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初二下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision







  yet, myself, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of, sad, death, page, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, turn off, not…any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill


  1. Did you have a nice weekend?

  2. Sorry to hear that.

  3. Did you have to do the cooking?

  4. I can't leave her by herself.

  5. They’ll be very happy to see you again.

  6. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

  7.1 hope so.


  复习Unitl5~Unitl9 语法项目








    第77课中的第一部分有两段对话。第一段对话主要复习情态动词can并引出反身代词,为下一单元专门学习反身代词作铺垫。第二段对话主要复习看病就医的一些表达法及情态动词have to。第二部分主要是加强对造句的训练,同时强调make + 宾语 + 补足语结构的用法。






  本单元为复习单元,我们除了要复习以前所学知识外,还要掌握本单元的词汇、用语等。Lesson 78的日记,我们要掌握它的书写格式和常用的时态。同时,它为我们本单元的写作训练提供了范例。Lesson 79主要练习情态动词的用法。Lesson 80的简单句基本句型,我们要求进一步学习,特别是“主系表”和“主谓宾宾补”结构,要能够识别系动词和宾语补足语。同时,要进一步掌握不定代词(somebody, anybody, nobody etc.)的用法。


  本单元中第一篇课文是一篇日记,叙述一个男孩帮助别人去照看一个婴儿的事情,学习本文后要掌握英语日记的格式,并养成用英语记日记的好习惯。而且能够学到乐于助人的良好思想品德。第二篇课文是一个童话故事《The tiger and the monkey》。通过此故事,可以启发我们在强大的对手面前要发挥自己的聪明才智,想办法,不蛮干,随机应变去战胜对手。



  1.turn on/ off的意思是“打开/关上(水、电、煤气等)”,on/ off是副词。如宾语是代词则必须放在中间。例如:

    The light is on. Please turn it off when you leave.

    2.take care of的意思是“照料、照顾”,它的同义词组是look after。如要表示“把……照料(顾)好”,则用take good care of…,相当于look after …well。如:My grandfather is ill in hospital. We must take good care of him. (look after him well)

    3. He told me not to bring you anything.

    该句型“tell/ ask sb.not to do sth.”的意思“是叫/请某人不要做某事”。如果要表示“叫/请某人去做某事”,则用tell/ ask sb. to do sth。

     My mother often tells me not to play in the street. Because it’s dangerous.

     Li Ming asked me to help him with his studies. I tried my best to answer all his questions.

    4. I hope so.


    5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder.

    句中的harder and harder是英语中一种“比较级 + and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”的意思。如果形容词或副词的比较级是由more + 形/副词原级构成的话,则应用more and more + 形/副词原级。如:

    Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. We all like it.


    1. Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.

    该句中的“make sb.do sth.”是“命令/迫使某人做某事”的意思,是动词不定式作宾语补足语,但不定式符号to必须省略。

    2.There is! 


    There comes the bus. We must go on the bus.

  There goes the bell. Let’s go into the classroom.




   care→careful→carefully→take care→take care of→lake good care of

   cross→crossed→crossing→across→cross a bridge

   take→taking→took→take sth. away→take sth. with sb. →take a seat

   wait→waiting→waited→wait for→waiting room


  laugh laughed cry laugh at

   stand  stood standing sit stand in line (in a queue)






  前几个单元学生分别学习了情态动词can, may, must, mustn't, have to, need。在本单元第79课第二部分列为专项对上述情态动词进行复习。教师不必只枯燥无味地讲解其含义和语法功能,而应该把他们放在鲜活、生动的语言环境中去运用、体会。结合练习册第79课练习2,教师可以适当补充一些练习,帮助学生复习巩固。如:


   (can, may, must, have to, need)

   1. ______we do eye exercises every day? Yes, we must.

   2. ____you read the text in English? Yes, I can.

   3. Li Ming ______reach the blackboard, when she was four years old. She was only 1.05 meter tall. She was too short to reach it.

   4. _____ I use your new bike? No, you mustn't.

   5. They got up too late. They ______ go to work by bus.

   6. He ______stay here. He may go now.

   7. The light is on my mother ______be home.

   8. Could you wait for a while? No, I ______.

   9. The apples are too high. He _____reach them.

   10. Lucy's mother is ill in hospital. She ______ look after her.

   keys: 1.Must  2.Can  3.couldn't  4.May  5.had to  6.needn't  7.must  8.can't  9.can't  10.has to




    1. My parents are coming. ( S+V)

    2. Can you teach yourself? (S+V+O)

    3. At first she was asleep. (S+V+P)

    4. I told him the whole story. (S+ V + InO + DO)

  5. He made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. (S+V+O+C)


    本单元安排了两篇阅读课文。第78课的阅读课文是一篇日记。单词和短语都比较多,给学生阅读带来一定的困难。老师是否考虑先教单词,在教单词的过程中带出一些词组。如讲herself时带出leave her by herself这个短语;讲turn时带出turn on(off)the radio这个短语;讲whole时带出the whole story这个短语等。然后让学生听录音,在学生听录音时教师把一些估计学生理解有一定困难的短语写在黑板上,作一些必要的解释。在学生完成第一遍阅读以后,教师可问一些简单的一般疑问句,让学生用“Yes”or“No”来回答。完了以后再让学生快速读一遍。接着要学生回答练习册第78课练习1中的问题。最后让学生跟着录音磁带进行有表情地朗读。教师可简单交待一下用英文写日记的格式。(日期、时态、开头第一行要顶格写。)

  第80课安排了一个寓言故事,情节生动有趣,引人入胜,适合动中学生好奇心强的特点。学生一定非常感兴趣。在阅读前教师可向学生提出两个问题。1. Why did the monkey laugh in the end? 2.What will you learn after you read the fable? 阅读后再让学生听录音,模仿它的语调的节奏感和自然感。最后可让学生进行表演。表演时要求他们表现出老虎的凶狠和愚蠢及猴子的勇敢和机智。







  1. all, whole


  ①The man drank the whole tea. (×)

  The man drank all the tea. (√)

  ②I told him whole the story / the all story. (×)

  I told him the whole story/ all the story. (√)

  2. forget, leave



   I forget my key, so I couldn’t ride the bike. 我忘了带钥匙,因此我不能骑自行车。

   Today I left my English book at home. Can you lend one to me.


  1. all, whole

  (1) The ________ city was flooded. But nobody died.

  (2) _________ the students went to school early. No one is late.

  2. forget, leave

  (1) Tom ________ his purse at school yesterday. There’s no money with him.

  (2) I _________ my homework yesterday. Now I had to do it.

  Keys: 1. (1) whole   (2) All    2. (1) left   (2) forgot


  1. My parents bought a computer for me. 父母我买了台电脑。

   buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 意为“给某人买某物”。如:His father bought a new bike for him yesterday. = His father bought him a new bike yesterday.

   除buy外,可以接双宾语的动词还有build, cook, draw, make, sing等。如:He sang us a song. = He sang a song for us. He’s a good singer. He always sings for us at parties.

  2. But I don’t know how to use it yet. 但我还不知道该怎么用它。


   ①Where to go tomorrow is still a question. Do you have any idea?

   ②–My question is what to do next.

     –Do the first thing first. Then I’ll tell you what to do next.

  ③I don’t know how to drive a car. I want to learn to drive.

  3. What makes you happy? 什么使你感到快乐?


 –Who has a computer?

 –Everybody has.

    Who is cleaning the classroom? Some girls. 谁在打扫教室?几个女孩。


    They made him their head. Because he’s good at leading others in their work.

    He never makes his brother do heavy work. He himself always do it instead.

  You must keep your hands clean. Or it’s bad for your health.

  4. At first she was asleep. 起初她睡着了。

   ①at first“起先,开始的时候”,其同义词组是at the beginning of,反义词组是at last“最后,终于”。如:

  A first I didn’t know the way to the lake. But I know it. A woman showed me the way.

  At first I wanted to find my lost pen. But I didn’t find it.


   ②asleep是表语性形容词,在句中只作表语,表示“睡着”的状态,它的反义词是awake。be asleep强调“睡着”的状态,go to sleep则强调“入睡”的动作过程。如:

   She was too happy to be asleep. So she asked me to talk with her.

   After he went for a walk, he went to sleep. 散步之后他睡了。

  5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. 但她看了看我,哭得越来越厉害了。

  harder and harder越来越厉害

  比较级+and +比较级表示“越来越……”。如:

   In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer. More and more people are getting ready for a long walk in the country.

  Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Our life is getting better and better.

  注:如果是多音节形容词或副词,我们用“more and more +多音节形容词/副词”这一结构来表示“越来越……”。如:

  It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job. More and more people are out of work.

  Beijing is getting more and more beautiful. We are proud of it.

  English is very important. More and more people are beginning to learn English.

  6. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.

  句中be sure的意思是“相信”,与believe同义。类似的短语还有:

  1)make sure确信、查明

   Make sure you have the money. Or you’ll be back with nothing.

  2)be sure of (about)对……有把握

   –Are you sure of this exam?

   – Yes, I think I’ll get 100 marks.

  另外,句中的have a wonderful time表示“玩得高兴、过得愉快”,其中的wonderful可以用good, nice, happy, great代替。

  7. He told me not to bring you anything. 他让我不要带给你东西吃。

   tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事,tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事。这样的词组还有ask sb. to do sth., ask sb. not to do sth.。例:

  The teacher told us not to play football in the classroom.老师告诉我们不要在教室里踢足球。

  8. With these words the tiger jumped into the river. 说完这些话,老虎跳进了河里。

    with these words是介词短语作状语,表示伴随,说明说话的动作与jumped的动作几乎同时发生。如:

   With these words she left home. 说着这些话,她离开了家。

   With these words he cried again. 说着这些话,他又哭了起来。

   jump into的意思是“跳进……里面”,如:

  The chicken jumped into the box. It ate up the rice.

 all be oneself的用法分析

  all be oneself意为“单独,独立”,在英语中应用十分广泛,你可一定要学会“独立”哟!

  ①all by oneself“单独”使用时,可与alone互换。如:

   We’re here all be ourselves. There’s nothing. 也可说:We’re here alone.


   You should do your homework by yourself. Don’t want anyone to help you.

  ③by oneself可与leave, learn等词搭配。

   leave sb. by oneself意为“把某人单独留下”,注意此时oneself应与leave后面宾语的人称保持一致。如:

   She can’t leave her son by himself. He will be afraid and cry.

  learn sb. by oneself意为自学,相当于teach oneself sth. 如:

   –I learn English by myself. 也可说:I teach myself English.

   –You’re great!


   1. No, thanks. We can do this kind of work by_________.

   A. us       B. ours       C. our         D. ourselves

   2. The problem is easy, you can do it by_________.

   A. your     B. you     C. yourself     D. yours

   3. Don’t leave him by________. He will feel afraid.

    A. him     B. his      C. yourself     D. himself

   4. —She’s too busy to help us finish the work.

     —Let’s do it_________.

    A. herself    B. myself    C. ourselves     D. itself

   5. The boys did the work_________. Nobody helped him.

    A. all by themself     B. all by themselves

    C. by all themself     D. by all themselves

    Keys: 1—5 DCDCB

《初二下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision》

  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 85 教学设计方案
  • 下一篇范文: Unit 16 What a good, kind girl!

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