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The worlds population


  本单元的语法重点是过去将来时。过去将来时是表示对过去某一时间来说将要发生的动作或状况。通常用would或was/were going to+动词原形来表示。如:He said he would go to his hometown for the Spring Festival. 他说他将回家乡去过春节。

  They told me that they would visit China the next week.他们告诉我他们下星期将访问中国。

  She said that she was going to do some shopping the next day. 她说她第二天将去买东西。


Make sentences中的句子:

  I didn’t know that they would be able to buy another car.

  My uncle never knew that a car would cost more than a house.

  意思是:“我当时不知道他们会买另一辆新车。” “我叔叔当时不知道一辆汽车会比一幢房子贵。”


  She was our new teacher and she would be 30 years old that year. We all liked her very much and we were going to have a party for her birthday. 她那时是我们的新老师。她那一年就到30岁了。我们非常喜欢她,打算为她举办一次生日聚会。

  The small children did not know who filled their stockings.

  The small children did not know who would fill their stockings.小孩子们不知道谁将往他们的袜子里塞东西。

  They didn't know what would be in their stockings.小孩子们不知道谁将往他们的袜子里塞东西。


  I didn't know that they would be all there. 我不知道他们都会去那儿。

  They didn't know whether we would win or not. 他们不知道我们是否会取胜。

  He told Jim not to worry. He would take care of Polly. 他告诉吉姆不必担心,他会照看波利的。

  He said he was going to send me a Christmas card. 他说他将会给我寄一张圣诞卡。

  I couldn't decide which school I would go to. 我当时无法决定上哪一所学校。




  Number            Chinese      English

  l0,000            一万      ten thousand

  100,000           十万      hundred thousand

  1,000,000        百万      million

  l0,000,000       千万      ten million

  l00,000,000      亿        hundred million

  l,000,000,000   十亿      thousand million/billion

  在处理第三部分Ask and answer时,可用世界地图,从中国人口谈起,如:This is China. How many people are there in China? 然后换句话问:What's the population of China? 鼓励学生从上下文中猜测population的词义。引导学生答出:About 1,200,000,000,接下来再问:Do you think it will grow? 等。这样反复练习几个国家后,再让学生打开书分小组做替换练习。



  The world's population is growing very fast. This is a big problem.

  Can anyone tell me why? 引导学生认识到世界人口的迅速增长会带来粮食缺少,就业困难和住房紧张等问题,并由此引出课文题目Standing room only。


  the number of babies born in one minute

  the number of babies born in one hour

  the world's population two thousand years ago

  the world's population in 1990

  阅读课文后,可以让学生分组讨论课文中提出的人口增长的问题,进一步认识到中国实行计划生育(Family planning)政策的必要性和深远意义。也可以做角色表演(Role play),其中一人是《中学生报》记者,另一人是人口问题专家,小记者和专家可根据课文内容就世界人口问题进行问答,然后互换角色。还可留作家庭作业进一步练习、巩固。

Lesson 49 教学设计示例
Period: The First Period

Content: Lesson 49

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; flashcards.

Teaching Objectives:

  1. Let the students say the numbers.

  2. Learn some new words and useful expressions.

Language focus: population, million, billion, increase, grow, What’s the population of Germany?

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Showing tile teaching aims

 II. Revision

  Revise the numbers between 1 and 100.

 III. Presentation

  Use flashcards or numbers on the blackboard to revise one hundred, present a thousand in the same way. Then present ten thousand/ a hundred thousand/ a million and a billion

  Give the students plenty of practice in reading these numbers. Point out the differences between English and Chinese for 10 000 and 100 000.

 IV. Drill

  Part 1. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Show numbers on the blackboard, to give the students more practice in saying the numbers.

 V. Presentation

  Present more difficult numbers, then go through the model. Point out how commas are u

《The worlds population(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: A doctor for animals
  • 下一篇范文: When was it built?

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