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上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision

travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。

  (2)round, around两词都可与动词连用,但与前者连用的动词具有活动性;与后者连用的动词带有静止性,

【例】The students are running round a chair to play a game. 学生们正围着椅子跑,做游戏。

  We often sit around the old man and listen to his interesting stories. 我们经常围坐在那个老人周围听他讲有趣的故事。

5. Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.



【例】The moon is a satellite of the earth.



【例】A new artificial satellite has been launched again by China.



【例】a satellite station 卫星电台

  a manned satellite 载入卫星

  (2) planet是“行星”,也就是说围绕太阳运转的天体,本身不发光,只能反射太阳光。例如:

  Do you know the nine major planets?


  (九个行星是:Mercury 水星;Venus金星;the Earth地球;Mars火星;Jupiter 木星; Saturn土星;Uranus天王星;Neptune海王星;Pluto冥王星)

  (3) star是“恒星;星星”,它有两层含义:一是泛指夜晚我们天空中见到的所有的天体;二是其本身能发光和热的天体。

【例】the evening star 昏星

   the morning star 晨星

   the North star  北极星


  the Red Flag with Five Stars 五星红旗

  film stars 影星(电影明星)

  famous stars明星

6. So far, no man has traveled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other parts of the universe. 到目前为止,还没有人到达比月球更远的地方,但是无人驾驶宇宙飞船已经到达宇宙的其他地方。

  (1) so far 的意思是到目前为止,可解释成“until now, up to now”。

  【例】They have been to many cities in the south so far. 到目前为止,他们已经去过许多城市了。= They have been to many cities in the south up to now.

  (2) without的意思是“无;没有”。它可以用来完成同义句的改写。

  【例】Fish can’t live if there is no water. 鱼儿离不开水。= Fish can’t live without water.

  (3) These satellites go round the earth and … 这些卫星围绕地球运行……

  注意:客观存在的事实在表示一般过去时的句子中做宾语从句,依旧用一般现在时,表示客观真理。如:Our teacher told us that the sun is round.

7. Our knowledge of the universe is growing all the time. 我们对宇宙的认识一直在增长。

  (1) knowledge是know的名词形式,作“知识;学问”讲,是不可数名词。one’s knowledge of…的意思是“对……的认识/了解。”knowledge 的前面若有定语修饰,可与a连用,表示“对……某种程度的了解”。

  【例】Your knowledge of English is weak. He has a good knowledge of study.


  (2) grow作及物动词时,表示“种植”;作不及物动词时,表示“生长;成长;增长;发展;渐渐变成”等意思。

  【例】Chinese people are growing more trees to protect their environment.Those trees are growing well.中国人民正在种更多的树以保护环境。那些树长得很好。

  She has grown into a pretty girl.But she grows older and older as well.


  (3) all the time的意思是“一直”,在句中作状语。

  【例】We have been here all the time.我们一直都在这儿。

8. The world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries

  now understand each other better. 世界的本身正变得更小,来自不同国家的人们彼此间能更好地相互了解。

  反身代词itself在句中做主语the world 的同位语。

  【例】Tom himself learns English day and night. I myself will go to the farm to help the farmers.


9.Man-made satellites are about 8,000 kilometres away from the earth.


  (1) 这是距离的一种表示方法,距离的表示方法还有:

  It’s about 200 metres from my home to our school. = Our school is about 200 metres from my home.


  The city is about two thousand kilometres by train (from here).


  It’s two hours by plane from here to that city.


  The post office is about ten minutes’ walk from here.


  (2) earth, world与globe

  1) earth作“地球”解,需加the。:

  【例】We live on the earth. 我们生活在地球上。

  The moon goes round the earth. 月亮围着地球转。

  In the Middle Ages it was generally believed that the earth was the center of the universe.


  Do you know what the earth satellite is?


  2) on earth 有两种意思:第一种含义等于in the world,用在不定词或疑问词what, who when, where, why, how的后面,作强调语。

  【例】No force in the world / on earth can hold back the wheel of history.


  What on earth/in the world is the matter there?


  Where in the world/on earth can he be?


  He didn’t know how in the world/on earth to answer.


  第二种含义:on earth表示“在世界上,在人间”,不用冠词,在这个意

《上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: What is it made of
  • 下一篇范文: A doctor for animals

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