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[13] Estes W K,Campbell J A,Hatsopoulos N,et al.Bae-rateneglects in category learning:A comparison of parallel ne 《贝叶斯推理研究综述(第3页)》
[2] Eddy D.M.Probabilistic reasoning in clinic medicine:Problemsand opportunities.In:
Kahneman D,Slovic P,Tverskey A.ed.Judgementunder uncertainty:Heuristics and biases.
Cambridge UniversityPress,1982.249-267
[3] Kahneman D,Tversky A.Subjective probability:A judgementof representativeness.
Cognitive Psychology,1972,3:430-454
[4] Kahneman D,Slovic P,Tversky A.Judgement under uncertainty:Heuristics and biases.
Cambridge,England:Cambridge UniversityPress,1982
[5] Cassecells W,Schoenberger A,Crayboys T.Interpretation byphysicians of clinical
laboratory results.New England Journalof Medicine,1978,299:999-1000
[6] Bar-Hillel M.The base rate fallacy in probabilityjudgements.Acta Psychology,1980,44:
[7] Gigerenzer G,Hell W,Blank H.Presentation and content:Theuse of base rates
as a continuous variable.Journal ofExperimental Psychology:Human Perception
and Performance,1988,14:513-525
[8] Gigerenzer G,Hoffrage U.How to improve Bayesian Reasoningwithout instruction:
Frequency fomats.Psychological Rewiew,1995,102(4):684-704
[9] Lewis C,Keren G.On the difficulties underlying Bayesianreasoning:A comment on
Gigerenzer and Hofrage.PsychologicalRev
[10] Fiedler C,Brinkmann B,Betsch T,Wild B.A sampling approachto biases in conditional
probabilityjudgments:Beyond base rateneglect and statistical format.Journal of
Experimental Psychology:General,2000,129:399-418
[11] Lovett M C,Schuun C D.Task Rpresentation,StrategyVariability,and Base-Rate Neglect.Journal of ExperimentalPsychology:General,1999,128(2):107-130
[12] Gluck M A,Bower G.From conditioning to category learning:An adaptive network
model.Journal of Experimental psychology:General,1988,117:227-247
[13] Estes W K,Campbell J A,Hatsopoulos N,et al.Bae-rateneglects in category learning:A comparison of parallel ne 《贝叶斯推理研究综述(第3页)》