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He did it out of pity .

    12 . through 多表示因局部而影响全局的原因。

    The war was lost through bad organization . 战争因组织不周而失败了。

    ※ 表示进行意义的介词

    1 . at + ( the ) + 名词:at table ( 在用餐 ) ,at war ( 战时 ) ,at peace ( 和平时期 ) ,at press ( 正在排印 ) ,at one ’ s meals ( 在吃饭 ) ,at one ‘ s study ( 在学习 ) ,at work ( 在工作 ) ,at the piano ( 在弹钢琴 ) , at the end ( of ) ( 在结束时 ) 。例如:

    a ) These boys are at play ( = playing ) .

    b ) The surgeon fainted at the operation .

    2 . in + ( the ) + 名词:in reading ( 正在阅读 ) ,in politics ( 从事政治活动 ) ,in the course of ( 在……过程中 ) ,in the act of ( 正在做某事 ) 。例如:

    a ) The flowers are in full bloom ( = fully blooming ) .

    b ) He was in the army .

    3 . on + ( the ) + 名词:on duty ( 在值日 ) ,on business ( 在办事 ) ,on guard ( 在值勤 ) ,on leave ( 在休假 ) ,on a walk ( 在散步 ) ,on watch ( 在了望 ) ,on service ( 在服役 ) ,on holiday ( 在度假 ) ,on strike ( 在罢工 ) ,on sale ( 出售 ) ,on loan ( 出借 ) ,on the boil ( 〈水〉正在开 ) ,on the move ( 在移动,搬迁,离开 ) ,on the march ( 在行军 ) ,on the watch / look - out ( 在警戒 ) , on the flow ( 在涨潮 ) ,on the turn ( 在转折中 ) ,on the wing flying ( 在飞行中 ) ,on the advance / rise ( 〈行市〉看涨 ) ,on the increase ( 正在增加 ),on the go ( 正在活动,正在奔走 ) ,on the air ( 正在广播 ) ,on the fly ( 正在飞行 ) ,on the way ( 在途中 ) 。

    a ) The house is on fire .

    b ) They saw the enemy soldiers on the run . ( = running )

    4 . under + ( the ) + 名词:under the doctor ( 在医生的照顾下 ) ,under test / exam ( 在被测试 ) ,under development ( 在发展中 ) ,under construction ( 在建设中 ) ,under repair ( 在修理中 ) ,under consideration ( 在考虑中 ) ,under observation ( 在观察中 ) ,under discussion ( 正在被讨论 ) ,under the agreement ( 根据协议 ) ,under orders ( 听从命令 ) 。

    a ) He is working under my father .

    b ) Several new railways are under construction in China .




    1. wealthy富裕的,富有的,有钱的

    He succeeded in business and was very wealthy . 他事业成功,非常富有。

    〖点拨〗wealthy的名词形式是wealth , 是不可数名词。如:

    She has a wealth of knowledge about plants .

    She has great health . = She is a women of great wealth .

    另外要注意:be wealthy in = be rich in在……丰富。如:

    China is a developing country ; she is wealthy in natural resources .

    2. anyway = anyhow无论如何

    He may not like my visit , but I shall go and see him anyway .

    Anyhow I must finish the work today .

    I may fail , but I shall try hard anyway .

    〖点拨〗用让步状语从句表达时可用:wh-ever … / No matter + wh- … 。如:

    No matter how hard he works (However hard he works ), he still makes little progress .

    3. brief简短的;简洁的

    She left a brief note .

    His explanation was brief and to the point . 他的解释既简洁又切中问题的要点。

    〖点拨〗固定词组to be brief = in short简单地,扼要说明 。in brief = briefly = to put it briefly简言之;简单地说。

    To be brief , she was happy with that result .

    Please tell me briefly what happened .


    1. step into = enter = walk into步如

    2. by the way顺便告诉你;顺便问一下

    3. build up a large business建立一个大企业

    4. in one’s will在某人的遗嘱中。at will随意地,随心所欲地。against one’s will违背本意,无可奈何地。如:

    He practicing skating at will .

    He obeyed the order against his will .

    5. apart from = except除了

    6. at the burial services在葬礼上。at the marriage services在婚礼上。

    7. divide up分掉

    8. go out a lot经常外出

    9. check out查明

    10. for a start首先

    11. look into the case调查这个案子

    12. speak as follows讲了这样的话

    13. take a false name冒名

    14. pay a visit to sb去看望某人

    15. be brief and to the point谈话简明扼要;直截了当

    16. make an appointment with sb与某人约会


    1. And she’s left about $4 million in her will to her husband‘s daughter by his marriage . 在她的遗嘱中,她已把大约4百万美元留给了她丈夫第一次结婚所生的女儿。



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