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Charlie Chaplin

  1) his own manner of acting = his own acting style他自己的表演风格.
  manner (n.) 指文艺上的“风格”或“手法”。
  2) the one是不定代词,在句中作his own manner of acting的同位语,而that引导的从句是定语从句,修饰the one.
  3) was too become 意为“就要成为”。这种由[be+动词不定式]的结构相当于be going to do sth., 常用来表示“按计划或安排将要发生的动作”。如:
  All these things are to be answered for. 所有这一切都是要偿还的。
  We are to meet at the school gate at six in the morning. 我们定于早上六点在校门口集合。

  Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.给电影配音的设备还没有研制出来。
  1) add vt. 增加,增添;补充说。如:
  If you add 5 to 5, you get 10. 五加五得十。
  If the tea is too strong, add some water. 要是茶太浓,加点儿水。
  “I am sorry,” he added, “I didn’t realize it.” “抱歉,”他补充说,“我不明白。”
  2) add to 增加,增进
  The trip adds greatly to our understanding of your country.
  3) add…to…在……增加.如:
  Please add these names to your list.请在你的名单上增加这几个名字
  4) add up to加起来(达到)…….如:
  The figures add up to 180.这些数字加起来是180。

  People said gold could easily picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.据说用一个水盆淘洗河里的砂子可以很容易地把金子筛选出来。
  1)pick up 收集到;捡起;接;接收(节目)
  The child picked up a wallet outside the school.
  He picked up a little French during his visit to Paris.在访问巴黎期间他学到点儿法语。
  We use a radio to pick up English programmes. 我们用收音机收听英语节目。
  2) by是介词,意为“以……方法”、“以……手段”。如:by bus, by air. 后跟动词-ing形式时,表示“以……动作、做……事”。如:
We can learn English well by listening, speaking, reading and writing.通过听说读写我们就可以学好英语。

  So far they have been unlucky in their search for gold.到那时为止,他们找金子的运气一直不好。
  1) so far到目前为止;到这个地步;到这种程度。如:
  Our lives have been easy so far. 到目前为止,我们的日子过得不错。
  I can only trust him so far. 我只能相信他到这种程度。
  2) be lucky / unlucky in 在……方面很幸运/运气不佳
  He was unlucky in business last year. 去年他生意不景气。
  3) In one’s search for = in search of / looking for后接名词或代词,通常用作状语.如:
  Mr. Smith came in his search for her.史密斯先生来找她.
  They all went out in search of food.他们都出去寻找食物。

  He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed.他把吃皮鞋的情景演得就像是他吃过的最香的一顿饭似的。
  1) make +宾语+宾补(宾语可由形容词、不带to的动词不定式,过去分词、介词短语及名词充当。)如:
  The teacher made him repeat it. 老师要他重述一遍。
  I will make me happy if you can help me. 如你能帮助我,我将感到高兴。
  What made you so frightened? 什么使你这么害怕?
  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩耍,聪明孩子会变傻。
  We were asked to make ourselves at home. 我们被要求呆在家里
  ②含义不同:as表示“正如……”;当限制性定语从句谓语是be expected、be said.be known、be reported、be announced等时,则多用as引导。which表示“因果”关系。


  Teaching aims and requirements
  Teaching important and difficult points
  1.Words and phrases
  Appearance, film, correction, line, set, storm, mouthful, theatre, director, stage, bury, actress, setoff, in the air, in a short while, as if, in a hurry, be uncertain about, (one’s)search for, intend to do, put on
  2.Daily expressions
  Intentions and wishes
  What do you plan to do next? We intend to work hard next January?
  I hope it will be very successful. It will certainly be very ….
  What are your plans for the future?
  3. Grammar
  Revise the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause



  1. 通过以对话练习,了解采访问题的设置及问答。
  2. 练习人物传记的基本写法。


  Lesson 17: 学生两人一组,分别扮演记者和导演的角色进行采访。
  Lesson 18: 通过做笔记掌握课文内容。
  Lesson 19: 通过Part3和Part4的练习归纳非限定性定语从句的特点。
  Lesson 20: 笔头练习:学写简单的人物传记。

  教师在教学生们复习和理解非限制定语从句时,要反复强调哪些引导词可用于非限制定语从句,同时教师可用限制定语与非限制定语从句的对比和区分,如:which, that ,as ,who, whose等引导词,在练习和举例中让学生们弄清楚。

  本单元的对话主要是简单地介绍自己的表达语如:I’m…,I do及询问对方意愿What do you plan to next? 和表达自己意愿及希望 I plan….., I wish that….的交际用语。阅读课主要是了解电影喜剧大师查理·卓别林的生平和他的电影。本单元使用的词汇较为丰富如:direct, act, set off, appearance, bring up ,honor, as if, intend。非限制性定语从句中关系代(副)词的使用,是本单元的重点语法项目。

  1. be known for, be known as 和 be known to
  be known for=be famous for意为“因……而出名”,介词for表示原因。
  Guilin is known for its beautiful scenery.
  be known as=be famous as 意为“作为……而出名”,介词as指主语的身份或名称。
  Mr. Zhang is known as an English teacher.
  be known to 意为“为(某人)所知或熟悉”,介词to后接人。
  As is known to all, she is always ready to help others. 众所周知,她总是乐于助人。
  2. search, search for 和 in (one’s) search for/ of
  search= try to find by looking, 意为“搜寻”、“搜查”。search的宾语一般是被搜查的人或某一场所,而不是所要寻找的东西。
  The policeman searched the thief to see what he had in his pockets.那个警察对小偷搜身,看他口袋里有什么东西。
  search for相当于look for。search for的宾语一般为要找的东西,而不是被搜查的人或场所。
  The villagers were searching for the missing boy. 村民们正在寻找那失踪的男孩。
  注意:I search a place for a person= search a person in a place, 意为“在某地搜寻某人”。
  in (one’s) search for 和 in search of都意为“寻找”、“寻求”,在句中既可作状语,也可作表语。注意两个短语介词的搭配,如果名词search前带有限定词a,the或one’s,后面一般用介词for,如果search前不带限定词,后面一般用介词of。
  The husband joined the wife in her search for the unknown element(元素).
  Some birds fly south in search of winter sun.
  Could you explain exactly what to do? 你能确切地解释一下你的工作吗?
  He explained to us how the machine was used. 他给我们讲解这机器怎么使用。

《Charlie Chaplin(第2页)》

  • 上一篇范文: No smoking, please!
  • 下一篇范文: Hurricane

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