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The football match


  Don’t keep on asking such silly questions. 不要老问这些怪问题。

  11. I expect that was funny. 我料想那是有趣的。

   句中expect 是动词,意思是“认为;料想”是虚拟语气。如:

  I expect that he went to town yesterday.  我以为他明天进城去。

  — Will he be late ? — 他会不会迟到?

  — I expect so. — 我想会的。

  I don’t expect so. 相当于I expect not. 我想不会的。

  12. …and it’s quite easy for players to get hurt.……运动员受伤是很容易的。

       get, turn, become三个词都可作系动词用,表示状态的变化,后跟表语,但三个词的用法稍有不同。get强调情感、气候和环境的变化;turn强调色彩的变化;而become则强调职务、职称等的变化。如:

  (1)The days are getting shorter and shorter in winter.


  (2)She couldn’t answer the question and her face turned red.


  (3)-- How long have you been a teacher?-- For ten years.


     When did you become a teacher? – Ten years ago.





  情景l Jane was busy yesterday. She was working in her office all evening. Her friends Mary and Jack came to visit her. They were waiting in her house the whole evening. Jane finished her work at last. She came home at nine. But Mary and Jack had left her house before nine. They didn t see each other. What a pity!

 此番情景可以用时间轴来表示, 在轴上标出说话时间,过去 (即Jane came home的时间),过去的过去(即Mary and Jack left的时间)。将句子写在黑板上,并用彩色笔标出at与before两个词。

  Jane came home at nine.

  Mary and Jack had left her house before nine.

  帮助学生理解at nine,在九点;before nine,九点前就…… (动词要用过去完成时)

  情景2 Meimei and I were making dumplings for supper yesterday. We decided to have a contest to see who could make dumplings faster. We started our contest at 5 o clock and stopped it at 5 :15. At 5 :5, Meimei was making her 24th dumpling. By that time I had already finished 27 dumplings. I won!

  用时间轴表示出时间关系,在黑板上写出句子,说明at 5:15(在五点一刻);by that time,(到五点一刻时为止)。

  At 5:15, Meimei was making her 24th dumpling.

  By that time I had already finished 27 dumplings. (动词用过去完成时)

  情景3 要求学生就情景3讲出一个用过去完成时造出的句子。West Hill Farm is a
beautiful place and there are many sheep, cows, dogs and horses there. I like to go there very much. In the autumn of 1995, I went there for the first time. Last year, I went there twice with my parents. So by the end of last year .... 让学生自己续完句子:

  By the end of last year, I had been to West Hill Farm three times.

  情景4 Lucy and Lily went to West Hill Farm yesterday. They were helping a farmer do the farm work in the morning. At that time he was in town. He came back at noon and found…


  milk the cows / by noon take the sheep to the fields / by noon

  give the horses their food / by noon clean the pigsty / by noon

  2.教学中提醒学生注意主句和从句中谓语动词所表示的动作发生的先后。在已经学过的带有宾语从句和状语从句的复合句中,经常存在先后两个动作。先发生的动作往往用过去完成时,后发生的动作用过去时。如:He said that he had already watched the football match.句中看球赛的动作发生在他说话之前 ,即他说话时看球赛的动作已经完成 。又如:When I got to the station, the train had already left. 火车离开的动作发生在我到达车站之前。



《The football match(第4页)》

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