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Make our world more beautiful!

ise 3, have the students read and compare the sentences and say out the differences.
      Do Exercise 5 individually first, then check with the whole class. The answers are: have visited; gives; pumped; was; have died; became; had already died; write; do; stopped
  Do Exercise 4 as homework. Write- something about the environment Pollution.

 IX. Summary
                              Exercises for class
  Puzzle dialogue

A: ______________________________
B: Good morning.
What’s your trouble, young man?
A: ______________________________
B: How long have you been like this?
A: ______________________________
B: Have you taken your temperature?
A: ______________________________
B: Well, you have caught a cold.
A: ______________________________
B: No, nothing serious, Take these
Pills and stay in bed for two days.
A: ______________________________
B: Yes, You must stay at home for two days.
A: ______________________________
B: No, nothing serious. Take these pills and
Stay in bed for two days.
A: ______________________________
B: It’s a pity if you can’t go. But health is
better than wealth(财富).

1. Oh, no I can’t stay in bed.
We’ll have a football match
Next Monday. And if we win
The match, each of us will get A T-shirt!

2. Good morning, doctor.

3. I’ve got a headache and a cough. I’m feeling terrible.

4. Do you mean I can’t go to school for two days, doctor.

5. Since last night.

6. Yes, the nurse has. She said it was a little high.

7. Is it serious, doctor?


 X. Homework
    Finish off the exercises in the workbook.




      waste water, clear air, earth, city, river, dirty, rubbish, spit, throw, collect, pick up, draw, damaged badly, in public place, it seems like, it is our duty to, plant tree, improve, recycle, make a contribution to, make/keep it clean, hope, wish, etc.


  环境保护是个世界性的话题,它需要每个人来进行努力。除了对一些生态环境进行保护以外,还要保护我们身边的环境。根据教材第10课的内容,将课文改写成Protect our environment的百字短文。建议大家如何来保护我们的生活、工作或社会环境。除了课文所涉及的内容,可以加入自己的想法和建议。

  1. 让学生们完成自己的简历,写清楚时间、地点、当时所做的事情或身份。

  2. 将学生分成两组,A组和B组。两组成员数量相同,并分别在对方组互相指定一名交谈者。分别让A组的成员向B组相对应的成员叙述自己的经历,同时B组相应同学做好记录,然后,B组同学复述A组同学的经历。再分别交换角色,由B组叙述,A组复述。



  向学生展示两幅关于环境的图片,其中,一幅是未受污染的环境,一幅是受污染的环境。让学生观察并对比它们,看看哪一幅beautiful,哪一幅是 已受污染的环境。然后完成对Bad Environment和Good Environment的描 述,以及人们曾对这种环境做过什么。相关图片提供在图形图像类素材。


  pour, waste, dirty, clean, terrible, do no harm, write a book on the environment, pick up rubbish, collect rubbish, keep/make the place clean/dirty,damaged badly, in public place, it seems like, it is our duty to, plant tree, improve, recycle, make a contribution to,etc.

《Make our world more beautiful!(第8页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 70 教学设计方案二
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 70教学设计方案一

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