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Merry Christmas!



  1.掌握本单元的一些词汇,特别是短语as well, even though, no longer等的用法。

  2.能理解、运用类似“That sounds like fun”的句式,除be以外,可以作系动词的还有look, become, turn, taste, sound, feel等。

  3.进一步学习动词不定式,特别是不定式和疑问词连用,构成不定式短语,充当句子成分的结构。如:I don’t know where to go.

  4.能够熟练地谈论西方重要的节日Christmas Day,掌握有关圣诞节的一些常识和用语。

  5.能就Jesus Christ 的有关传说,结合Christmas Day,写一篇短文a short passage。同时比较Christmas Day和The Spring Festival的异同点。


    本单元以庆祝“圣诞节”为中心,叙述了Christmas Day的有关习俗、常识。引出了“Jesus Christ”的故事,以问题讨论的方式论述了中西方人民最重要节日的不同。进一步复习了现在完成时态以及have (has)  been (to) 与have (has) gone (to)的用法。在复习不定式基本知识的同时,进一步深入学习了动词不定式作定语的用法及和特殊疑问词连用,构成不定式短语的用法。通过本单元的学习,我们要能够比较Christmas Day和the Spring Festival的异同点,可以采用group discussion方式。并就此进行写作训练,试着写一篇The Spring Festival的短文,可参照“Christmas Day”。



  1. Merry Christmas  圣诞快乐    

  2. put up      挂起

  3. come true     变成现实          

  4. as well      也

  5. at the top of the tree 在树的顶端

  6. Christmas Eve   平安夜          

  7. no longer     不再

  8. circle…around   缠绕

  9. on top of     在……顶部

  10. fill…with…   用……装满

  11. be based on    根据,基于

  12. even thought / if  即使

  13. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

  14. spend…(in) doing… 花费……做……

  15. Once upon a time  很久以前

  16. tell sb. of / about  告诉某人……

  17. give birth to    生产;分娩


  1. Me, too. 我也一样。(为了避免上句的重复使用。)

    如:— Happy New Year!

   — Me, too. (= Happy New Year!)

  2. 祝愿用语

  Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

  3. 其他

  That sounds like fun. 那听起来很有趣。

  The tree looks beautiful now! 那树现在看起来很漂亮!

  He has never been to England. 他从没去过英国。

  What do you mean by…? 你说的……是什么意思?

  I’m glad you’re here.  我很高兴你在这儿。

  I’ve never been out of China before.  我以前从没离开过中国。



  1. To be here at Christmas time is a dream.

  that has come true!


  句中的to be here作主语,是动词不定式作主语。that引导的从句在句中作dream的定语。

  【例】To help her is necessary. = It’s necessary to help her.


  动词不定式在句中可以作主语,有时可以用it来作形式主语。To be here at Christmas time is a dream. =  It’s a dream to be here at Christmas time.

  2. Let’s help decorate the tree.



  Today is Tom’s birthday. They are decorating the sitting room.


  另外,let sb. do sth. 意思是“让某人做某事”,必须省去to的动词不定式;help (sb.) do sth. = help (sb.) to do sth. 意思是“帮助某人做某事”,可省略to,也可不省略to。如:

  Let’s help carry some water for the old woman. Let Ted help her to carry the heavy box.


  3. Then we circle them around the tree and you pass them back to me until we have put lights on the whole tree.


    circle(V.)   “环绕,绕圈子”。如:

  The birds circled around in the air.


  circle (n.) “圆,圈子”。如:

  Tom has a large circle of friends. They often draw a circle on the ground to play the game.


  4. Children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.


    at the end of…意思是“在……终点,在……末梢”,通常指地点;by the end of…意思是“到……底之前”,通常指时间;in the end 意思是“最后,终于”,相当于at last. 如:

  By the end of this term, we’ve learnt one thousand English words. Yesterday, we went to buy some new English book. At the end of the Hongan street, there is a supermarket. But we couldn’t find any English book there. In the end we reached the corner of a book market and find what we wanted.


  5. Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well.


  1)pet (n.) 供玩赏的动物;受宠爱的人。如:

  He keeps a cat as a pet. And she is the teacher’s pet.


  2)as well   意思是“也;又;同样地”,放在句末。

  Are you going to do your brother’s washing as well?


   句中的as well相当于“too”

《Merry Christmas!》

  • 上一篇范文: Planting trees
  • 下一篇范文: Have a good time

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