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sp;   D . fighting


    1 . C。tell sb . to do sth . 是 tell 带复合宾语的固定句型;take care of 是一动词短语,意为“照看”,填入C项句型结构与句意均正确。2 . B。由空白后的 by the riches of the room and began to steal the King ‘ s treasure 可以确定,此空应填 B。句子主语是谓语动词动作的承受者,应用被动语态,此处 tempted 为过去分词。3 . A。短文第一段叙述了从前一位非洲国王离开国家去作长途旅游,我们再根据 he told one of his guards to take care of his treasure room 及第二段第一句中 But the guard was tempted by the riches of the room . 就可以判断出,这位卫兵所偷的是国王的珍宝。4 . D。由 and 后并列的谓语 filled them with some stones 可以推断出,此空应填emptied,表示“倒空”。5 . C。上文叙述了卫兵 began to steal the King ’ s treasure , 而 gold , silver 和 jewels 均属于珍宝,故选C。6 . D。fill . . . with . . . 是一固定的动词短语,意为“把……装满……”。这个意思可以从前一个并列分句 He emptied some of the boxes of gold and silver and jewels 判断出来,这句意思是卫兵把箱子里的珍宝倒空,而装入石头取而代之。7 . B。主句 he praised the guard for his devotion to duty and sent him away 表明,此空应填 returned , 表示“返回”。8 . A。devotion to duty 是一名词性短语,意为“忠于职守”。9 . B。由下文国王召回卫兵,通过讲故事的手法启发他交还所偷珍宝,可以推断出此空应填 discovered,说明国王已发现了卫兵的盗窃行为。10 . B。instead of 是一短语介词,后跟动名词,表示句子主谓结构所表示的动作代替介词短语后的动作。这里指国王发现了卫兵盗窃珍宝后,不是用惩罚的办法,而是把他召回,用讲故事的方法,启发他偷了东西该怎么做。11 . B。四个选项的名词,只有B项表示处所,故为最佳选择。12 . A。由下文国王讲的爬进罐中的蛇的故事,可以概括出该空答案为A。13 . D。once 是讲古老故事的开头语,类似的还有 once upon a time ; long , long ago 等。14 . D。由空白前的不定冠词 an,可以判断出后边的词必须是元音音素开头,排除A、B。只有填入D项才能与下文中 he drank and drank 的意思相吻合。15 . C。持续性动词在同 until 搭配时,用肯定式表示动作持续,意为“到……为止”,填入C项与句意相符。16 . A。“too + adj . + to do”是一固定句型,意为“太……而不能……”,其中不定式修饰副词 too 作目的状语,具有否定意义。17 . A。由空白后的作目的状语的动词不定式 to get out of the jug,可以判断出此空应填 do,这里表示“办法”。18 . C。四个选项的名词填入空白语法都正确,我们读了上文 Once a snake crawled into a farm house and found an open jug of milk . He drank and drank until he was too fat to crawl back through the neck of the jug . 就不难判断出答案选C了。19 . D。这里国王通过讲故事,让卫兵寻求喝求牛奶的如何出罐的办法。填入D项表明国王同意卫兵的答话“He must spit out the milk”。20 . C。该句国王用反问的手法,进一步强调卫兵答语的正确性,故填 should。21 . D。由上文 He drank and drank until he was too fat to crawl back through the neck of the jug . 可以判断出此空为D,have to 带有客观因素,意思是“不得不”。22 . D。填入D项表示国王非常同意卫兵说的“I think he will have to spit out all of it to get out . ”这一观点。23 . D。这里国王重复卫兵答话中的 all of it,是用比喻的手法来提醒卫兵归还所盗窃的全部珍宝。24 . C。空白后的 with spears walking back and forth in the palace 已作出暗示,卫兵看到的许多人正是士兵。25 . B。四个选项的现在分词填入空白,都可以作 with 复合结构的宾语补足语,但根据空白后表方式的状语 back and forth 可以确定,正确答案为B。



    1. Why is the letter G like the sun ?

    2. Why is the letter T like an island ?

    3. Why is U the happiest letter ?

    4. Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman ?

    5. What letter in the alphabet can travel the greatest distance ?

    6. What is the end of everything ?

    7. In what way are the letter O and E neatly keep house alike ?

    8. What does the letter B do for boys as they grow up ?

    9. Why is a sewing machine like letter S ?

    10. Why is a false friend like the letter P ?

    答案:1. Because it is the center of light . 2. Because it is in the middle of water . 3. Because it is always in the midst of fun . 4. The letter A , because it makes HER HEAR . 5. The letter D , because it goes to the end of the world . 6. The letter G. 7. Both are always in order . 8. As they grow older it makes them bolder . 9. Because it makes needles needless .






    His father is an advanced worker .

    He told us an interesting story .

    The marked the students absent .


    Our town becomes more and more beautiful .

    〖思维3〗The Yellow River is the second longest river in China .

    More than three hundred students visited the Great Wall .


    She gets used to the country life .

    These are childrens’ books .


    The man waiting outside is a new comer .

    Is there anything planned for this evening ?


    He has no food to eat .

    Has he a house to live in ?

    She has no friends to talk with .


    The woman of great wealth is my niece .


    This is the place where he works .





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