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上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision



  1.掌握本单元的词汇和部分短语的用法。如:so far,send up,make up,put off,etc.
  4.学习构词法:n + n → n;n + ing/-en → adj;v + er/ or →n;如:fire + place = fireplace,interest - interesting, print - printer
  5.认真学习课文"The Universe and Man - made Satellites",扩大知识面,了解航天等前沿科技。
  6.复习、归纳动词不定式、被动语态的构成和用法及相关注意事项,省去to的动词不定式,必须加上to的被动语态等。如:help sb.do sth,be made to do sth.


(一) 本单元词组和短语

  send sb an email 给……发电子邮件
  different parts of the computer 电脑的不同部件
  put … together 把……连在一起;组装……指向……
  put information into the computer 把信息输入电脑
  provide information on a screen 在屏幕上提供信息
  point at… 指向……
  talk about… 谈论……
  travel around… 围绕……运行
  send up … into… 往……发射…..
  spaceships without people 无人的宇宙飞船
  use … to do … 用……做……
  send and receive messages 发射和接受信息
  with the help (of) 在(……的)帮助下
  all the time 始终
  thanks to… 归功于;幸亏……
  people from different countries 来自不同国家的人们
  no smoking 禁止吸烟
  computer room 微机室;电脑房
  spend time alone 独自打发时间


  It is about … kilometres from … to…. 从…… 到…… 大约…… 公里。
How many kilometers by train / plane / boat / car …is it from … to…? 从……到……坐火车/坐飞机/坐船/坐轿车大约……公里。
  I want to let you choose what to do. 我想让你选择该干什么。



  本单元是复习单元,我们要复习巩固前面所学5个单元的内容,主要是复习一般现在时、一般过去时和含有情态动词的被动语态和动词不定式的用法,还有表达计量和距离等的数字表示法。本单元还学习了一些常用词组和简单的构词方法。通过对课文“The Universe and Man - made Satellites”的学习,我们要了解一些有关太空的常识,来激发学习的积极性,提高学习英语的兴趣。课文中出现有现在完成时态的被动语态。同时,我们要能够读懂列车里程表,能熟练地谈论“购物、选择电视节目”等话题,掌握相关日常用语。


1. I hope I can make my own computer that way someday. 我希望有朝一日我能在家里用那种方式制造我自己的电脑。

  Someday (some day)和one day 都可以表示“总有一天;有朝一日”的意思。

【例】  Someday we’ll go there to visit you though you are too far away from us. We are all going to stay together one day. 虽然你离我们很远,但有朝一日我们一定去看你。总有一天我们会在一起的。

2.I’m sure you can. 我确信你行。

  be sure 意为“确信;确定;肯定”,其有三种用法:be sure of sth, be sure to do sth和be sure that从句。


 (1) Are you sure that he is honest?


 (2)— Are you sure of it?

   — Yes, I am sure.

   — 你对这事有把握吗?

   — 是的,我确信。

 (3)— Be sure to write to me as soon as you get there.

   — Of course.

   — 你一到那里一定给我写信。

   — 当然。

3. When we talk about the universe, we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space between them. 当我们谈论宇宙时,我们指的是地球,太阳,月亮,星星以及它们之间的宇宙空间。

  (1) 当我们谈论独一无二的事物说,要在前面加上“the”。如the earth, the sun, the moon。sky的前面必须加the。

  (2) 关于space, universe, sky三个词汇的区别



  Nobody can tell exactly information about when the universe first came into being. But the spaceship travelled through space to the moon brings us hope to study it. Now satellites are used for studying the universe. And we are sure it is not God who makes the universe. We can see a clear, blue sky, and someday we will know more about it. There is no space for doubt. Is it right?


4. The moon travels round the earth. 月球围绕地球转。

  (1)travel 在句中意为move, go等,travel还可作“旅行;传播”讲,

【例】He has never travelled to the big cities in the north of China.他从没有旅行过中国北方的大城市。

  Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。

  (2)round, around两词都可与动词连用,但与前者连用的动词具有活动性;与后者连用的动词带有静止性,

【例】The students are running round a chair to play a game. 学生们正围着椅子跑,做游戏。

  We often sit around the old man and listen to his interesting stories. 我们经常围坐在那个老人周围听他讲有趣的故事。

5. Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.



【例】The moon is a satellite of the earth.



【例】A new artificial satellite has been launched again by China.



【例】a satellite station 卫星电台

  a manned satellite 载入卫星

  (2) planet是“行星”,也就是说围绕太阳运转的天体,本身不发光,只能反射太阳光。例如:

  Do you know the nine major planets?


《上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision》

  • 上一篇范文: What is it made of
  • 下一篇范文: A doctor for animals

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