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> (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering Using a Multi-Flash Camera
Ramesh Raskar (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs), Karhan Tan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Rogerio Feris (University of California, Santa Barbara), Jingyi Yu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matthew Turk (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Colorization Using Optimization
Anat Levin, Dani Lischinski, Yair Weiss (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Capture From Images

Protected Interactive 3D Graphics Via Remote Rendering
David Koller, Michael Turitzin, Marc Levoy (Stanford University), Marco Tarini, Giuseppe Croccia, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno (Istituto di Scienza e Technologie dell'Informazione)
Eyes for Relighting
Ko Nishino, Shree K. Nayar (Columbia University)
Capture of Hair Geometry From Multiple Images
Sylvain Paris, Hector Briceno, François Sillion (ARTIS - GRAVIR/IMAG, INRIA),
Volumetric Reconstruction and Interactive Rendering of Trees from Photographs
Alex Reche (REVES/INRIA and CSTB), Ignacio Martin (GGG and Universitat de Girona), George Drettakis (REVES/INRIA)

Reprise of UIST and VRST

Perceptually-Supported Image Editing of Text and Graphics
Eric Saund, Palo Alto Research Center)
VisionWand: Interaction Techniques for Large Displays using a Passive Wand Tracked in 3D
Xiang Cao, Ravin Balakrishnan (University of Toronto)
GADGET: A Toolkit for Optimization-Based Approaches to Interface and Display Generation


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