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  关于so that句型的教学建议

  由so…that引导的状语从句是本单元另一个语法重点。这个语法点并不难理解,教师应使学生认识这个句型表达的意思; so后面是跟形容词还是副词由so前面的谓语动词类型决定。

  教师事先准备好画有jacket, shoes, socks, shirt, sweater, suit, trousers等衣物的图片,以及写有cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small等词的卡片。把he,she,we,they,John,I写在黑板上,然后出示相应的图片和卡片,造句如下:

  The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it.

  This pair of trousers are so long that I can't wear them.


  教师先让全班做快速口头造句练习,然后板书一部分例句,简要分析这个句型的构成及意义和使用场合。接着半班,行排之间进行快速口头连锁造句比赛。两组轮流造句,不能重复。教师限定时间,造句多且准确的组为优胜。接着要求学生口头完成练习册练习题。检查核对答案后,根据Study and practise和上面口头完成的两个练习,笔头造句。并要他们注意使用不同类型的谓语动词。对造句子多且好的学生应予以奖励。 


  本单元教学的主要交际项目是有关“购物 (shopping)”的日常用语。这个交际项目曾在第一册、第二册出现过。本单元的教学应在归纳总结以前知识的基础上,采用多种教学手段和教学形式,使学生对“购物”这项交际项目有更全面的了解,并逐步掌握购物过程中“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的不同表达形式。建议教师采用如下教学步骤:

  教师准备出示画有shop, sweater,shoes的图片或学习用品的实物,并要求一位学习好的学生配合教师演示如下对话:

  1. (出示sweater 图片)

  T: My sweater is worn out.

  S: You can buy one in the shop. It sells clothes there.

  T: I want to go shopping now. Can you come with me, please? I can't decide which sweater to buy.

  S: Let me help you.

  2. S shopkeeper: What can I do for you?

  C customer: I'd like two woolen sweaters for my friend.

  S: Well, which colour do you like?

  C: Blue.

  S: What size do you want?

  C: Size Ten.

  S: What about this one?

  C: It looks nice. Can I try it on, please?

  S: Certainly.

  C: Well, how much does it cost?

  S: Eighty-five yuan.

  C: Oh. That's cheap. I'll have it, please.








  Can I help you? What can I do for you? Which would you like? How many/much do you

  want? Is that all? Do you like…? What about …? Which one/ colour / …do you like? What

  size do you want? Is this one better? OK/Certainly. Here you are. No hurry. Please take your

  time! I'm afraid we haven't got any …in that size at the moment. I'm sorry. We've sold out.

  the… in your size. But we've got some… ones.


  I want to buy (some) … (for…) this evening/afternoon/morning. Thank you. / Yes, please. I want … of..., please. I would like ..., please. I'd like… for … No. And some …please. I want some … About… (数量), please. We'll/Ill have a look at the …Thank you. I like the colour, but it's/they're too… /No, the colour's too .... It's great, but it's not… enough. /They are great, but they're not …enough. I prefer…, but this… is too… ! That's too … Yes. That's just right. Have you got any other kind/ colour /size? That looks nice/great. Can/May I try them/it on, please? Have you got anything cheaper?

  谈论价格并做决定:(顾客)How much does it cost?/ How much do they cost? How much are these things? That's (much) too expensive, I'm afraid. That's (quite) cheap/dear. That's a bit expensive. I like it, but it costs too much. / I like them, but they cost too much. I can't decide. I'll take it. I'll just buy…

  售货员:Let me see…(价格),…yuan /dollars please. You haven't paid for it yet. That's the cheapest/most expensive … we have, I'm afraid.

Lesson 53 教学设计示例

 Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector, Pictures

 Teaching Objectives:

  1. Learn some dialogues.

  2. Learn some useful expressions.

 Language Focus: be excited, be worn out.

          I don’t think I’ll take it.

 Teaching Procedures:

  I. Show the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check the homework and revise the names of articles of clothing by showing the students pictures or the real thing. Ask:

  What’s this ? What colour is it? What’s it made of?

  III. Leading in

  Get the students to look at the pictures, they are all advertisement of the shoes. There are all kinds of clothing. And say: Today I want to buy a new pair of shoes. Do you know why? Because my shoes are old enough, they are worn out, I can’t wear them to school or any other place. Show an old pair of shoes to the class to help the students to understand the dialogue.

  IV. Presentation

  Say: Now I want to buy some new sho


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