美术教案-课题:《繁忙的交通》Busy Traffic
OK!Now,the roads are busy!
a. Please work in a group of six.四人一个小组完成一幅作品。
b. You can do anything you wantto finish your work:Try to draw some cars,then cut them out,then stick them on the picture.你可以动脑筋画各种不同的汽车,甚至画你想象的汽车也可以,然后剪下来贴在你认为这幅画上需要的地方。
c. If you want to draw,you can just draw.如果有的小朋友想用画的形式来表现也可以。
a. Please say something about your picture.请小朋友来介绍一下你的作品。你觉得哪些地方有问题,需要修改一下?(继续贯穿遵守交通规则教育)
Please tidy your desk and keep the art-room clean.
Every Monday and weekend, there are too many cars and people ,the traffic is very busy!
Can you find a good way to change the appearance? You can discuss ,and after class you can draw it down. On the next class, you can bring it ,let’s make a prepare.
T:OK!Now,class is over!
S:Stand up!
T:Goodbye boys and girls!
S:Goodbye Miss Zhou!
《美术教案-课题:《繁忙的交通》Busy Traffic(第2页)》