
  I have got used to living in this area.
2) I came to Beijing 10 years ago, and I've got used to the weather here.
  4.Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance. = If you go through the gate, you'll find the entrance. / Go through the gate, or you won't find the entrance.

1) Use your brain and you'll find a way.
2) If you study hard, you'll surely make progress.
3) Hurry up! Or we'll miss the last train.



I. 宾语从句 即在复合句中作主句的(及物动词或介词)宾语。宾语从句通常由连接代词或副词引导;可分为四类:
  1.由 that引导的宾语从句(that没有任何意义,在从句中不充当任何成分,在口语和非正式文体中常可以省略):
  I thought (that)the food was rather expensive.
  Mother knows (that) Jim will work hard.
  2. 由 if /whether“是否” 引导的宾语从句:
  I wonder if/whether it was Disney who made the first cartoons.
  Could you tell me if/whether Mr. Black lives here?
  3. 由 what, why, when, where, who, which, whose, whom, how 等 wh- 类连接代词或副词引导的宾语从句:
  Can anyone fail to see what kind of show they are putting on?
  Please tell me which class you are in?
  He asked me whom I was waiting for.
  The stranger doesn’t know when the ship arrives.
  I didn’t understand why the boy had so many questions.
  Please ask the teacher how we get to the place.
  4.由关系代词型what 等代词引导的宾语从句:
   We always mean what we say.
       I will try to make up what I have missed.
       I’ll give you whatever help you need.
       I’ll read whichever book you recommend
  A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do.
     --“Doesn’t Helen live on this street?”
     --“No. This is where Leon lives.”
  2. 宾语从句的语序。无论是连接代词还是连接副词引导的宾语从句的 语序都应是陈述句的语序。
  She asked the boys if they had white hats.
  I don’t remember when we arrived.
  Do you know which class he is in?
  3. 时态的呼应。分以下三种情况考虑:
  1) 主句的谓语动词是过去时态时,从句的时态也应是过去的某种时态。
  He answered (that) he was listening to me.
  Lily told us (that) she was born in May, 1980.
  2) 主句的谓语动词是过去时态时,从句所叙述的是客观真理、格言时,从句时态无需改变,仍用一般现在时。
       The teacher said that (that) the earth goes around the sun.
       Father told me that practice makes perfect.
       He says he will be back in an hour.
       They know Jim is working hard.
      常可跟宾语从句的形容词有:afraid, glad, sure, happy, pleased,  surprised, sorry 等等。
       She is afraid that Jim will forget his Chinese.
       I’m sure that he will succeed.
      介词后所接从句为宾语从句,whether ,if 不能引导宾语从句。
       I am interested in how we use computers.
       This depends on whether we have enough people.
  6.如果宾语从句后边还有宾语补足语,则需用it  作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。
       You may think it strange that he would live there.
  7.否定的转移。在think, believe, suppose 等动词引导的宾语从句中, 谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think等动词变为否定形式。
        I don’t think what you have said is right.
        I don’t believe they’ve finished their homework yet.
  8.在hope, believe, guess, think, expect, say以及be afraid等词语后,可用“so”代替一个宾语从句(指上文提及之事)。
         --“We’ll have good weather tomorrow.”
   --“I hope so.”

  I hope/believe not. I’m afraid not.
1.The boss  didn’t know ____ would happen to him next  after the serious accident.
A. what       B. that       C. why       D. How
2. Do you know ________?
A. how old Mrs Black is                  B. when did Mrs Black come back last night
C. where will Mrs Black be tonight  D. What does Mrs Black like best
3. Our professor thought _____ important that we should read widely.
A. if         B. what  


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