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unin8 A person of great determination(上)


  We’ve learned Madame Curie.I think she is a person of great determination.She would have gained nothing without the determination.Today we will learn an interesting story about a boy who had a great determination.
StepII.Fast reading:(Give the Ss 5 minutes to search for the answers)
  1.What was the boy looking for and what was the problem?
  2.How did the bookseller and the writer each offer to help the boy?
StepIII.Reading Comprehension:
1.The writer went to a bookstore______.
  A in search of some dictionaries
  B to buy a geography book
  C to find some books he wanted
  D to look for a friend
2.The young boy was interested in geography because he wanted to______.
  A travel  B trade with foreign countries countries
  C be a sailor like his father  D study it at college
3.The young boy looked up at the writer with a weak smile when the shop assistant refused his request. This showed that he was_______.
  A delighted  B content  C disappointed  D curious
4.The writer followed the boy to find out whether he______.
  A could get more money  B could get what he wanted
  C would buy something else  D would go home
5.After the fifth bookstore, the boy decided ______in order to know whether he could get one.
  A to try one more bookstore
  B to try all the bookstores in town
  C to try two more bookstores
  D to try four more bookstores
StepIV.Pair work:
  1. Why do you think the boy had a weak smile on his face?
  2. Why was the boy surprised at the writer’s request?
  3. What was the boy determined to do?
  4. Why do you think the boy could not go to school?
  5. What was wise about the boy’s decision in the last bookstore?
  6. For what reasons might the writer envy the boy?
StepV. Fill in blanks:
  1.At the boy’s last remark, the bookseller looke at him curiously.I told him what I had seen and heard at the five other places. To the boy’s delight, the bookseler gave him a nice new pencil and some writing paper.
  2.Tears of joy filled his eyes. For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears. “Thank you very much indeed,sir,”he said. “I hope that one day I shall be able to repay you.”
  3.He asked for my name and I told him. Then I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him.
StepVI.Learn some words through the contents.(语境中领悟词的意义及用法)
  1. How eagerly he looked up at the sales assistant for an answer,and how disappointed he looked when the man refused his request!Looking up at me with a weak smile, the boy left the store.I followed him.(After the illness, his leg felt weak.)
  2. A:Why do you want it so badly?
  B:To study,sir.I can’t go to school, but when I have time I study at home.
  [badly:adv. a great deal, very much. For example: 1. Do you have a pen,I need it badly.
  2)Look at his hair! He is badly in need of a haircut.]
  3. “Well, in that case it’ll do just as well, and then I shall have twelve cents left to buy some other book. I’m glad they didn’t let me have one at any of the other places.”
  (do:to be suitable.行,成。例:This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.
That won’t do.那不行。
It doesn’t do to work too much.工作过度就不行。)
StepIII.Language points:
  1.leave sb. doing sth.leave sb. 后面可带现在分词、过去分词、形容词、介词短语等作宾语补足语,leave在这些结构中作“让(继续处于某种状态)”解释。如:
  ①They walked off and left me sitting there all by myself.
  ②His letter left me feeling pretty bad.他的信使我感到相当难受。
  ③I'm sorry I've left some of your questions unanswered.很抱歉,你有些问题我没有回答。
  ④He will never leave a job unfinished.他干什么事从来没有不干完的
  ①Leave him to do it himself. 让他一个人去做。
  ②I'll leave you to settle all the business.我委托你来处理全部事务。
  1)I'm sorry. (Sorry. )对不起!(抱歉!)(这是表示道歉的普通用语,其中Sorry更为随便些。
  ③Excuse me. 请原谅,或对不起。(用这句话表示歉意,实际上是一种打招呼的口头语。一般多用于对陌生人询问,请求某事之前,或者用在打断别人讲话之前,表示不同意见以及暂时要离开一会儿等场合。如:Excuse me, sir, will you tell me the way to the station? 劳驾!先生,请问去车站走哪条路?当你在人前打喷嚏时,或不小心碰了别人时都要说Excuse me,这样显得有礼貌。)
  2)That's all right. 没关系。(这是回答别人道歉时的普通用语,语气较随便。也可说成:That's OK. )其他说法还有:
  ①It doesn't matter. 不要紧。(这也是回答道歉的常用语,其意思与“Never mind.”相同。)
  ③That's nothing. 没什么。(也是一句普通的回答道歉常用语。象这样的用语还有:It's not your fault. Not at all. 等。)
  ①A:Excuse me, but is it seven o'clock yet?
  B:I'm sorry, but I haven't a watch.
  A:It doesn't matter.
  I'll try the man over there. He will know.
  ②A:I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  B:That's all right.
  ③A:Sorry, did I step on your toe?
  B:That's nothing.
  3.And in the end he did land us safe, …
  ①Do come tomorrow! 明天务必来!
  ②He does like singing. 他确实喜欢唱歌。
  ③He did work here last year. 他去年确实在这里工作。
1.When ______, water can be changed into vapor.[A]
  A.heated  B.heats  C.heating  D.to heat
2.Frank tried to think of a good excuse to ______ the meeting.[B]?
  A.get off with B.get out of C.get away D.get over for
3.If I ______ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car.[D]
  A.possessed B.owned C.had D.had had
4.Many people love to ______ off their possessions before others.[B]
  A.give B.show C.turn D.take
6.They say such ill things about you out of ______.[A]
  A.envy B.congratulation C.respect D.fear
7.Don't look ______ immediate results from this medicine.[A]
  A.for B.at C.after D.up



Lesson 31教学设计方案

StepI.Fast reading:(search for answer:give the Ss 2-3 minutes.)

  1.Did the ship sink during the voyage?

  2.who was the captain?

StepII.Retell:How did the captain land them safe?

StepIII.Fill in blanks.(Silent reading and pay special attention to the key words.

《unin8 A person of great determination(上)》

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