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; D. to


  2)They struggled________ the strong wind and finally reached the village.?

  A. for    B. with?  C. against     D .to



  1.主语在形式上是复数, 而谓语动词则用单数。

  1) 表时间、重量、长度、距离等的名词, 尽管是复数形式, 但通常看作一个整体, 谓语动词用单数。

  Two hours is not enough for the work.两小时对于这工作是不够的。

  2) 以-ics 结尾表示学科名称的名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

   Mathematics is my favourite subject.数学是我最喜欢的科目。

  3) 书名、国名、组织机构等专有名词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。

   The United Nations was founded in 1945.联合国成立于1945年。

  4) 有些用来表示由两个相同部分连成一体的复数名词, 如shoes, trousers等作主语时, 若前面有“一双”、“一条”之类的词时, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数。

   A pair of shoes is under the bed.床下有一双鞋。

  My trousers are worn out.我的裤子穿破了。

  2.主语在形式上是单数, 而谓语动词则用复数。

  1) 有些集体名词, 如 police, people, cattle, 等, 形式上是单数, 但谓语动词要用复数。

  Traffic police are always very busy.交警总是很忙。

  2) 有些形容词加上“the”, 表示一类人, 此时谓语动词要用复数。

  The old are taken good care of in our country.在我们国家老人需要好好照顾。

  3.谓语动词的单复数取决于主语的内涵.有些集体名词, 如family, class, group, team 等作主语 时, 若作为一个整体, 谓语用单数, 若强调具体成员时, 谓语动词用复数。

  My family isn't very large.我的家不太大。

  My family are watching TV now.我的家人现在看电视。

  4.用不定代词作主语, 应注意:

  1) both 作主语, 谓语用复数。

  Both of them were at home yesterday.他们俩昨天都在家。

  2) either和neither作主语, 谓语通常用单数。

  Has either of them told you about it? 有关此事, 他们中有人告诉过你吗?

  3) each 以及 any, some, no, every 构成的复合代词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。

  Is everybody here? 大家都到了吗?

  Each of us has something to say.我们每个人都有话要说。

  4) none 作主语, 既可用作单数, 也可用作复数, 但若none代替不可数的东西时, 谓语动词常用单数。

  None of the telephones is/are work.没有一部电话能打。

  None of the water is fit to drink.没有一点水可供饮用。

  5) all 和some 作主语, 应根据其所代表的名词来决定其单复数。

  All has been explained.全部内容都作了解释。

  All were very excited.所有的人都非常兴奋。

  5.在使用并列主语时, 应注意:

  1) 由“both…and…”连接的主语, 谓语动词用复数。

   Both the boy and the girl are good at English.男孩和女孩都擅长英语。

  2) 由 or, either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…连接的主语, 谓语的单复数与邻近的主语保持一致.

   Either you or he is wrong.或者你或者他是错的。

  6.There be句型中, 谓语的单复数也是要与其邻近的主语保持一致。

  There is a book and two pens on the desk.在桌子上有一本书和两支铅笔。


1. When the accident happened, the policeman and driver ______ parking the police car.

  A. is    B. was    C. are     D. were

2. A number of scientists ______ that the number of wild animals ______ getting smaller and smaller.

  A. say; are   B. say; is     C. say; have been   D. say; were

3. Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who ______ to visit the museum______ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.

  A. are; are     B. is; is      C. are; is     D. is; are

4. One or two days ______ quite enough to finish the work. ______ you or Jim going to work with me?

  A. is; Is      B. are; Is      C. are; Are     D. is; Are

5. E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part in daily communication.

  A. is playing      B. have played      C. are playing       D. play

6. ______ of the forest ______ pine trees, which _______ at least three or four metres in height.

  A. Two third; are; are   B. Two thirds; is; is  C. Two third; is; are   D. Two thirds; are; are

7. The following ______ some other examples with Chinese explanations.

  A. are    B. is    C. was     D. were

8. The Garth family, which ______ rather a large one ______ very fond of their old house.

  A. were; were   B. was; were   C. were; was     D. was; was

答案:1. was(主语指同一个人.)  2. B  3. C(定语从句修饰teachers,因此从句中谓语用复数形式。) 4. D  5. A  6. D 7. A(此句用了倒装结构,主语为some other examples.) 8. B


Teaching aims

Teaching important and difficult points
  notice, settle, differently, deal, race, skin, tool, tap, eastern, official, settler, struggle, freeze average, natural, exploit, ordinary, refer, tent, basic
  generally speaking, all the year round, a great deal of, clear up, official language, refer to, settle in, be famous for, make use of, from time to time, struggle against, below freezing
  3. Useful expressions
  1. I thought you were from the States.
  2. A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.
  3. What do you mean by…?
  4. American spellings are used more and more in Canadian now.
  5. That sounds strange.





  • 上一篇范文: Body language
  • 下一篇范文: Saving the earth

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