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  4.能完全区别so that和so…that的用法。


  6.认真学习“Shopping(第4页) on-line”,领会高科技给我们生活带来的莫大方便。




  be excited about      关于……而兴奋

  a place of interest      名胜

  go over          过一遍;仔细检查

  make a mistake       犯错误

  drop off          放下(某物);下车

  Beijing Opera        京剧

  the Great Hall of the People  人民大会堂

  the Palace Museum      故宫

  the Great Wall         长城

  a pair of leather tennis shoes   一双皮面的网球鞋

  even though          纵使;即使……也

  have a 38 in this color      有38号这种颜色的鞋

  shopping on-line        在线或网上购物

  take pictures of this trip     在旅游中照相

  click on the screen       点击屏幕

  close to            靠近

  hear sb. doing sth..        听见某人在做某事

  on Kunming Lake        在昆明湖

  the Summer Palace       颐和园

  Beihai Park          北海公园

  the day after tomorrow      后天

  again and again         一遍又一遍地

  cost so much          如此昂贵

  cost so little           如此便宜

  so that              以便

  drop off our things          放下我们的物品

  be in a hurry            匆忙


  The camera cost so much that …. 这架照相机如此贵,以至于……。

  She decided to buy a camera online so that …. 她决定在网上买一架照相机,以便……。

  The computer cost so little that …. 这台计算机如此便宜,以至于……。

  Even though …(be) a little expensine, … will take …. 虽然……有点儿贵,……将买……。


  1.购物 shopping

  What size …? 多大号码?

  Have you got any other colour / size / kind? 你们这还有其它别的颜色/尺码/款式吗?

  Have you got anything cheaper? 你们这有更便宜的吗?

  How much are they? 它们多少钱?

  How much does it cost? 它多少钱?

  How much is it? 它多少钱?

  That’s a bit expensive. 那个有点儿昂贵。

  Even though they’re a little expensive, I’ll take them. 即使它们有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

  I’ll think about …. 我将考虑考虑……。

  I don’t think I’ll take …. 我想我不买……。


  I like …. 我喜欢……。

  I don’t really like …. 我真的不喜欢……。

  3.提供(帮助等)和应答Offers and Responses

  Can I help you, girl? 我能帮助您吗?

  Would you like me to look in the back? 您能让我看一下反面吗?

  Yes, do please. 是的,请吧!



  本单元的中心话题是“购物”,所有的对话、课文及练习都是围绕这一话题展开的。我们要能熟练运用有关“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的购物交际用语,同时还得学会通过互联网进行购物的方法和技巧。“Shopping(第4页) on-line”给我们提供了典型的范例。本单元着重讲述了过去完成时的基本概念、构成以及它的肯定、否定和疑问句式及其简略答语,区别了so that和so…that…的不同用法。结合自己的实际情况,参考Lesson 56,进行英文日记的写作训练,也可以写一篇自己经历过的shopping活动。


  1. Are you excited about going to Beijing?  去北京你很激动吗?

  2. You’d better try them on first. 你最好先穿上试一试。

  句中try on的意思是“穿上(戴上)试一试”。如try on 的宾语是名词时,名词可放在try on后面,也可放在try 与on之间。如:

  I went to the tailor’s shop to try on my new suit. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服。

  I went to the tailor’s shop to try my new suit on. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服

  注:如try on的宾语是代词,代词一般要放在try与on之间。如:

  She was trying on a new hat. (She was trying it on.) 她在试戴一顶新帽子。

  3. Even though they’re a little expensive, I’ll take them. 即使鞋有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

  (1)句中even though相当于even if,意思是“纵使;即使……也”。常引导让步状语从句:

  I’ll help you, even if I don’t sleep for a night. 即使我一夜不睡觉,也还要帮助你。

  even if ,even though还可用于虚拟语气,意思是“即使”,引导从句。如:

  Even if he were here, he could not solve the problem at once, too. 即使他在这里,他也不能立即解决这个问题。(事实上他没有在这里。)

  Even though she had been very busy, she would have helped us. 即使当时她很忙,她还是会帮助我们的。(事实上她当时并不十分忙,故帮助了我们)。

  (2) expensive与high, cheap与low

  这四个词在谈论到价格的高低时,要注意使用。expensive与high涉及到价格“高”,而cheap 与low涉及到价格“低”。


  This watch is expensive. 这只表很贵。

  These glass-products are not expensive. 这些玻璃制品不是很值钱。


  The cheap table was bought from him.  这张便宜的桌子是他卖给我们的。

  This cloth doll is very cheap. 这只布娃娃很便宜。


  The price of this watch is very high.  这只表的价格太高了。

  The price of this book is not low for me. 这本书的价格对我来说是不低。


  The price of this computer is expensive.

  (上句宜改为:This c


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