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    C. it         D. That
4. It was my brother’s birthday I asked him  to choose _____ he wanted as gift.
A. whomever   B. whatever  C. whenever   D. Wherever
5. The final success belongs to ______ works hard.
A. whomever   B. whoever   C. anyone     D. That
6. Mr Smith took interest in ______ he had seen in the history museum.
A. all what   B. all which   C. what       D. That
7. The officer ordered that all the guns ____ into the secret place.
A. should take        B. be taken    C. had been taken          D. Took
8. The headmaster suggested that we _____the meeting will till the next Tuesday.
A. should put off         B. be put off   C. will put off      D. would put off
9. Tom wishes he ____ be successful next time.
A. is to     B. shall     C. will        D. would
10. The engineer wished she ____ in designing the new kind of machine last month.
A. had been succeed       B. would succeed 
C. had succeeded          D. succeeded
11. The teacher told her pupils that light ____ faster than sound.
A. travels       B. had travelled    C. will travel      D. travelled
12. The sports depends on _____ it is fine tomorrow.
A. whether       B. if      C. that        D. what
13. They didn’t know ____ or not  their parents would come to the class meeting.
A. if          B.  that      C. whether     D. which
14. The boss came out to see _____
A. what the matter was                   B. what was the matter
C. when was the matter                   D. how was the matter
15.I wonder ______ or not you will help me.
A. if      B. whether     C. why         D. that

教学设计方案Lesson 1

Teaching Aims: 1. Teach new words and expressions
2. Daily English ? Asking the way
1) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…
2) Excuse me. How can I get to …
3) Where is …?
4) Where is the nearest …?
Daily English Showing the way
1) Go straight ahead till you see …
2) Go through the gate and you’ll find …
3) Just take this street round to the right of …
4) Go down this street till you get to… Then you’ll see the sign for the …
5) It’s about four hundred yards down this street.
6) It’s about…yards from here.
3. Ability
1) Learning how to ask the way and show the way
Main Points: 1. Learning to use the above functional sentences correctly and freely
Teaching Methods:

1. Questions and answers       2. Listening and Role-plays
Teaching aids: 1. OHP    2. Tape-recorder     3. Blackboard
Bb Design:
Unit 1 Disneyland(第4页)  Lesson 1  Dialogue
Asking the way        Showing the way
1) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…1)Go straight ahead till you see …
2) Excuse me. How can I get to …      2)Go through the gate and you’ll find …
3) Where is …?                            3)Just take this street round to the right of …
4) Where is the nearest …?          4)Go down this street till you get to  Then                   you'll see …
                                                       5)It’s about four hundred yards down this                   street.
                                                       6)It’s about…yards from here.
                                                7) It’s just at the end of the street. You                  can’t miss it.


  • 上一篇范文: Hurricane
  • 下一篇范文: Charlie Chaplin

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