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英语教案-My teacher (二)




7. A. politely   B. quietly   C. alone   D. freely

  [解析]要和下文联系起来看,起初West还是一派绅士风度。   答案:A

8.A. men  B. women  C. children   D. strangers

  [解析]可根据下文判断。   答案:B

9. A. examining   B. choosing  C. selling  D. buying

  [解析]往卖东西的柜台那边挤。   答案:C

10. A. because   B. and  C. however  D. but

  [解析]此处的转折为后来他采取粗鲁的行动埋下伏笔。    答案:D

11 .A. past  B. behind  C. over  D. against

  [解析]后来者都到他前面去。    答案:A

12. A. even  B. ever  C. just  D. always    答案:C

13. A. there  B. where  C. as  D. when

  [解析]本句强调半小时后他仍呆在原来的地方。    答案:D

14. A. idea  B. way  C. measure   D. attitude     答案:B

15. A. could  B. would    C. did  D. had     答案:A

16. A. surprised  B. angry   C. afraid     D. nervous      答案:B

17. A. ask  B. notice  C. scold   D. attack



18. A. woman  B. lady  C. man  D. gentleman

  [解析]妇女们责问他为何不像绅士。      答案:D

19. A. answered   B. told      C. pleased   D. feared   答案:A

20. A. realizing  B. admiring  C. agreeing  D. starting

  [解析]最后一段是故事的幽默所在。面对女士们的行为和责问,West反唇相讥:我像绅士一样呆了半个小时,毫无作用,所以现在我要像女士们那样干了。   答案:D




Discuss and write:
  1. What’s the cause of Helen’s success, herself or her great teacher?
  2. What’s Annie’s opinon on educating Helen?
  If you were a teacher, what is the most important method on educating the students?

《英语教案-My teacher (二)(第3页)》

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