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Unit 6 Mainly revision

er, seashells, wood and so on.

Designs: agricultural tools , head of a famous person, panda, and so on.

Step 6 Practice

  Part 4, SB Page 33. This activity helps revise the - ing form as subject. Go through the example and the first two sentences orally and then let the Ss do this exercise alone. Check the answers with the whole class.


  1) Discovering so many Chinese coins in Australia is surprising.

  2) Having the head of a famous figure on one side of the coin is rather common.

  3) Getting used to the life in a foreign country needs time.

  4) Handing out the listening text to the students seems necessary.

  5) Reading without full understanding is no good.

  6). Seeing her sad made me sad.

Step 7 Practice

  1. SB Page 33, Part 5. Make sure that the Ss know the special use of the verbs in the exercise. Note that verbs like intend, continue, like, start are followed either by to do or the - ing. Write the following on the Bb: finish doing, allow doing, needs doing, advise doing, practice doing, suggest doing, can’t help doing, consider doing.

  2. Let the Ss do it alone and check the answers with the whole class.


1. rewriting   2. travelling/to travel   3. smoking   4. to buy/buying   5. washing

6. eating, taking   7. speaking    8. using   9. laughing    10. delivering   11. making/ to

make 12. smoking/to smoke

Step 8 Oral practise

  Get the Ss to retell the whole passage according to the key words.

  T: Now we have learnt about coins. We know the earliest coin, their sizes, weights and shapes. Let Ss retell the story according to the key words on the Bb.

  Key words: the earliest coins, in China, different size, weights, shapes, …be made of different kinds of metal collections of coins that had been buried, tell a story.

Step 9 Workbook

  Let the Ss to read the text once again. Then ask them to do WB Ex. 2 Page 99.

Step 10 Homework

  Finish off the work exercises in WB.




  教师组织学生就有关hobbies话题进行讨论,把他们分成几个小组分别谈论,让他们彼此交谈自己目前的hobbies, 或者能够带给他人乐趣的事情,学生可选择如下的话题:
  Why do collect the newspaper/magazine/stamp/bottle… ? , or what fun has been brought to yourself ?

《Unit 6 Mainly revision(第6页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Body language
  • 下一篇范文: Saving the earth

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