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高二unit 15 A Famous Detectative

m to your health.

2. Her uncle seemed to be acting rather strangely towards her.
* seem to do/ to be doing/ to have done
It seemed to be raining all day yesterday.
He seemed to be feeling tried last week.
Several people in the crowed seemed to be fighting.
He seemed to have finished his homework.
* act: behave 行为,举止
The boy was acting badly in school.
You have acted generously.
He has acted very wrongly to you.
She acted kindly towards her servants.
3. I dare say my uncle will. I have no other relatives.
* I dare say = I daresay 我敢说.插入语或主语.
I dare say no one can catch up with us.
I dare say we will win the game.
We will win the game, I dare say.
Theses young students, I dare say, can pass the entrance examination.
* dare 情态动词,"敢","敢于".后接不定式,主要用于疑问,否定,条件及表示怀疑的句子中.
She dare not go out by herself at night.
--- Dare you go swimming in the sea?
--- No. I dare not.
If you dare speak to me like that, you will be sorry.
I wonder if he dare jump down from the bridge.
* dare vt.
--- Who dares to go? How about you?
--- Sorry , I don’t dare to go.
No body would dare to wake her up, even her little daughter.
--- Do you dare to ask him for help?
--- No, I don’t dare to.
The children don’t dare (to) make a sound while their parents are sleeping.
4. I can see it fastened to a nail.
*see/ hear/ watch/ find/… sb. p.p
I saw the child badly treated by his father.
I never heard the song sung in English.
On my way home, I found a house burnt down. You had better get your shoes cleaned.
5. No matter. I don’t think that will dalay us much.
* no matter = it no matter that the bedroom is locked.
No matter. = It doesn’t matter.
It no matter that he didn’t come.
I had something to say, but it's no matter.
* no matter what/ how/when/ where…
No matter what you say, I will follow you.
I will miss you no matter where you go.
6. There was also a gun and a thin piece of rope with the end tied in a circle.
关于 with 的复合结构
1) 概念:with + 复合宾语(宾语+宾语补语)

2) 结构 --- with + pron./n + v-ed
3) 句法功能------ 定语

I can’t fixe my mind on my work with the children playing so noisily outside my window.
I won’t be able to go on my holiday with mother being ill.
The weather was even cold with the wind blowing.
He usually worked in his study with the door locked.
The outside sight looks beautiful with everything covered with snow.
She used to sleep with the windows open.
She went into the classroom with her face red.
She came to a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides.
The teacher came into the room with some books under his arm/in his hand.
He managed to send a picture with a machine to help him.
She lives in the city of Shanghai with her son a teacher.
He went out with his head down.
6. There is no doubt about it.
* there is no doubt about it. = I have no doubt about it. = I am sure of it.
He will fail. There is no doubt about it.
She is an honest girl. There is no doubt about it.
* doubt 后接名词从句,疑问句和否定句中用that; 肯定句中用whether/if.
We don’t doubt that he can do the job well.
I doubt much if I shall be able to come.
* 引导同谓语从句
There is no doubt that your life is in danger.
There is no doubt that you will be warmly welcomed.
* vi. 怀疑
We have never doubted of the success of our experiment.
* beyond doubt 毫无疑问, hang in doubt 悬而未决, in doubt 感到怀疑的,拿不准的, When in doubt the meaning of a word, look it up in the dictionary.
Make no doubt of对。。。毫不怀疑, no doubt 无疑地,You have no doubt heard the news.
7. Dr. Watson and I will spend the night locked in your room.
* locked in the room
He walked into the office, followed by two guards.
The old man stood up, supported by his son.
8. delay vt.& vi. Make or be slow or late 延迟,延缓;put off until later 延期,延缓到
* The train was delayed two hours.
I was delayed by the traffic.
We must dealay our journey until the weather improves.
Why have they delayed opening the new school?

Step 5 Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

Step 6 Discussion
Put the students in groups of four. Get them to locate theses phrases in the text and explain their meaning to each other. Then collect the answers from the class.

Step 7 Workbook
Do Exx. 2-3 orally. Ask the students to retell the text in their own words.

Step 8 Homework
Read the passage again. Finish off all the exercises.

Lesson 59

Step1 Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Ask the students to read and act out the passage.
3. Get the students to work in pairs and to tell each other the story so far.

Step 2 presentation and reading
1. tell the students to read the passage quickly and find out what happened to the lady’s uncle.
2. Let the students read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: where did Holmes and Watson wait? Did the young lady go into her bedroom? What did Holmes and Watson hear? Why did Holmes strike a match? Why do you think the snake attack its keeper?
3. Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

Step 3 Language points
1. From that moment on they sat in silence.
* from that moment on = from then on 从那时起
From that moment on he showed great interest in radio.
From now on you are my students. From tomorrow on you must get up early and do morning exercise.
* in silence = silently
They marched on in silence.
He lay in bed, thinking in silence.
Father likes to listen to music in silence.
2. With his stick he hit the bell rope again and again with heavy blows.
* again and again = over and over
Don’t mak

《高二unit 15 A Famous Detectative(第2页)》

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