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for non-linearity?ClinicalNeurophysiology,1999,110:1801~1813
[7] Ziv J,Lempel A.On the complexity of finite sequences.IEEE Transactions on Information
[8] Kaspar K,Schuster H G.An easily calculable measure forcomplexity of spatiotemporal
patterns.Physical Review A,1987,36:842~848
[9] 徐京华,吴祥宝.以复杂性测度刻划人脑皮层上的信息传输.中国科学(B辑),1994,24(1):57~62
[10] D'Alesssandro G,Politi A.Hierarchical approach to complexity with applications to dynamic
system.Physical Review Letters,1990,64(14):1609~1612
[11] 徐京华,童勤业,刘仁.大脑皮层信息传输和精神分裂症.生物物理学报,1996,12(1):103~108
[12] 陈芳,顾凡及,徐京华等.一种新的人脑信息传输复杂性的研究.生物物理学报,1998,14(3):508~512
[13] Xu J H,Liu Z R,Liu R.Information transmission in human cerebral of cortex.Physica.1997,
[14] Pincus S M.Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity.Proceedings
of the National Academy of Science,USA.1991,88:2297~2301
[15]Zhang X S,Roy R J.Predicting movement duringanesthesia by complexity analysis
of the EEG.Proceedings ofthe 1999 Annual Meeting of the Society for Technology &nb
inAnesthesia, San Diego,Cal.,1999,1
[16] 刘建平,贺太纲,郑崇勋等.EEG复杂性测度用于大脑负荷状态的研究.生物医学工程学杂志,1997,14(1):33~37
[17] 陈仲永,伍文凯,童勤业等.基于复杂性测度的帕金森症病人EEG分析.生物医学工程学杂志,1999,16(2),218~221
[18] 黄力宇,程敬之.急性轻中度缺氧对脑电信号复杂度的影响.航天医学与医学工程,2000,13(4):255~258
[19] Radhakrishnan N,Gangadhar B N.Estimating regularityin epileptic seizure timeseries
IEEE Engineering inmedicine and biology,1998,17(3):89~94
[20] Lehnertz K.Non-linear time series analysis of intracranial EEG recordings in patients with epilepsy-anoverview.International Journal of psychophysiology,1999,34:45~52